29 June 2021

Ruskington Parish Council


NOTES of an ordinary meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held on Tuesday 29 June 2021 at the Winchelsea Centre, High Street North Ruskington, NG34 9DY at 7.00pm.



Cllr Conway


P Cunningham, S Cotter, G Cox, O Ditch, Z Menday

Also in attendance:


Mrs Kathryn Locke (Clerk to the Parish Council)

Cllr S Tonge, Cllr M Trolley, Cllr K White, D/Cllr T Boston

Two members of the public were in attendance.


The Chairman opened the public session at 7.01pm and welcomed the members of the public. A resident, representing a group of local ecologists, raised questions concerning the frequency of grass cutting, the size of the areas to be cut and the creation of a wildflower meadow in the church yard, and asked how the decision to wild the area could be reversed. Cllr Conway responded to the questions and advised that the re-wilding of the closed church yard fulfilled local, district, national and Church of England environmental policies. The churchyard grass would be cut by the Council caretaker twice a year, in August and before winter.  A statement regarding the creation of the wildflower meadow in the churchyard would be displayed on the Council’s website. The Diocese had also prepared a statement. Other areas for re-wilding were also being considered. The resident thanked the councillors and council in appreciation for all their hard work with village matters.   `

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.19pm.

  1. Apologies for absence.

Apologies had been received from Cllr Tonge, Cllr Trolley and Cllr White and their valid reasons for absence were known.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept the apologies. Proposed by Cllr Cunningham, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved unanimously.

2. Declarations of interest and to consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.

Cllr Cunningham declared an interest in agenda item 12d below (correspondence) as he was a member of the Rotary Club.

3. To approve as a correct record the notes of the extra-ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 15 June 2021.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes of the extra- ordinary meeting as accurate minutes. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously.

4. Financial Matters (Please see attached information).

   4.1. To consider approval of payments made since the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council meeting held on 4 May 2021.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve all payments made since the Annual meeting of the Parish Council on 4 May 2021.  Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Ditch and approved unanimously.

   4.2. To consider approval of payments made in June 2021.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve all payments made in June 2021. Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.

   4.3.  To consider approval of the bank reconciliations for May and June 2021.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliations for May and June 2021.  Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Ditch and approved unanimously.

5. Borrowing approval: To receive an update from Cllr Conway, Chairman of the Office Relocation Committee.

Cllr Conway advised that the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government had undertaken an initial review of the borrowing approval application. Additional information and evidence had been requested.

   5.1.  To consider the re-drafting of the resolution for the borrowing approval application to purchase a property to use as a parish office, following an initial assessment of the application by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (Original minute reference: 23 February 2021, agenda item 6.1, page 11-2021) to state the following:

“At the Ruskington Parish Council meeting of 23 February 2021, it was RESOLVED to seek the approval of the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government to apply for a PWLB of £260,000 over the borrowing term of 30 years for the purpose of purchasing a property to use as a parish office. The annual loan repayments will come to around £14,230.00. It is not intended to increase the council tax precept for the purpose of the loan repayments.

Council discussed the options for the funder of the loan. The Office Relocation Committee agreed to compare applying for a loan from the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) with a loan from North Kesteven District Council. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to re-draft the resolution, with an additional amendment to include “or North Kesteven District Council loan” to state:

 “At the Ruskington Parish Council meeting of 29 June 2021, it was RESOLVED to seek the approval of the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government to apply for a PWLB or North Kesteven District Council loan of £260,000 over the borrowing term of 30 years for the purpose of purchasing a property to use as a parish office. The annual loan repayments will come to around £14,230.00. It is not intended to increase the council tax precept for the purpose of the loan repayments.”

Proposed by Cllr Conway, second by Cllr Ditch and approved unanimously.

   5.2.  To consider and respond to the comments by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, on the review of the borrowing approval application. (Information circulated prior to the meeting.)

A working party of the Office Relocation Committee had met on Monday 21 June 2021 to consider responses to the review. The outline of the working party meeting and responses to the review had been circulated prior to the meeting for Council’s consideration and were discussed in the meeting.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to opt for the EIP repayment scheme and agreed with all the responses required. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously. 

The Chairman signed the minutes.  

6. To receive the Clerk’s report. (Please see attached.)

Questions were raised about the fence at Parkfield – no new date had been received from the contractor as they were waiting for the wooden posts from their supplier, and about the PAT testing for the public toilets. Quotes for the work required were awaited but the toilets could remain open.

7. To receive an update on the co-option to Ruskington Parish Council and co-opt as required.

One application had been received but it had not been possible to arrange an interview date in time for the meeting.   

8. To review, and adopt as required, the following policies (circulated prior to the meeting):

   8.1.  Policy for Data Retention and Disposal.

   8.2.  Environment Policy

   8.3.  Safeguarding

   8.4.  CCTV

Action: The Council RESOLVED to adopt the above policies following any agreed amendments. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously.

9.   Recreation Committee - Cllr White, Chairman of the Recreation Committee: -

As Cllr White was not present, Cllr Cunningham and Cllr Cox presented information for the following:

      9.1. To consider the MUGA manufacturer’s response to the condition of the MUGA surface.

The contractor, following an inspection, did not consider there to be any problems with the surface of the MUGA. However, complaints about the surface had been received from the Walking Football Team.

Action: The surface of the MUGA to be considered at the next Recreation Committee meeting.

     9.2. To consider storage for the MUGA tennis nets, allowing access for members of the public.

Action: To purchase a robust and waterproof storage container for the tennis nets to be located adjacent to the MUGA or the Pavilion and suitable for locking with a combination padlock.

      9.3. To consider a request from a mobile pizza van business to use Parkfield car park one evening per week. (Information previously circulated.)

Action: The Council RESOLVED to permit the pizza van to use Parkfield car park and requested that the owner provided their own litter bin to reduce littering in the area. Proposed by Cllr Cunningham, second by Cllr Ditch and approved unanimously.

       9.4. To consider a request from a business to hold six weeks of outdoor exercise classes at Parkfield playing fields on Sunday mornings from 07.30 to 08.30.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to permit the business to hold the outdoor exercise classes, but requested that the sessions commenced after 8am to avoid disruption to the residents living nearby, and were not held on the football pitches. Proposed by Cllr Cunningham, seconded by Cllr Ditch and approved unanimously.

       9.5.  To consider a request from a resident to hold a charity doggie café at the Pavilion on Thursday 30 September 2021 – if Covid regulations permit.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to allow a resident to use the pavilion to hold a charity doggy café, if Covid conditions allowed. The Council would use this event as an opportunity to hold a public consultation on the proposed dogs off - lead exercise area. Cllr Menday offered to help at the event.  

10. Emergency Plan - Cllr Cunningham gave a brief overview of the Emergency Plan.

    10.1.  To elect a chairman for the Emergency Plan

No Chairman was elected.

    10.2.  To agree councillor members for the Emergency Plan

Action: The following councillors agreed to form a working party to review and update the emergency plan: Cllr Cunningham, Cllr Menday, Cllr Ditch.  In the meantime, Cllr Menday agreed to review the policy.

11.  Planning applications - Cllr Cunningham, Chairman of the Planning Committee. (Information previously circulated.)

Cllr Cunningham gave an overview of the applications.

   11.1.  To consider the bus stop and the installation of a bus shelter on Lincoln Road, adjacent to the new housing development.

Action: To request LCC install the bus stops, as proposed in the planning application, off road with a shelter. The RFO to research funding for bus shelters.

   11.2.  Relocation of the 30mph speed sign on Lincoln Road near the new housing development.

Action: To request that LCC relocate the 30mph sign to aid road safety at the junction to the housing development.

12. Correspondence - for information only (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).

  a. LCC- Notice of a review of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  b. Residents – Against and in favour of the wilding of the closed parish churchyard.

  c. Parochial Church Council – Briefing notes from a PCC extra-ordinary meeting held on 16 June 2021 regarding the Winchelsea Centre.

  d. Rotary Club of Sleaford Kesteven – Thank you and update on the Big Red Bins and Helipads for Hospitals

   e.  NKDC – Consultation on the review of the NKDC gambling policy

   f.  NKDC – Footpath No.10 Public Diversion Order (for displaying on the Council noticeboard)

13. To receive Councillors’ reports for information only and items for inclusion on the next agenda.

Cllr Cox provided an update on the Community Speed watch scheme:

  • 13 volunteers had received training
  • 6 patrols had taken place over the last 2 weeks (6.5 hours)
  • 2,223 vehicles had been counted
  • 26 incidences of speeding had been recorded
  • Complaints of convoys of tractors travelling at high speed along Lincoln Road had been reported and would be investigated.

Cllr Conway had attended the licensing event for the new vicar - Reverend Al Jenkins.

14. To receive District and County Councillors’ Reports – for information only

The district and county councillors were not present at the meeting and no reports had been received.

15. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following contractual and staffing matters.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to move into closed session to discuss the matters below. Proposed by Cllr Cunningham, seconded by Cllr Menday and approved unanimously.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.25pm and the members of the public left the meeting.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 8.26pm.

16. To consider the current and future security services for the village.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to end the contract with the Environment Enforcement Warden giving the required 3 months’ notice and to appoint another security firm who could provide additional services at a reduced hourly cost. The specifications for the new firm to be agreed at the ordinary meeting on 27 July 2021.

17.  To consider correspondence from the landlord of the parish office property regarding the lease of the property after 13 July 2021. (Information circulated prior to the meeting.)

Cllr Conway provided an overview of the situation with the lease of the parish office which expired on 13 July 2021 and the options available. The landlord had sought legal advice on ways to extend the lease for a further year. The best and most cost-effective solution was to have a new lease, replicating the current lease, and providing the ability to end the lease on purchase of the property with no financial penalties.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to a replica lease for another 12 months. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously.  

18. To consider using the National Joint Council for Local Government Services National Salary Award Scheme as guidance for the pay of non-clerical council employees, with effect from 1 April 2021. (Information circulated prior to the meeting.)

Cllr Ditch, Chairman of the HR Committee, provided an overview of an HR working party meeting held on 21 June 2021 when this matter was considered.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to use the National Joint Council for Local Government Services National Salary Award Scheme guidance when considering pay awards for the non-clerical employees with effect from 1 April 2022 and following consultation with the employees. Pay would be capped at SCP 12 for the caretakers and SCP 5 for the environment warden and office cleaner but would include annual pay increases for inflation as agreed by the National Joint Council.

Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Menday and approved unanimously.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.53pm.


Clerk’s Report for the ordinary June 2021 meeting.

Meeting date: 29 June 2021

Author: Kathryn Locke – Clerk to Council


Purpose of report: To provide an update report from the Clerk on business conducted since the last Council meeting held 4 May 2021.


Councillor vacancies: 4 vacancies. I application received but candidate was unable to attend the interview. Applicant has been asked to provide alternative dates.  (Agenda item)

Borrowing approval: Initial review by the government has been received and circulated. The outline of an Office Relocation working party meeting held on 21 June 2021 has been circulated.  (Agenda item)

Parish Office - Solar panel company have visited the office and their report circulated.  They recommended FAR infrared heating panels as a cost effective and environmentally friendly way to heat the office (heats the person, not the air space). Far infrared heating visited the office on 22 June 2021 and will provide a quote (office and garage/workshop). Additional office storage cupboards have been purchased as approved at the AMPC.

MUGA: Opened in accordance with the government road map on 29 May. Interest from a local walking netball team has been shown. They will be using the pitch on Friday mornings between 10am and 11sm from 2 July.

Parkfield: Fencing should have been erected on 17 May, then 4 June. The supplier has not provided the wood – so no date is known.

Request for a pizza oven on the car park – (Agenda item)

A contractor removed the tree stump of a self-set tree growing on the boundary of Parkfield and 19 & 21 Tomlinson Way, previlsuly cut down by the RPC caretaker.

Parkfield play area: Resident informed RPC of an accident involving a 15-year-old which occurred on 1 May 2021. Matter investigated. Not caused by damaged, missing or faulty equipment or matting.

Barrier – 2 quotes obtained and circulated. However CCTV covers the whole car park. Police aware of this.

Dogs off lead: The Environment Enforcement Warden says he has clamped down on dogs off lead. Cautions have been issued as it is ASB. Further complaints received. Signs at Parkfield and Horseshoe Hollow have been erected.

Dog exercise area: No update on this. A public consultation exercise will be required. Could be held at the same time as one of the charity doggy coffee mornings at the pavilion.

Pavilion: Meeting held with Clerk RFO and a Lincoln solar panel /alternative energy company. Pavilion not suitable for solar or wind powered energy. (This area of Lincolnshire does not have a “clean” constant wind suitable for wind turbines.) A local electrician has also advised against solar powered energy for the pavilion.

Public toilets: Open and well used. Blocked toilet unblocked.

Church yard: The wildflower project has begun. One metre strips of grass have been mowed along the edges of the paths only. The tree work was completed on 4 May 2021. Following concerns that the taller grass is obstructing visibility for drivers wanting to turn right onto High Street North from Manor Street a further strip of grass has been cut. Cuttings are being removed.  Interest has been shown for non- councillor membership of the environment committee.

Allotments - there are 7 people on the waiting list as of 22/6/2021 There have been complaints of vandalism and theft of unsecured items. These have been investigated. The allotment policy has been reviewed by the Env Committee, with amendments to be made.  (On the recommendation of the Clerk and RFO following allotment training.)

Community Speed Watch. 18+ volunteers. Following volunteer training, the scheme is now active.

Horseshoe Hollow: The Environment Agency met with Ruskington Parish Council and a resident on 11 May 2021.  On advice of the Env Agency the metal fence over the Beck near the dipping ponds have been removed to allow the water to flow unimpeded.  The Env Agency will discuss the flooding of HH and the property at a meeting of the South and North Kesteven Drainage Board.  Further investigation may be carried out, as at Scopwick, where the water table was found to have risen.  Attenuation ponds may be required. Resident to take photos of the flooding for RPC and the Environment Agency. A further metal fence over the Beck in Horseshoe Hollow is to be removed at the request of the Environment Agency.

Overgrown paths – paths have ben reported to LCC, but action to cut the grass could be August. RPC caretaker has been cutting for H&S reasons. LCC then visit and say they will take no action. Residents encouraged to report all village issues via Fix my Street.

Planters: Ruskington Garden Centre have sponsored and planted the tubs beside the Beck again this year. The planters at the entrances to the village have yet to be planted.

Planting a tree for in Memory of the Duke of Edinburgh in the Memorial Garden – an upright, flowering cherry purchased from Leasingham garden centre was planted on 10 June with DofE students from St George’s Academy- Ruskington site. School is pleased to have been asked. Links are being forged re a student / youth council.

Enforcement Warden and Security Services: Current Environment Enforcement Warden is not being seen around the village.  Cllr Tonge, the Clerk and RFO met with the owner of Aurora Security and Training Services. Outline of this meeting circulated with the agenda. (Agenda item)

Training: Please advise the Clerk of any training needs. Councillors are elected / co-opted members of public service, who raise a precept and make decisions using tax payers’ money. Councillors therefore should be trained and current to enable informed decision making.

HR - Caretaker for Environment & Grounds – The successful applicant has accepted the position and commences employment with RPC on Monday 15 July. References have been received.

The outline of an HR working party meeting held on 21 June 2021 has been circulated with the agenda.

Church matters - Rev Al Jenkins has taken up his position. Rev Jenkins attended a meeting with the Clerk and Chairman of Council on Wednesday 23 June at the parish office.  The creation of the wildflower meadow at the closed churchyard was discussed amongst other items.  The Diocese has written a statement following negative comments about the churchyard on social media. The Church has also approved work to / removal of ivy and a lilac tree growing in the church yard that is affecting a property.

The briefing from the EOM of the PCC regarding the future of the Winchelsea Centre has been circulated. The Clerk attended this meeting on behalf of RPC. 

H&S – PAT testing and electrical condition inspections have been undertaken and the electrical reports circulated to council on 24 June 2021.

End of report.