26 October 2021

Ruskington Parish Council


Minutes of an ordinary meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held on Tuesday 26 October 2021 at the Winchelsea Centre, High Street North Ruskington, NG34 9DY at 7.00pm.



Cllr Conway


P Cunningham, G Cox, S Cotter, O Ditch, S Tonge, K White

Also, in attendance:

Mrs Kathryn Locke (Clerk to the Parish Council), County & District Councillor R Wright.


Cllr M Trolley

There was one member of the public present.

The Chairman opened the public session at 7.02pm and welcomed the delegates and member of the public. The member of the public was observing the meeting as part of the co-option to council process and was invited to tell Council a little about themselves and why they wished to join the Council.

The Chairman then opened the meeting at 7.10pm.

  1. Apologies for absence.

Apologies had been received from Cllr Trolley and their valid reason for absence was known.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept Cllr Trolley’s apologies. Proposed by Cllr Tonge, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously.

2. Declarations of interest and to consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.

None were declared at this time.

3. To approve as a correct record the notes of the ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 28 September 2021.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes of the meeting as accurate Minutes. Proposed by Cllr Cunningham, seconded by Cllr Ditch and approved with 6 votes for and one abstention (not present at the previous meeting.)

The Chairman signed the Minutes.

4. Financial Matters (Please see attached information).

   4.1. To consider approval of payments made since the last meeting.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve all payments made since the last meeting held on 28 September 2021. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr White and approved unanimously.

   4.2. To consider approval of payments made in October 2021.

Cllr Conway raised a question about Council purchasing white line marker for the football teams and the cost of this.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve all payments made in October 2021. Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously. It was agreed to review donations, costs, and charges for the use of the sports facilities at a Recreation Committee meeting on Thursday 18 November 2021.

   4.3. To consider approval of the bank reconciliations for October 2021.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliations for October 2021. Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved unanimously.

   4.4. To consider applications for grants from village clubs and groups.

One grant application had been received. The Council had an allocated budget of £500 for grants for financial year 2021-2022.  At this point Cllr Cotter declared an interest, as her children attended Scouts.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve a grant of £500 for Ruskington Scouts to purchase camping equipment. Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved six for with one abstention.  

   4.5. To consider a project following the receipt of £6,202.07 from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allocation for Ruskington.

Action: Council agreed to review this as part of the budgeting process for 2022-2023 when a project had been agreed.  

5. To receive the Clerk’s report.

This had been circulated prior to the meeting. The only outstanding action from the September meeting was the purchasing of Lincolnshire and Union flags for the parish office.

6.  Office Relocation Committee – Cllr Conway

   6.1. To receive an update on the loan application agreement with NKDC following its final approval by RPC’s solicitors.

The loan agreement with NKDC had been signed by the RFO and Chairman and returned to the Council’s solicitor on 15 October 2021.

   6.2. To receive an update on the purchase of 7-9 High Street North as the Parish Office.

Action: Clause 44 of the lease agreement had been implemented (option to buy). The loan of £260.000 from NKDC had been received and £237,693.00 had been transferred to the solicitor (purchase price, legal fees, land registry fees and admi costs.) The completion date was set for 1 November 2021. The Standing Order for the rent payments had been cancelled.

7. To receive an update on co-option to Ruskington Parish Council.

The Clerk advised that Cllr Menday had resigned and NKDC would advise if an election had been called, or if Council could advertise the vacancy and co-opt.

An applicant was observing the meeting and would be co-opted in accordance with the Council’s co-option policy at the ordinary November meeting.

   7.1. Consider ways to encourage applications for co-option.

Action: To review and simplify a co-option information pack; raise awareness on social media, in the Signpost magazine and on the website, councillor to write an article entitled: “A Day in the Life of a Parish Councillor.” Offer mentoring for new councillors.

8. To consider and adopt as required, the following policy.

   8.1.  Flushing & Purging Policy (as reviewed by the HR Cttee).

Action: The Council RESOLVED to adopt the policy without amendment. It may require modification later when the use of the rear of the office property has been agreed. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously.

9.  Public Consultations 2021.

These had been available for completion between 10 September 2021 and 9 October 2021 as both online and paper copies.

   9.1. To receive the analysis of the Public Consultation 2021. (Previously circulated.)

Cllr Conway gave a brief resume of the findings.

   9.2. To receive the analysis of the Public Consultation into a dog exercise area. (Previously circulated.)

Cllr Conway gave a brief resume of the findings.

• The majority agreed that a dog off lead area is required and would be used, but most residents were not willing to pay to use the facility.

• Residents would use a community café located in the pavilion but there was little interest shown in helping to run this.  

   9.3. To consider the RFO applying to FCC Environment for funding to improve the play area at Parkfield based on the results of the public consultation. (Closing date 1 December 2021 at 5pm. Only one play area can be considered.)

Action: The Council RESOLVED for the RFO to commence the application for the FCC funding to improve Parkfield play area and its fencing, and to arrange for manufacturers and contractors to undertake free site consultations. The Recreation Chairman and Committee to be kept informed. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously.

   9.4. To consider changing the date of the November meeting from 30 November to 23 November 2021 to allow time for Council to approve / amend the application.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to change the date of the meeting to 23 November 2021. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Ditch and approved unanimously.

10. Community Speed Watch (CSW) and Highways Matters.

Statistics and information had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr Cox had been appointed as the CSW Coordinator for North and South Kesteven and could train volunteers. Two residents had taken over the running of the Ruskington CSW.

   10.1. To consider possible traffic calming measures for Fen Road - Cllr Cox

10% of cars during CSW activity on Fen Rd were speeding, compared to 1% throughout the other areas monitored. The speed camera van had been requested.

   10.2. To consider residents’ concerns about parking on Station Road (parking on the pavement, parking on bends and near road junctions, reducing access for wider vehicles, LCC no longer re-painting white lines.)

Action: Once building work to a property had been completed, vehicles parked on the road must be parking on the property in accordance with their planning application conditions. Residents need to park with care and consideration.  Nuisance parking could be reported to LCC.

11. Environment Committee - Cllr Conway, Chairman of the Environment Committee.

   11.1. To receive an update on the applications for free trees from LCC Treescape Fund and the Woodland Trust, and the donation of 500 crocus bulbs from Kesteven Sleaford Rotary Club.

40 trees had been awarded for delivery and planting in January 2022. Further free trees had been requested from the Woodland Trust. 500 crocus bulbs had been donated by Kesteven Sleaford Rotary Club and the Scouts had been invited to help plant these.

   11.2.  To consider quotes for work to a tree in Horseshoe Hollow that is damaging a resident’s fence.

Three quotes had been requested.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the quote for £460 to undertake work to a tree and hedging along the length of the path from Lincoln Road to Horseshoe Hollow that was damaging residents’ fencing. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously.

   11.3. To receive an update on the mowing regime for Horseshoe Hollow.

This would be considered at an Environment Committee meeting on 11 November 2021.

   11.4. To consider electing Cllr Cotter as the Environment Committee representative on the Finance & Strategy Committee.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to elect Cllr Cotter to the Finance and Strategy Committee. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.

12.   Recreation Committee - Cllr White, Chairman of the Recreation Committee following a working party meeting held at Parkfield on 5 October 2021. 

   12.1.  To consider a plan for improving and increasing play facilities.

Action: The outcome of the public consultations and site visits by play equipment manufacturers and fencing contractors would be used to inform the funding applications to improve the play areas.

   12.2.  To consider the quote for additional CCTV cameras at the Pavilion following mapping of the CCTV camera coverage from the Pavilion and the Village Hall.

Action: The CCTV camera suppliers had been asked to visit the site to advise on lights to improve the images on the footage during the hours of darkness. The date for their visit was awaited.

   12.3. To consider the expenditure to replace the decayed wooden fencing with metal loop fencing at Parkfield and Elmtree play areas.

Replacement fencing could be included in the FCC funding application for Parkfield. Quotes for the fencing and installation were being obtained. Only one quote for the installation had been received to date.

   12.3. Review of Covid-19 measures and the lifting of restrictions:

          a.  Re-opening of sports pavilion following government guidelines. (Currently closed, except the toilets which are available for 30 minutes before and after a game / training.)

           b. Play areas (Currently open with daily weekday cleaning, disinfecting, and guidance for use displayed.)

           c. MUGA (Currently open - daily weekday cleaning, disinfecting, and guidance for use displayed.)

Action: The Council RESOLVED to lift all the restrictions on the pavilion and play areas.  Proposed by Cllr Tonge, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.

   12.4. To consider a request from the Lions Football Club to serve refreshments from the Pavilion kitchen.

Action: This would be considered by the Recreation Committee using the findings of the consultation and the feasibility of the kitchen being used as a kiosk or community café. Cllr Ditch to provide his expertise on the health and safety and legal requirements for kitchens at the meeting on 23 November 2021.

   12.5. To consider a children’s sports holiday club proposal from an external agency. (Information previously circulated.)

Action: Further research was required.

   12.6. To consider ways to reduce nuisance and unsafe parking by users of Parkfield playing field and facilities.

Action: The gates at Parkfield to be opened at 8am on Sundays by Aurora. The bike racks to be installed at Parkfield and sports teams to be encouraged to walk, cycle or car share when using the facilities. Review who is using the playing fields on Sundays.

13.  Planning Applications - Cllr Cunningham, Chairman of the Planning Committee.

Cllr Cunningham had been elected by the Planning Committee as the Chairman of the Committee.

   13.1. To receive an update on planning applications for October 2021. (Information previously circulated.)

Cllr Cunningham gave an overview of new and approved applications and advised of an appeal.

   13.2. To consider correspondence from Heritage Lincolnshire regarding the identification of properties in the village for possible listing as heritage assets and the invitation for a walk around the village. 

The Clerk to invite Heritage Lincolnshire to walk around the village. Councillors were welcome to take part and to suggest properties for consideration for heritage listing.

14. To receive an update on the Emergency Plan.

Cllr Wright and a member of the NKDC emergency planning team had reviewed the document and made suggestions.

Action: The Clerk and a councillor to meet with the NKDC to discuss the suggestions.

   14.1. To elect a Chairman for the Emergency Plan.

There were no nominations.

   14.2. To consider attendance at Emergency Plan training on 22 February 2022 at the County Emergency Centre.

Action: Cllr Cunningham requested to attend this training.

15. To consider Remembrance Day arrangements 2021. 

Cllr Conway gave an overview of the proceedings for Remembrance Sunday. A Holy Communion service would take place at 9.30am before the procession to the Garden of Remembrance at 10.40am and the Act of remembrance at 11am. There was no church service after the event. Cllr Tonge had attended parade training, long sleeved hi-viz jackets had been ordered for the volunteers, the information had been shared on social media and the road closures had been confirmed by LCC. A couple more volunteers were required for the road closures. Rev Al Jenkins had asked for the number of councillors who would be attending the church service.

A resident had approached the Council about holding an event in the Garden of Remembrance on the 11 November 2021 at 11am.  The Council would not be arranging another remembrance service, but councillors and residents were welcome to visit the Garden to reflect.

16.  Correspondence - for information only (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).

   a. Resident - Speculative email re job opportunities at Ruskington Parish Council. There were no current vacancies. Future vacancies would be advertised on the Council’s website and social media. CVs would not be held on file.

   b. Resident – Outcome of the draft Central Lincolnshire Local Plan review regarding development on Leasingham Lane. This had been discussed in the planning meeting on 26 October 2021 and a response had been sent to the correspondent.

  c. Safer Together Community Coordinator – Newsletters and notice of PCC precept survey.

  d. Resident – Council to consider inspiring residents to take up small biodiversity/rewilding projects of their own.

17. To receive Councillors’ reports for information only and items for inclusion on the next agenda.

  • Cllr Ditch advised that as he was part of the Health and Safety sub-committee of the HR Committee, he would be undertaking an audit of the workshops, pavilion and changing rooms and would attend the next Recreation Committee meeting to provide further information on this. (Agenda item – Recreation Committee meeting 23 November 2021).
  • Cllr Cunningham reported the difficulties residents were experiencing when trying to contact the Medical Centre for various reasons, and asked if they could be requested to purchase a mobile phone. Cllr Wright advised that he was investigating this matter.
  • Cllr Tonge asked if an update on the proposed pedestrian crossing could be provided.

18. To receive District and County Councillors’ Reports – for information only.

Cty/Cllr Wright advised that:

  • LCC had one tonne bags of salt to provide to parish councils on request.
  • He was a member of the Highways and Transport Committee, analysing speeding surveys and investigating a “20 is Plenty” initiative and a weight limit for Westcliffe Road.

And as D/Cllr , Cllr Wright advised that:

  • Corporate planning and localised council tax matters were being considered.
  • An NK community lottery was due to launch and would support local charities.
  • The Community Champions Award was underway and Ruskington residents had been nominated.
  • 490 tonnes of paper and cardboard had been collected for recycling.

19. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following staffing matters.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to exclude the public and press to discuss the staffing matters below. Proposed by Cllr Tonge, seconded by Cllr Ditch and approved unanimously.

The meeting closed at 9.15pm. D/Cllr Wright and the member of the public left the meeting.

The Chairman re-opened the meeting at 9.16pm.

20. HR Committee - Cllr Ditch, Chairman of the HR Committee, following a working party meeting held on 20 September 2021.

Cllr Ditch had written a briefing with Q&As for the one-to-one non-clerical staff consultations on the changes to their pay award scheme. This would be shared with the HR Committee. One-to-one meetings with the non-clerical staff to be arranged.

    20.1. To consider a permanent position for the Caretaker for Environment and Grounds.

Action: Following a successful probation, the caretaker would be offered a permanent position, and his pay increased and backdated to 19 July 2021 in accordance with his contract.

    20.2. To consider a welfare review for a staff member. 

Advice had been sought from LALC’s HR Adviser. An occupational health assessment was being arranged with the employee’s consent.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.35pm. 

Clerk’s Report for the ordinary October 2021 meeting.

Meeting date: 26 October 2021

Author: Kathryn Locke – Clerk to Council

Purpose of report: To provide an update report from the Clerk on business conducted since the last Council meeting held on 28 September 2021.


Annual Parish Meeting – This was held on 9 October 2021 in the grounds of the parish office. Residents could talk to the councillors, raise issues, suggest ideas, complete the two public consultations for 2021, look around the office and flat at the rear of the property. Refreshments were served by Councillors.  (With thanks to J&J Southern.)

Councillor vacancies: An application has been received and the applicant has met with the Chairman and Clerk. They will be observing the October meeting and can be co-opted at the November meeting. (Agenda item)

Loan agreement with NKDC to purchase 7-9 High Street North to use as a parish office. The final loan agreement was approved RPC’s solicitor and signed by the RFO and Chairman.

Loan from NKDC to purchase 7-9 High Street North to use as a parish office. This was received from NKDC on Monday 18 October 2021.

Purchase of the Parish Office. The completion date for purchasing the property is Monday 1 November 2021.

MUGA: Cllr Cox and the Clerk met with contractors on 30 September 2021 to explore options for its surface (e.g. 3G/4G.) Quotes have been obtained.

Parish Office:

  • Asbestos has been removed from the garden and a strip of wood added to the bottom of the office door to prevent rain coming into the office, both by the landlord.   
  • All outstanding work appears to have completed.
  • Annual inspection of the air conditioning units in the office took place on 20/10/2021 by the supplier.

Pavilion and changing rooms - the Recreation Committee made a site visit to Parkfield, the pavilion and the changing rooms on 5 October 2021 to inspect and make a list of the refurbishments.

Pavilion - solar / wind power: Cllr Cunningham and the Clerk are meeting with a company at the Pavilion on 28 October at 10.30am.

Pavilion painting: The external walls, window frames and wooden fascia have been painted by the contractor. Cracks in the walls were filled in. The fascia is in poor condition but could last another 2 years now it has been painted. The decayed wooden boxing around the drainpipe still to be removed and replaced by RPC’s caretaker. RPC’s caretaker has almost completed painting the interior of the building.

Pavilion showers – a plumber has inspected the faulty shower. Quotes for the repair work and a master switch off system to be provided.

Pavilion kitchen – an inspection was made on 13 October by Cllr Ditch, Cllr Cox, and the Clerk. The caretaker advises that the hot drinking water boiler requires a service. 

Public consultations: The consultations closed at 3pm on Saturday 9 October 2021. The results of the paper surveys have been analysed by the RFO, added to the results of the online versions and the information circulated to Council. (Agenda item)

  • 192 residents responded to the Public Consultation 2021: 165 online / 27 paper (70 paper copies were distributed / handed out.)
  • 191 residents responded to the Dog Park consultation 2021: 191 online / 20 paper (70 paper copies were distributed / handed out.)
  • 5 online Dog Park surveys were rejected for residents not having a Ruskington postcode and are not included in these figures.     

Tennis net storage: The box is being made and should be available in the next week

Cemetery: Full reduction to a boundary hedge that is blocking light to residents’ properties is still awaited buy the contractor.


  • 4 people on the waiting list
  • Some allotment holders have asked for the no parking within the boundary fence and the no bonfires regulations to be reconsidered. (Agenda item for the Environment Committee)
  • One allotment has ground burrowing or ivy bees on and has yet to be allocated.

Horseshoe Hollow:

  • Three weeping willow trees to help mitigate flooding to a garden on Manor Street have been planted by the caretaker.
  • The “owner” of two trees that had collapsed onto the roof of the electricity junction box have arranged to have the cuttings removed from beside the path into the Hollow.

Entry into the Lincolnshire Environment Awards 2021. Cllrs Conway and Tonge and Environment Caretaker Andy Doughty were presented with a Highly Commended Certificate in the Hollow on 7 October 2021. (Agenda item)

Enforcement Warden and Security Services: The Enforcement Warden’s contract ended on 30 September 2021. Aurora Security Services commenced on 1 October 2021. Daily reports with photos are provided, and feedback from residents- especially those living beside Parkfield playing field have been positive.  

Remembrance Day Parade – Rev Al Jenkins has changed the church service from after the service in the Memorial Garden to 9.30am in the morning. All other details remain the same. The information for residents has been updated and circulated to Council and shared on social media.  (Agenda item)

Trees: LCC Treescape has awarded RPC 40 trees which will arrive in January 2022.

Donation of crocus bulbs: The Sleaford Kesteven Rotary Club has donated 500 crocus bulbs for planting in the church yard and other areas as appropriate. Scouts have been approached to ask if they would like to help with the planting.

HR Matters: The HR Committee held a working party meeting on Thursday 21 October 2021. (Agenda item).

Training: The Clerk and RFO are attended First Aid training (full day) on 12 October 2021, and the LALC conference and AGM (full day) on 6 October 2021.

Annual Leave: The clerk is on leave 8/11/2021 – 12/11/2021

Christmas 2021: 39 trees for brackets have been ordered, plus 3 free standing trees. The Clerk, caretaker and Rev Jenkins have met in the churchyard to agree the location for the large freestanding tree (outside the Priest Door). 11 brackets will be required for businesses who have opted into the project this year.

Roads: The condition of High Street South and the missing bollards on High Street have been reported to LCC Highways again. RPC has the missing bollard and the mould for the blue “dog bone” bollards.

Railway Bridge on Fen Rd: This has been reported to Network Rail and photos sent.

NALC Awards for Councils: RPC can apply for Foundation, Silver or Gold Awards. More information to follow. Agenda item – November 2021.