When you reach out to Ruskington Parish Council (RPC), we will collect and store the information you share with us (such as your name, address, email address, and phone number). This allows us to get in touch with you, respond to your messages, offer advice, share information, and send invoices and receipts related to the services we provide. Rest assured, your personal information will not be shared with any third party without your prior consent.
Parish Clerk
Kathryn Locke
E-mail: clerk@ruskington-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 01526 834483
Responsible Finance Officer
Kirsty Sinclair
Email: rfo@ruskington-pc.gov.uk
Ruskington Parish Council Signpost Magazine, Website and Social Media
Scott Johnstone
Email: admin@ruskington-pc.gov.uk
Parish Council Address
The Parish Office
7-9 High Street North
NG34 9DY
Position | Incumbent | Contact Details |
Chairman |
Councillor Owen Ditch |
cllrditch@ruskington-pc.gov.uk |
Vice Chairman |
Councillor Graham Cox |
cllrcox@ruskington-pc.gov.uk |
Member |
Councillor Mike Trolley |
cllrtrolley@ruskington-pc.gov.uk |
Member |
Councillor Dr Sheena Cotter |
cllrcotter@ruskington-pc.gov.uk |
Member |
Councillor Luke Tomlinson |
cllrtomlinson@ruskington-pc.gov.uk |
Member |
Councillor Anne Jennings |
cllrjennings@ruskington-pc.gov.uk |
Member |
Councillor Christopher Bain |
cllrbain@ruskington-pc.gov.uk |
Member |
Councillor David Conway |
cllrdconway@ruskington-pc.gov.uk |