Ruskington Parish Council would like to remind residents that motor vehicles, including motorcycles (both electric and petrol-powered), are not permitted on Parkfield Playing Fields...
...unless prior permission has been granted by the Council.
This policy is in place to ensure the safety of all visitors and to help preserve the quality of the playing field surfaces for everyone to enjoy. Whether you're taking a stroll, playing a match, or letting the kids run around, we want Parkfield Playing Fields to remain a welcoming and safe environment for the whole community.
If you need to bring a vehicle onto the playing fields for a specific reason, please contact us in advance to discuss and seek permission.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain this valuable community space. Together, we can keep Parkfield Playing Fields a wonderful place for everyone to enjoy.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the Parish Council office at 01526 834483 or email enquiries@ruskington-pc.gov.uk.