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Welcome to Ruskington Parish Council

Ruskington Parish Council consists of 13 councillors (currently 5 vacancies).

The Parish Council meets on the second Tuesday of every month (except August) at the Winchelsea Centre, 11 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY.

There is no Council meeting in August. 

All Council meetings start at 7pm, commencing with a public session and are open to the public and press. Residents are welcome to attend the public forum and raise any concerns about the parish or suggest any projects or ideas for the village.  Alternatively, residents may submit a question or short statement to the Clerk in advance of the meeting. 

The Council has 4 committees, Human Resources, Finance, Estate Managemnet & Planning, Recreation & Environment. Each committee meets at least 4 times per year.

Extra-ordinary and additional meetings may be held as required. Please see the Notice of Meetings, the noticeboard and our Facebook page for details and agendas of all Council and Committee meetings.


Your Parish Councillors

Councillor Owen Ditch - Chairman

Councillor Graham Cox - Vice Chairman

Councillor Dr Sheena Cotter

Councillor Michael Trolley

Councillor Luke Tomlinson

Councillor Anne Jennings

Councillor Christopher Bain

Councillor David Conway

Councillor Register of Interests

Council Staff

The Clerk and Proper Officer to the Council - Mrs Kathryn Locke

The Deputy Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer - Miss Kirsty Sinclair

Administration Assistant - Mr Scott Johnstone

Caretaker (Environment & Grounds) - Mr Andrew Doughty

Caretaker (Buildings & Play Equipment) - Mr Steven Collett

Caretaker (Village) - Vacant

Office Cleaner - Claire Raynor


Recreation and Environment Committee

Cllr Cotter (Vice-chairman)

Cllr Cox (Chairman)

Cllr Tomlinson

Cllr Trolley

Estate Management and Planning Committee

Cllr Trolley (Chairman)

Cllr Tomlinson

Cllr Conway

Cllr Ditch

Finance Committee

Cllr Ditch (Chairman)

Cllr Cox (Vice-chairman)

Cllr Cotter

Cllr Bain

Cllr Trolley

HR Committee

Cllr Bain (Chairman)

Cllr Cox

Cllr Jennings

Cllr Conway

Subject leads

Environment – Cllr Cotter

Recreation - Cllr Cox

Planning – Cllr Trolley

HR – Cllr Bain

Communication – Cllr Bain

Buildings – Cllr Tomlinson

Communication Working Party

Cllr Bain

Cllr Conway

Scott Johnstone  - Admin Assistant

Business Planning Working Party (Under the direction of the Finance Committee)

Cllr Bain

Kirsty Sinclair – Deputy Clerk & RFO

Kathryn Locke - Clerk to Council