21 October 2024 - DRAFT Environment & Recreation Committee
Ruskington Parish Council
Minutes of a meeting of the Recreation & Environment Committee held on Monday 21 October 2024 at 7pm at Ruskington Parish office, 7-9 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY.
Present: Cllr G Cox, Cllr S Cotter, Cllr M Trolley, Cllr L Tomlinson
Also in attendance: Kathryn Locke (Clerk to Council), Andrew Doughty (Environment Caretaker)
No members of the public or press were present.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.02pm.
1. To elect a Chairman for the remainder of the civic year.
Action: The Committee RESOLVED to elect Cllr Cox as the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved unanimously.
2. To elect a Vice-chairman for the remainder of the civic year.
Action: The Committee RESOLVED to elect Cllr Cotter as the Vice-chairman. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson and approved unanimously.
3. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence had been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
All Committee members were present.
4. Receive declarations of interest and consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.
Cllr Tomlinson declared an interest in agenda item 9.4b as he was a member of the Lions JFC.
5. Notes of the meeting of the Recreation and Environment Committee held on 13 February 2024 to be approved as Minutes.
Action: The Committee RESOLVED to approve the notes as Minutes. Proposed by Cllr Tomlinson, second by Cllr Cotter and approved unanimously.
6. To receive an update on the budget and expenditure for recreation matters.
This information was not available.
6.1. To receive an update on the budget and expenditure for environment matters.
This information was not available.
7. To review and agree the Application Form, Lease Agreements and Terms and Conditions for the hire / use of the sports facilities for 2025-2026 for recommending to Council at its meeting on 12 November 2024.
The fees for 2025-2026 had been approved by Council on 8 October 2024.
7.1. Application / booking form to request the use of the facilities
7.2. Hire agreement for use by sports teams
7.3. The hire/ user agreement for use by non-sporting teams (such as individuals and charities)
7.4. Terms and Conditions for use by the following: -
- The Terms and Conditions for use by sports teams, including Sleaford Athletic Men’s Team.
- The Terms and Conditions for use by the Lions JFC (including the use of the kitchen).
Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to Council the Hire Agreements and Terms and Conditions listed in 7 - 7.4b above. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, second by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.
8. Parkfield playing fields
8.1. To consider the report from the Pitch Power assessment of the playing fields.
The report had previously been circulated and the various options for the maintenance and improving of the fields were discussed. Applications for Football Foundation funding for the ground improvement and machinery were considered and it was noted that responses received by the RFO from the Football Foundation conflicted with the application information on the website. Some responses received were unclear. The Environment Caretaker had researched the equipment required and concerns were raised about the storage space needed to manoeuvre the heavy machinery and attach this safely to the tractor. Quotes for contractors and equipment would be required for funding applications and even with funding there would be a cost to Council.
Action: The Committee RESOLVED to obtain 3 quotes for the required “sports field pack” of machinery which included a tractor, 1800mm rotary finishing mower and a turf groomer. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
8.2. To consider obtaining three quotes for grass cutting, and annual turf management (scarifying, fertilising) of the playing fields to improve their condition for 2025-2026.
Information had been received from Heckington Parish Council as their playing fields had been observed to be in excellent condition. The information had been circulated prior to the meeting.
Action: The Committee RESOLVED to obtain three quotes from contractors who conducted the turf management of sports pitches. Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.
8.3. To consider recommending to Council that a cross-committee working party be created to consider the feasibility, costs, staffing, service level agreements, on-going requirements, and to answer questions raised in regard to submitting a funding application to the Football Foundation, to improve the grass at the playing fields.
This was not considered necessary as the Committee consisted of members who sat on these committees which enabled research and information sharing.
8.4. To consider the feasibility, planning application, costs, and ongoing requirements of creating a shallow scrape to alleviate the standing water on the playing fields following substantial rain for informing the budget for 2025-2025.
Information from the Environment Caretaker had been shared before the meeting. The Caretaker made clear that a scrape would not prevent flooding. A discussion on the best use of money donated to help alleviate took place and it was thought that the planting of willow trees in Horseshoe Hollow may be of more benefit. The feasibility of creating a scrape as a nature area needed to be considered, such as the suitability of the type of soil and costs.
Action: The Environment Caretaker to undertake a soil assessment, research costs, and prepare a report in preparation for the Council meeting on 12 November 2024.
8.5. To consider removing the wild strip from Tomlinson Road /Park Lea boundary and widening a grass strip in the north field (for informing the grass cutting arrangements).
Council had previously agreed to remove the wild strip.
Action: The Environment Caretaker and Cllr Cotter to discuss the best areas of the playing fields to allow to naturalise.
8.6. To consider clearance of the ditch along Tomlinson boundary, and consider any expenditure required.
The Environment Caretaker had cut back the vegetation and had found the ditch to be filled with grass cuttings and soil. Previous attempts to obtain quotes to undertake the work had been unsuccessful.
Action: The Environment Caretaker to obtain costs for Council to hire a digger for one week. The Caretaker to plant hawthorn bushes (obtained at no cost to Council) along the Tomlinson Way boundary, where sections of the hedge had been removed in the past.
9. To receive an update on flooding and the status of the Emergency Plan.
This was deferred.
10. Horseshoe Hollow
10.1. To receive an update on the grass cutting and collection dates.
The grass had been cut on 18 September 2024, and the cuttings had been baled and removed by a local farmer. One area was inaccessible to bail due to the gradient and wet ground and the cuttings would be raked off by the Environment Caretaker.
10.2. To receive / consider the proposals and costs for the renovation of the three entrances into Horseshoe Hollow (as agreed in principle by Council) for informing the budget setting.
The Environment Caretaker had commenced collating costs for the materials.
Action: The Environment Caretaker to provide the costs for Council to consider at its meeting on 12 November 2024.
10.3. To consider the next phase of hedge planting during winter 2024-2025.
Action: The Environment Caretaker to plant trees along the west (Lincoln Road) side of Horseshoe Hollow. The trees would be obtained at no cost to council by applying to local schemes who offered trees for free. Due to the management of the Hollow and subsequent reduction in grass, it was now possible for locally sourced, native wild flower seeds and plug plants to be sown and planted in selected areas, following scarification of the ground.
10.4. To decide the management plan for Horseshoe Hollow to reflect changes made.
Action: The Environment Caretaker and Cllr Cotter to review and update the management plan.
10.5. To receive an update on the nature trail for Horseshoe Hollow and agree the next steps.
Due to operational commitments and other constraints, ideas for the nature trail were still being collated.
11. Community garden – To consider the next phase for the development of the garden and consider any expenditure.
The sensory garden was now complete, and the plants were filling out. Positive feedback for the garden was being received. The Environment Caretaker was thanked for this time and commitment to the project, and it was noted that Quickline had sponsored the development of the sensory garden.
Action: The next phase was the development of the vegetable garden. This would consist of four raised beds made by the Environment Caretaker out of sleepers and at a height to be accessible for wheelchair users. Once the beds were made, community groups and schools to be invited to plant and tend the vegetable beds. Additional seating for the garden was required. An open day to be planned for spring 2025.
12. Cemetery - To receive an update from the Environment Caretaker on the cemetery hedge, and to receive the list of tree work planned up to February 2025.
The Environment Caretaker, following his qualification in chain saw use, had spent a week reducing the height and thickness of the cemetery hedge. The lone-working policy for using a chain saw had been used and worked well.
Action: Work to remove the laurel trees growing over the south cemetery path and the trimming of the yew trees to be undertaken during the winter months by the Environment Caretaker. A laurel bush, found to have been planted in an ashes plot, was to be removed.
13. Allotments
13.1. To consider ways to manage the waiting list to avoid non-residents obtaining allotment plots and allotment holders queue jumping to obtain additional plots.
Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to Council that the allotment lease be amended to make clear that misuse of the waiting lists could lead to an instant termination of the lease. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson and approved unanimously.
13.2. To review the allotment lease agreement for 2025-2026.
Action: The Committee RESOLVED that following the amendment regarding misuse of the waiting lists being made, the agreement to be recommended to Council. Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
13.3. To review the allotment regulations for 2025-2026.
Action: The Committee RESOLVED that the regulations be recommended to Council without amendment. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved unanimously.
14. Garden of Remembrance
14.1. To receive an update on the path in the Garden of Remembrance.
Due to other operational commitments, the work to the path had been delayed until 2025.
Action: Updated costs for the work to be obtained for informing the budget for 2025-2026.
14.2. To consider any other projects or requirements for the Garden for informing the budget for FY 2025-2026.
No other projects were identified at this time.
15. To consider installing bike racks at all suitable Council venues.
Action: To install floor mounted bike racks up against the MUGA for security purposes.
16. To consider the questions from the architect regarding the pavilion and proposed new parking areas for informing the change of use planning application.
The Committee considered the questions and formulated responses. (Please see Appendix A.) The proposed plan for the pavilion had been received from the architect. This was reviewed and amendments were agreed.
Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to Council that two areas be proposed for the extension of Parkfield car parking: to extend the car park up to the MUGA, and to use the area to the north of the pavilion (behind the changing rooms) as an overspill carpark. A Hexpave type system to be used to stabilise the ground but allow the grass to be retained. Proposed by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.
17. To consider recreation projects, play and sports equipment and costs for recommending to Council and informing the budget for 2025-2026.
None were identified at this time.
18. To receive and consider ideas for encouraging walking and cycling in and around Ruskington, improving accessibility, and promoting village recreation and leisure amenities.
Action: The feasibility of creating a cycle and running path around the perimeter of the playing fields, and using the fields for park runs to be considered as future projects.
19. To agree the date for the next committee meeting.
To be confirmed, but to be held as soon as possible so information could be used to inform the 2025-2026 budget. This meeting could commence with the cluster meeting.
20. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following contractual matters below.
Action: The Committee RESOLVED to exclude the public and press. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Cotter, and approved unanimously.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.22pm. The meeting re-convened at 9.22pm.
21. To consider the grass cutting tender arrangements for 2025-2026. (The current contract ends on 31 March 2025).
A review of the grass cutting tender documents had commenced. The Environment Caretaker had recommendations for grass cutting contractors who could be approached as part of the tender process.
Action: The Committee RESOLVED that the Environment Caretaker and Cllr Cotter would review the tender document prior to the Council meeting on 12 November. The Committee recommended that the grass cutting contract be in place for three years, except for the playing fields which would be in place for one year. This would allow time to consider the best way to improve and manage the playing fields. Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.27pm.
Appendix A: Questions from the architect regarding change of use for the pavilion.
1. Number of existing and additional proposed staff, confirming days to be worked.
- Currently no staff.
- Please allow for the maximum number of staff working 7 days per week please.
2. Opening hours and days. Please also confirm if the building will be used at all for any evening events, even if just occasional.
- Weekdays and evenings and occasional evenings.
3. Existing number of parking spaces (approx), and proposed number of new ones to be created to relieve parking on the street. Once we have an ideal number of proposed spaces, I will be able to work out if they will fit in the area in front of the existing carpark, or whether we need to use some of the space to the North of the building also.
- A: Council would like to use the area in front of the MUGA as additional parking and to have an overflow site, north of the pavilion (behind the changing rooms.) Please note a public right of way crosses this area and 23 hr access for emergency vehicles is required.
4. Estimated typical amount of vehicles that currently visit during matches, and any expected increase in visitors with this proposal.
- A: 40-45 vehicles visit during matches
5. Materials used for new parking (it was suggested possible Hexpave system that stabilizes the ground but allows the grass to be retained.
- A: To use a Hexpave type system please.
6. Any new fencing that may surround the new parking area, ie. a step over low height timber fence.
- A: Metal hoop top fencing (child safety standard) as is in place around the play areas. It may be possible to relocate the fence that currently separates the carpark from the grass area in front of the MUGA.
7. External kitchen extraction fan visible, i.e. if just Louvred panels then we will need to show the size and number of on elevations.
- A: It is expected to be an industrial catering kitchen with the extractor fan existing via the roof.
8. Materials used for the timber frame pergola shelter, for the ground treatment (pavers or tarmac perhaps?) and the roof sheet covering. Also any drainage for rain water, I assume there will be a gutter and new soakaway?
- Hardwood timber frame.
- The ground to be tarmac.
- Could the rain water be used to flush the toilets?
10. Please confirm who the land owner is and / or any leaseholders, we will need their names and addresses for the application forms.
- Ruskington Parish Council is the landowner.
- The Village Hall Management Committee leases the land on which the village hall is built. They can be contacted via info@ruskingtonvillagehall.org