Flood Alerts and Warnings
Check for flooding in your area or across the UK with the official government website. Flood alerts and warnings - GOV.UK (check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk)
Financial Support through Grants
If your property experienced internal flooding on 20th October 2023, there are potential grants available for assistance. Check out the information on possible grants at North Kesteven District Council's website.
The LCC-administered Property Flood Resilience Grant may cover the cost of surveys and flood resilience measures, such as flood doors and air brick covers, up to £5,000. For more details, visit Lincolnshire County Council's Flood Grants page.
Insurance Guidance
Explore valuable advice on insurance matters online at www.gov.uk/prepare-for-flooding/get-insurance.
Additionally, consider the Flood Re initiative, a collaboration between the government and insurers to make flood coverage more affordable in high-risk areas. Most insurance companies are now part of this initiative. Learn more about their "Build Back Better" scheme, which could aid in installing flood resilience measures during property repairs at www.floodre.co.uk.
Further details are available on their "Be Flood Smart" page: www.floodre.co.uk/be-flood-smart.
General Information on Flood Products
For general information on flood products to minimise the impact of flooding, visit the National Flood Forum's Blue Pages directory at www.bluepages.org.uk. This independent charity provides valuable advice and resources, and you can learn more about their work at nationalfloodforum.org.uk.
Flood Mary's Resources
Mary Long-Dhonau, affectionately known as Flood Mary, has been supporting communities at risk of flooding for over two decades. Explore her wealth of resources, including articles from homes and businesses that have made adaptations to recover more quickly after a flood, at www.floodmary.com. Stay informed with her recently updated flood recovery guide for householders. For news and helpful advice for communities, Mary Long-Dhonau is often featured in the media.
Storms and Rainfall Information from NKDC
Heavier than usual periods of rainfall have recently been taking a toll on many local communities, causing land saturation, higher ground water levels, flooding, and water inundation.
Below is the immediate information that’s needed to direct reports of flooding and concerns through the correct channels.
Emergency Responses
In such circumstances NK colleagues, County Emergency Services, the Environment Agency, Anglian and Severn Trent water companies, Internal Drainage Boards and other agencies work together to coordinate responses in some difficult situations.
How to Report a Flood
Lincolnshire County Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority and are responsible for managing the risk of flooding from surface water, ordinary watercourses, and groundwater. Further details can he found HERE.
Please ensure any flooding, flood risk or flooded highway is reported to Lincolnshire County Council via the following link HERE. It is essential to use this route so all information can be accurately captured and collated by the Lead Flood Authority in order to develop an understanding for future actions.
- For internal flooding (inside a property) please use Lincolnshire County Council's dedicated 24-hour flood reporting line on 01522 782082.
- For external flooding please report on Fix My Street HERE.
- By email - LCC Flood and Water Team – FloodRisk@lincolnshire.gov.uk (monitored Mon – Fri, during office hours).
Responses to those areas with risk to life will always remain the priority. If there is risk to life, contact the emergency services via 999 or 112. Please do not enter flood water – this is a task for the Emergency Services.
Farms and Agriculture
The Lincolnshire Rural Support Network can offer help and advice to farmers and growers impacted by Storm Henk in Lincolnshire, including via their helpline on 0800 138 1710.
Alternatively, flooding can be reported through the Environment Agency’s national Floodline:
- Telephone – 0345 988 1188
- Textphone – 0345 602 6340
Floodline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
When reporting a flooding incident, please provide as much factual information as possible.
Once submitted it will be checked to see whether it meets thresholds for a formal investigation, see HERE for more information. If it does not meet thresholds, we further tailored advice and guidance will be provided.
For more information visit the Lincolnshire County Council's website HERE.
Flood Warnings
The Environment Agency issues localised flood alerts and warnings which are really useful in becoming aware of any potential issue that may be developing.
By signing up for these HERE you will get the same notification as any resident who has done the same.
Details of current flood warnings can be found HERE.
Sandbag Information
The main point of contact for communities in need of sandbags is Lincolnshire County Council, as the Lead Flood Authority. This ensures consistency, an understanding of issues and out of hours cover. It is important to stress that these should not be requested as a precaution.