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27 September 2022

Ruskington Parish Council


Minutes of an ordinary meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held on Tuesday 27 September 2022 at the Winchelsea Centre, High Street North Ruskington, NG34 9DY at 7pm.



G Conway


S Tonge, O Ditch, Cllr Cox, P Cotter, P Cunningham, M Trolley

Also, in attendance:

Mrs Kathryn Locke (Clerk to Council), Cty and D/ Councillor R Wright, D/Cllr T Boston.


Cllr Tomlinson

Two members of the public were in attendance.


The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.00pm. A one-minute silence was held in remembrance of the late HM Queen Elizabeth II following her death on 8 September 2022.


The members of the public were observing the meeting as part of the Council’s co-option process and had no questions to ask or issues to raise.


1. Apologies for absence.

Cllr Tomlinson was not present at the meeting and had sent valid apologies.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept the apologies. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approve unanimously.


2. Declarations of interest and to consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.

Cllr Cotter declared an interest in Agenda item 10.2. and informed Council that her husband was one on the contractors who had quoted for the decorating work at the pavilion.

Cllr Conway declared an interest in Agenda item 9.5b as the planning application was for a property that neighboured his own.


3. To approve as a correct record the notes of an extra-meeting held on Wednesday 17 August 2022.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes of the extra-ordinary meeting as accurate Minutes with one inaccuracy amended. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved with 5 votes for and 2 abstentions (had not been present at the meeting.)

The Chairman signed the Minutes.


4. Financial Matters (Information previously circulated).

   4.1. To consider approval of payments made in July and August 2022.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously.

   4.2. To consider approval of the bank reconciliations for July and August 2022.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliations. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously.

   4.3. To receive the internal auditor’s report if available.

This was not yet available.


5. To receive an update on the co-option to Ruskington Parish Council.

Three expressions of interest had been received. Two applicants had returned application forms, met with a councillor and the Clerk, and were observing this meeting, in accordance with the Council’s co-option policy.


6. To review and adopt the following policies:

   6.1. Advertising

   6.2. Social media

   6.3. Communication

   6.4. Complaints

   6.5. Health & Safety as recommended by the HR Committee

   6.6. Dignity at Work as recommended by the HR Committee

   6.7. To consider the Council signing the NALC Respect & Civility pledge. (Information circulated prior to the meeting.)

Action: The Council RESOLVED to adopt all the above policies, with one amendment to the social media policy, and to sign the NALC Respect and Civility pledge. Proposed by Cllr Cunningham, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously.


7. Estate Management Committee - Cllr Conway, Chairman of the Estate Management Committee.

Cllr Conway provided an overview.

   7.1. To consider the drawings and specification for the office refurbishment following a meeting with Rick Smith Design on 9 August 2022.

The drawings had been circulated prior to the meeting and were available to view at the meeting.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the architect’s plans without amendment. The tender pack could be created. Contractors would have four weeks from the date the tender pack was published to submit their applications. A date for the work to start was also to be included, and site visits were to be encouraged. Cllr Cunningham would contact the Planning Officer at NKDC to see if a variation on the application could be considered to allow the two downstairs windows in the parish office to open for ventilation. If not, a planning application would be required to change the windows to ones that could open.  Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously.


8. Environment Committee - Cllr Conway, Chairman of the Environment Committee.

   8.1. To receive an update from Lincolnshire Co-op on the access to and an extension of the community garden, into Co-op land, if available.

The Co-op and Diocese had both approved the use of the Co op land as an extension to the community garden and the lease agreement had been received for review. It was a three-year lease with a rent of £1.00 per annum. No permanent structures including the planting of trees in the ground were permitted.

Action: The requested height of the fence (1.2m) was to be queried with the Co-op as this was thought to be too low.

   8.2. To receive information on the zero-carbon project and funding following a meeting with the LCC Sustainability Team on 10 August 2022.

Funding of up to £5,000 was available and could be used for a variety of projects to help reduce the carbon-footprint of the parish office, such as solar panels for the office roof and installing nesting boxes. The Sustainability Officer was meeting with the LCC Finance Officer to find out if the expenditure could be spent after April 2023, as this may be required.

   8.3. To consider the purchase of an electric vehicle for use by Council employees when the current van lease expires in 2023.

The RFO had circulated figures to show costs and comparisons. The lease for the current van expires in 2023. The cost to lease the same van had risen by £900.

Action: The Council RESOLVED for the RFO to further research electric vans and include hybrid vans.  Proposed by Cllr Tonge, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.

   8.4. To consider the installation of an electric charging point at the office for the parish vehicle.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the installation of an electric charging point if an electric van was leased. Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.

   8.5. To consider applying to NKDC for the Litter Picking Grant 2022-2023.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to apply for the litter picking grant. Proposed by Cllr Tonge, seconded by Cllr Trolley an approved unanimously.

   8.6. To consider the best tree to plant, and its location, in the Garden of Remembrance, to commemorate the late HM Queen Elizabeth II, and agree any expenditure.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to plant an upright flowering cheery tree in the Garden of Remembrance at the location shown on a map of the garden to avoid the overhead power cables but be in line with the tree planted in memory of the late HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. An oak tree kindly donated by Mr Andrew Doughty would be planted in Horseshoe Hollow. Both trees would be in memorial to the late HM Queen Elizabeth II. Proposed by Cllr Tonge, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved unanimously.

   8.7. To consider the acceptance of a Community Wildlife Grant of £190.00 from LCC for wildflower seeds for Horseshoe Hollow.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept the Community Wildlife Grant. Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously.

   8.8. To consider the purchase of ramps for the yard steps to allow the safe manoeuvres of machinery at a cost of no more than £340.00 excluding VAT.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to purchase the ramps at a cost of no more than £340.00 excluding VAT. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.


9. Planning – Applications received, withdrawn, and approved since the last meeting.

Cllr Cunningham gave an overview of the planning applications below.

   9.1. To approve the notes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 12 July 2022.

This was overlooked at the meeting and would be deferred to the next meeting.

   9.2 To consider the following planning applications:

      a. Reference: 22/0966/FUL

Removal of existing conservatory roof and replace with new masonry and flat

Roof Location: Cherry Tree Lodge 34 Station Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire

     b. Reference: 22/1069/HOUS

Proposal: Erection of two storey side extension and single storey front extension. Location: 11 Sycamore Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9BU.

     c. Application Reference: 22/0542/FUL

Proposal: Proposed Change of use to garden land. Location: Land At The End Of Whitehouse Road Ruskington. Withdrawn by the applicant and no further action will be taken.

     d. Application Reference: 22/0502/PNND

Proposal: Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 5 dwellinghouses

(Class C3). Location: Poultry Farm Lincoln Road Ruskington. Application withdrawn following consideration of planning issues.

     e. Application Reference: 22/1178/HOUS

Proposal: Erection of a single storey attached open sided garden room (retrospective).

Location: 9 Cedar Close Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9FH

Action: Ruskington Parish Council supported this application.

     f. Application Reference: 22/1296/HOUS

Proposal: Erection of single storey front extension and single storey side and rear

Extensions. Location: 15 Sleaford Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9BP

Action: Ruskington Parish Council supported this application.

   9.3. To receive information on the followed planning applications approved by NKDC.

       a. Reference: 22/0747/FUL

Proposal: Erection of 2 wooden sheds (retrospective)

Location: 31-31A High Street North Ruskington Sleaford

      b. Reference: 22/0840/FUL

Proposal: Siting of a single storey modular classroom building for a 5-year period.

Location: St Georges Academy Sleaford Road Ruskington

      c. Reference: 22/0966/FUL

Proposal: Removal of existing conservatory roof and replace with new masonry and flat roof. Location: Cherry Tree Lodge 34 Station Road Ruskington

   9.4. To consider street names for the proposed development off Whitehouse Road, in accordance with NKDC’s street naming policy (previously circulated).

Action: Possible names were discussed but the matter was deferred to the next meeting.

   9.5. To receive information on planning appeals.

      a. Proposed Site at 70 Sleaford Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire

Planning Reference 21/0343/FUL

Appeal Reference APP/R2520/W/21/3292618

Proposed 2no. dwellings with attached garages and erection of a garage for no.70

with associated works. Appeal dismissed.

      b. Proposed Site at 70 Sleaford Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire

Planning Reference 21/1073/FUL. Appeal Reference APP/R2520/W/22/3297092

Erection of dwelling, associated works and parking for no. 70 Sleaford Road

(Revised submission of 21/0343/FUL). Appeal Allowed.


10. Recreation Committee – Cllr Cox, Chairman of the Recreation Committee

Cllr Cox advised that the Walking Football Team were no longer using the MUGA and had moved to a Sleaford venue with a surface they considered more suitable for the sport.

Action: The fees paid in advance for the hire of the MUGA would be refunded to the Walking Football Team.

   10.1. To receive an update on the refurbishment of Parkfield play area.

The refurbishment had commenced on 21 September 2022.

Action: The turf removed from the play area to be re-laid in the football goal mouths if the turf was in good enough condition.

   10.2. To consider the quotes for painting the changing rooms, if available.

Cllr Cotter, having declared an interest in this item, left the room while the matter was considered.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to postpone the painting of the interior of the changing room until the next financial year.  Once deep cleaned, the changing rooms would be put into immediate use.  A non-slip floor was not a requirement. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.

Cllr Cotter was re-joined the meeting.

   10.3.  To consider the application to use an area of Parkfield playing field for children’s rugby activities on Saturday mornings, term time only. (Information previously circulated.)

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the application for the children’s rugby activities. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously.


11. To consider the second proof of the village map and agree any further amendments.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the following amendments: a) Horseshoe Hollow Nature Reserve would be renamed on the map as Horseshoe Hollow – Wildlife Area; b) All street names to be added to the map.


12. To consider how Council can support a warm space initiative.

Action: Residents to be encouraged to visit local venues such as the library, public houses, cafes, and restaurants, and to attend community led activities and groups.


13. Remembrance Day and Remembrance Sunday arrangements.

On 26 September 2022, Rev’d Jenkins had met with the Cllr Conway, Chairman of Council; Cllr Tonge who was responsible for managing the volunteers on the day; the Environment Caretaker who was responsible for putting out the road closure notices and barriers, and the Clerk. The event would follow the same running order as last year. LCC had approved the road closure application. Church Street would be left closed a little longer to allow for the safe dispersal of the public following the service in the Garden of Remembrance.


14.  Correspondence - for information only. (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).

   a. NKDC – Receipt of Code of Conduct forms and new disclosable pecuniary and other registrable interest forms.

   b. Resident – Horseshoe Hollow

   c. NKDC – bin collection information

   d. LCC Sustainability Team – Ruskington selected as a pilot for a zero- carbon project with £5.000 of grant funding for projects.

   e. Rural Policing Team – latest newsletter

   f. YMCA – Age-friendly Business Awards.

   g.  Rippon Homes – Street names for the proposed housing development off Whitehouse Road.

   h. LALC – LALC News, issue 178

   i. Central Lincolnshire Local Plan - Submission of the Local Plan to the Secretary of State for examination, and the Regulation 22 (3) Notice of Submission.

   j. Lower Witham Flood Resilience Project Team – Project newsletter

   k. LALC- Civility & Respect information and pledge for councils

   l. NK Talking Planning - Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal and Consultation

   m. LCC – Remembrance and Constitutional Parade Training 2022

   n. Lincolnshire County Council - The Good Home Alliance and survey

   o. Environment Agency – Support for signing residents up for flood alerts

   p. NALC and LALC – Meetings during the period of national mourning for HM Queen Elizabeth II.

   q. Anglian Water – Information on the two proposed reservoirs for Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire.

   r. NKDC – e-news

   s. LALC – e-news 


15. To receive Councillors’ reports for information only and items for inclusion on the next agenda.

Cllr Conway reported that the village had a new Police Officer named Jim Conway (no relation to the Councillor) and that the Youth Club would be re-starting in October.

Cllr Cotter advised that a lecturer at Lincoln University had asked about the possibility of using the proposed makeover of the pavilion as a project for students studying architecture at the university. This would be considered at the next meeting. Cllr Cox asked for ideas for the pavilion, which already included creating a community café.

Cllr Cunningham gave an update on the poor condition and fly-tipping at the former garage at Speedway Corner and asked Cllr Wright for support. The site was being investigated by NKDC as a priority case although ownership of the site was proving difficult to ascertain.

Cllr Tonge advised, on behalf of Cllr Tomlinson, that the Lions JFC were not using the kitchen in the pavilion, but the improvements were being made as agreed and the Lions would register the kitchen with NKDC.

Cllr Ditch advised that he had undertaken an audit of the workshop on 30 August 2022 and had provided recommendations. A review of the workshop and its use was required and would be considered at the next meeting. Further H&S audits were to be undertaken.


16. To receive District and County Councillors’ Reports – for information only.

D/Cllr Boston advised that:

  • An independent auditor was required for NKDC to audit how NKDC operated. The auditor would be a member of the audit committee and receive a small honorarium.

Cty and D/Cllr Wright reported the following:

  • Complaints of noise from a public house had been received. All information to be sent to Neil Chadwick, Licensing Manager at NKDC, so this could be investigated.
  • Hosts for Ukrainian families were still required.
  • Details of two reservoirs proposed for Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire were available on the Anglian Water website. The final decision on the reservoirs would be made by the Secretary of State.
  • NKDC has spent £7.1 million in grants, supporting local residents, such as test and trace and housing support, and discretionary payments.
  • The inaugural meeting of the integrated Care Partnership had taken place and Cllr Wright was the representative all the district councils.
  • The crossing on Rectory Road still required parts fitting, and a schedule for the work agreeing. It would be beacons with no button to press. The crossing-patrol warden had been re-deployed.
  • LCC had not agreed a date for the re-surfacing of High Street South.
  • Cllr Wright was chasing a date for the gullies and drains on High Street North to be inspected and roots and debris removed to prevent incidences of flooding.
  • All issue must be reported via Fix My Street.


17. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following staffing matters.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to exclude the public and press to discuss the staffing matters below.

The meeting closed at 8.54pm and the District Councillors and members of the public left the building. After a comfort break, the meeting re-convened at 9.10pm.


18. To receive the review of the performance and welfare of a Council employee following an HR Committee meeting held on 26 September 2022, and independent HR advice.

Cllr Ditch presented an update.  All HR and legal guidance had been followed. Council was aware of the impact on the employee’s line-manager, colleagues, and the Council.


19. To consider the hours and pay scale for the office assistant post as recommended by the HR Committee.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the recommendation of a 0.5 post for the office assistant. Actual hours (up to 18.5 hours per week) to be agreed with the successful candidate. The NJC pay scale would be used as guidance, commencing on SCP 7 with a cap at SCP 12. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously.


20. To consider a request from an employee regarding increasing their working hours to full time.

This had been considered by the HR Committee at its meeting on 26 September 2022 and a recommendation for full time made.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the request from the employee to increase their hours to full time (37 hours per week) commencing on 1 April 2023.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.47pm.

Clerk’s Report for September meeting.

Meeting date: 13 September 2022

Author: Kathryn Locke – Clerk to Council

Purpose of report: To provide an update report from the Clerk on business conducted since the last Council meeting held on 12 July 2022.

Allotments – The leases commence on 1 October and the RFO has emailed or hand delivered lease agreements to all allotment holders. A complaint about weeds and poor yield from one allotment holder has been responded to with suggestions by the RFO following advice from the Environment Committee. A couple of allotment holders have been contacted regarding the condition of their plot, but on the whole the allotments are being properly cultivated.

Audit of workshop areas – Cllr Ditch conducted an internal audit of the workshop areas on 30 August 2022.  Recommendations have been made and the work has commenced.

Community GardenThe Co-op are drawing up a draft lease for RPC to approve. It was hoped that the land can be handed over on 6 September 2022. The Diocese has given consent for the project but the lease is awaited from the Co op solicitor.

Co-option to Ruskington Parish Council – No election was called following the resignation of Cllr Lupton, therefore there are 5 councillor vacancies. These are advertised on social media, the noticeboard, the website, and Signpost magazine. Two residents have submitted application forms and have met with Cllr Ditch and the Clerk as per Council’s co-option policy. They plan to observe the meeting on 12 September 2022. Voting on their co-option would take place at the meeting on 11 October 2022.

Christmas 2022 – letters to businesses on the High Street and Church Street have been issued. The 16 ft tree has been ordered. Delivery will be Mon 21 Nov 2022 (along with the trees for brackets and free-standing trees for outside the church and Methodist Church, and hopefully the Reading Rooms.) (Agenda item)

Large Christmas Tree – this was approved by LCC Highways on 19/7/2022. To avoid a mains gas main, to prevent reduction in visibility at the roundabout, and to avoid a tree, the Christmas tree will be located on the grass verge on Sleaford Rd to the left of the entrance to the Memorial Garden (when facing the garden’s entrance.)

Christmas Event: Two residents met with the RFO on 16 August to discuss a possible winter/Christmas market. Provisional date 3 December 2022.  This event is being organised by a resident who is aware exactly how RPC can help. They have been advised to have public liability insurance for the event.

Changing rooms – Quotes for the internal painting are being obtained at the request of the Recreation Committee. (Agenda item)

CCTV for the yard/garden: Global Vision installed the CCTV at the rear of the office on Friday 22 July 2022. They have yet to successfully link the cameras to the office computers and reset the monitor in the office.

Elmtree play area – The replacement swing and chain was fitted by Council caretakers on 13/9/2022. Two episodes of graffiti at Elmtree play area – photos of the graffiti, comments found on social media and screen shots of the Kng Royals have been shared with St George’s academy, as the same graffiti has been seen within the school. The caretaker has removed / painted over the graffiti and there have been no further episodes.

Estate Management Committee: Rick Smith design made a second site visit on 9 August as part of the phase 2 design plan. The drawings for the office alterations have been circulated and are available to view in the parish office. (Agenda item) An electrical contractor, following recommendation by the LCC Sustainability manager, visited the office on 6/9/2022 to provide information and what was possible and advised that a detailed plan of the electrical and data work required be made. The electrician is happy to meet with the committee/council to discuss heating and lighting and has recommended a firm who can draw up electrical wiring plans at a cost of approx. £1,600.

Funding bid – LCC has offered a £190.00 Community Wildlife Grant for seeds for wildflowers for Horseshoe Hollow. This must be formally accepted. (Agenda item)

Parish Caretaker – The successful applicant commenced in post on Tuesday 30 August 2022, following positive references and has received an induction into the post.  Feedback from residents has been positive, especially regarding the cleaning of the public toilets at weekends. Non-working days are Monday and Friday. First aid, health and safety, fire safety training have been arranged.

Parish Van – this passed its MOT on 11/7/2022. (Expires 30/7/2023). The van lease expires in 2023. An electrical vehicle is being explored by the RFO after consultation with the caretakers about their requirements for a parish vehicle. (Agenda item). The parish caretaker was insured to drive the van from 8 August 2022.

Parkfield kitchen – work is still being completed to upgrade the kitchen. The Lions need to register this with NKDC and the next environment health inspection needs to take place.

Parkfield play area refurbishment – the manufacturer has advised that the start date is delayed by 2 weeks. Now due to commence w/c 19 September 2022 and should take 3-4 weeks. Residents in the vicinity were advised of the start date for the work by letter on 5/9/2022.

Parkfield fencing - this has been completed apart from the area to the right of the village hall. This will be replaced when the new play equipment has been installed. A few posts and holes will be removed and filled in by the contractor when they return to site.

Parkfield carpark fly-tipping – fly tipping of garden waste x 2 is being investigated by RPC and NKDC.

Planters and village tubs - Ruskington Garden Centre have agreed to sponsor the tubs beside the Beck again and will plant these with winter flowering pansies next week. Trailing pansies for the planters at the entrances to the village have been ordered. The tubs at the entrance to the Memorial Garden are going to be altered to allow for more depth of soil, as the current shallow depth is not conducive to encouraging the growth of shrubs. The dead Hebes and Hellebores have been removed.

Public toilets – Two leaks in the ladies’ toilets have been repaired by a plumber and the toilets secured to the floor. The light in the gent’s has been replaced due to the last light flickering. The urinal is not self-cleaning (broken) and is becoming very smelly. NKDC has given permission for hanging baskets, brackets, and Christmas trees to be installed on the exterior of the building. The 2022 asbestos report for the toilets has been circulated to all councillors and staff. The interior of the building is in need of refurbishment and new equipment. NK has supplied information regarding regulations for hot water and the accessible toilet, but due to the lease agreement, are unable to provide any funding towards a refurbishment. Incidences of vandalism have been noted- from fly-tipping to setting fire to toilet paper. Aurora is aware and the Shoulder of Mutton have agreed their CCTV footage can be viewed as required which shows the outside of the toilets.

Remembrance Sunday (13/11/2022). The road closure request was authorised by LCC on 12/9/2022. Cllr Tonge and Andy Doughty are both trained by LCC and supervise the volunteers. Rev’d Jenkins will be meeting with the Clerk, Cllr Conway and Cllr Tonge (and any other interested councillors) on 26 September at 9.30am to discuss the event. However, the church service and parade will follow the same order and timings as last year. (Agenda item).

RoSPA play area inspections. These took place on 19 August 2022 and the reports have been circulated. (Agenda item)

Training/ events: the Clerk and RFO attended Procurement training via Zoom on 14 July 2022. The use of Edge software may be of benefit for the Council for managing the allotments, cemetery, and accounts. This is being explored further by the RFO. (Possible future agenda item.)

The Clerk and Cllr Ditch are attending “How to be an Employer” training (via Zoom) on Wednesday 14 September 2022.

Tree work – the agreed contractor will be undertaking the tree work at Horseshoe Hollow on 10 October 2022 – weather permitting. The relevant residents are aware.

Information boards for the closed church yard. These were delivered on 20 July 2022.

The caretaker installed the boards on 22 July 2022 in the 3 locations agreed with Rev’d Jenkins and Cllr Conway at a meeting held in the churchyard on 21 July 2022.

LALC website – the new website is now live and it is hoped everyone will be using this from 1 September 2022. The clerk attended training on this on 23/8/2022.

Village Hall – An extra ordinary village hall committee meeting was held on 13 July 2022. The trustee and committee are receiving support and advice from Community Lincs. The Clerk is signposting residents enquiring about becoming a committee member to the VH Chairman.

Village map and information board - The amendments were returned to the designer on 20 July 2022. The second proof is now available for review in the parish office. (Agenda item.)

Zero- carbon project for parishes - LCC sustainability team have selected Ruskington for the pilot project with up to £5,000 of grant funding available to support projects in meeting the zero-carbon aim. This funding could be used for solar panels, infra-red heating panels, bird boxes etc.