1 February 2024 - Estate Management & Planning Committee

Ruskington Parish Council

Minutes of an Estate Management and Planning Committee meeting held on Thursday 1 February 2024 at the Parish Office at 7pm.

Present:  Cllr M Trolley, Cllr D Conway, Cllr O Ditch,

Also in attendance: Kathryn Locke (Clerk to Council)

Apologies: Cllr Tomlinson had initially advised that due to circumstances beyond his control he would be late attending the meeting. Once it became apparent to Cllr Tomlinson that he would not be able to attend, valid apologies were sent.  

No members of the public or press were present.


The meeting opened at 7.40pm.


1. To elect a Chairman for the remainder of the civic year.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Trolley as the Chairman of the Committee. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.


2. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Cllr Tomlinson was unable to attend the meeting and had sent valid apologies.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to accept Cllr Tomlinson’s apologies. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Ditch and approved unanimously.


3.  To receive declarations of interest and consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.

None were declared at this time.

4. To approve the notes of the last meeting held on 23 March 2023 as accurate Minutes.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to approve the notes of the previous meeting as accurate Minutes. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved with two votes for and one abstention (had not been present at the previous meeting.)

5. To elect a Vice-chairman for the remainder of the civic year.

This was deferred to the next meeting.

6. To review the Draft Terms of Reference for the Committee for recommending to Council.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend the Terms of Reference to Council following one addition. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.

7. To receive an update on the renovation of the parish office building.

The Clerk gave an update of the work completed to date, and Cllr Conway gave a brief resume following a phone conversation with the contractor held in the parish office. The company’s director had verbally answered all outstanding questions. A schedule of works had been received, plus the proposed designs for the windows. The committee reviewed the window design and would recommend these to Council. The Clerk advised that the front office windows may require planning permission and advise would be sought from NKDC.

8. To consider the fees for renting the offices at the rear of the property for recommending to Council.

Action: The RFO to provide up to date information on local fees for renting an office that included use of a shared kitchen, services charges and IT; and to share sources for this information.

9. To consider the management of the offices at the rear of the property including the booking and payment system.

Action: This would be considered once the officers were nearer completion. Initially, it was considered that businesses would contact the office directly.

10. To consider if an intruder alarm system is required for the rear of the property.

Research on the best type of alarm system to be conducted.

11.  To receive an update on the development of the community garden.

The Clerk advised that the Environment Caretaker would be commencing work in the area leased from the Co-op in February 2024. The Co-op had given permission for accessible paths in the locations detailed on the plans.

Action: Access to the community garden from the parish office to be arranged as previously agreed. Access to the garden from the office to be available between 12 noon and 2pm when the office was open.

12. To receive the quote for the refurbishment of the cemetery lych gate, if available.

This was awaited.  

13. To consider the planning applications received since the last council meeting.

   a. Application Reference: 24/0048/HOUS

 Proposal:  Erection of first floor extension

 Location: 3 Sleaford Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9B

Action: The Committee had no objections to this application.

   b. Planning Application Reference: 23/1534/HOUS

Proposal:  Construction of single storey side extension to accommodate plant room

along with erection of bin store enclosure (retrospective)

Location:   48 Rectory Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9AD.

Action: The Committee had no objection to this application.

13.1. To receive notice of withdrawn planning applications.

   a. Application Reference: 23/0809/OUT

Proposal: Outline application (with all matters reserved) for the erection of 1no. detached


Location: Land To the Rear Of 14 Chapel Street Ruskington Sleaford

13.2. To receive notice of planning applications approved by NKDC.

   a. Application Reference: 23/1232/FUL

Proposal: Erection of 3no detached bungalows and 4no detached houses with garages on

Plots 138-144 (formerly 6 pairs of semi-detached houses Plots 135-146) and revised

bungalow types (Plots 111 and 188)

Location: Flaxwell Fields Off Lincoln Road Ruskington

   b. Application Reference: 23/1367/HOUS

 Proposal: Replace existing wooden windows with UPVC double glazed windows

 Location: Brook House 42 Manor Street Ruskington

14. To agree the date for the next meeting.

To be confirmed.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.40pm.