a photo of flowers in the graveyard of all saints church in ruskington

Today, our community came together at All Saints Church to honour the 80th Anniversary of D-Day with a touching service of reflection.

a photo of reverend al Jenkins, the chairman of Ruskington parish council, Councillor owen ditch and the parish clerk, Kathryn Locke out side all saints church in Ruskington.

Rev. Al Jenkins, Cllr Owen Ditch (RPC Chairman) and Kathryn Locke (Parish Clerk) outside All Saints Church, Ruskington prior to the service.

The event was a heartfelt tribute to the brave heroes who sacrificed so much for our freedom.

Following the service, residents, veterans and children gathered in the Garden of Remembrance for the unveiling of the Tommy Silhouette. This powerful symbol now stands as a reminder of the courage and resilience of those who served.

Unveiling ceremony in the Garden of Remembrance

Ruskington residents, veterans and children gather in the Garden of Remembrance for the Tommy Silhouette unveiling ceremony.

Thank you to everyone who attended and participated in making this a memorable and meaningful day.

GoR Tommy Silhouette

D-Day 80 Tommy Silhouette.


Published: Thursday, 6th June 2024