30 June 2020

Minutes of the meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held remotely on Tuesday 30 June 2020 at 7.30pm via Microsoft 365 Teams. 



Cllr Conway 



P Cunningham, P N Dean, C Fryer, S Johnstone (left the meeting at 9.10pm),  S Tonge, M Trolley, K WhiteR LangleyT Dixon joined the meeting at 7.43pm 

Also in attendance: 

Mrs Kathryn Locke (Clerk to the Parish Council)Miss Kirsty Sinclair (RFO), D/Cllr Boston, D/Cllr Wright 


Cllr Rawlings 

No members of the public were in attendance. 

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm, following the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. 

1.  To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. 

Cllr Rawlings was not present at the meeting and no apologies had been received. 

2. To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs. Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.   

None were made at this time. 

3. Financial Matters  

3.1. Renewal of the pest-control contract 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to renew the pest-control contract at a cost of £1,000 for the ensuing year. Proposed by Cllr Johnstone, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.  

3.2. Replacement of the boundary fence at Parkfield playing fields. 

This item was deferred to the Recreation Committee report (5.7 below). 

Cllr Dixon joined the meeting at 7.43pm. 

3.3. Quote for removing the 3-5 tons of SBR, EPDM rubber and wet-pour from Parkfield playing field. 

This item was deferred to the Recreation Committee report (5.7 below). 

3.4. To consider the purchase of two waste bins for Parkfield playing field near the MUGA at a cost of £681.42 excluding VAT, plus fittings. 

This item was deferred to the Recreation Committee report (5.7 below). 

4. Review of the Local Government Association draft code of conduct 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to review and comment at the July 2020 meeting. 

5.  To receive reports for information only, unless otherwise stated, from: (Please see attached reports.) 

5.1. Chairman of the Finance and Policy Committee. No report was available.  

5.2. Chairman of the HVCS CommitteeCllr Dixon reported that a date when the car service could safety resume service was not known.  

5.3. Chairman of the HR CommitteeItems for consideration were on the agenda for the closed session. 

5.4. Chairman of the Office Relocation Committee. Cllr Conway advised that a meeting with an electrician at the proposed new office had taken place that morning and a report was awaited.  

5.5. Cllr Cunningham, Chairman of the Planning Committee. A report had been circulated prior to the meeting. 

5.6. Cllr Conway, Chairman of the Environment Committee. A report had been circulated prior to the meeting.  

a. To consider the expressions of interest received for co-option to the Environment Committee by members of the public. 

This was deferred for discussion in closed session at the end of the meeting.  

5.7. Cllr White, Chairman of the Recreation Committee. A report had been circulated prior to the meeting. 

The following matters were discussed, as deferred from above:- 

3.2Replacement of the boundary fence at Parkfield and the quote for replacing this.  

3.3Quote for removing the 3-5 tons of SBR, EPDM rubber and wet-pour from Parkfield playing field. 

3.4Purchase of two waste bins for Parkfield playing field near the MUGA at a cost of £681.42 excluding VAT, plus fittings. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept the quote for £245 +VAT to remove the rubber from Parkfield; to purchase two bins for the MUGA at  accost of £681.42 + VAT; to approve the quote for £800 to erect the metal fence around Parkfield play area, and to review the erection of the boundary fence at Parkfield following receipt of a quote for its replacement. Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Dean and approved unanimously.  

a. Preparations for the RoSPA inspection in August 2020 and the inclusion of the goal posts at Hillside.  

Ownership of the goal post at Hillside on land belonging to NKDC could not be determined. A resolution would be agreed at a meeting of the Recreation Committee. The Clerk to ensure the caretakers received copies of the previous report. All play areas to remain closed until further notice due to the Covid pandemic and the infeasibility of ensuring public safety when lockdown restrictions were lifted. 

5.6. Clerk 

a. Co-option of councillor: If no election had been called by 15 July 2020, the Council could co-opt to fill the vacancy following Cllr Doughty’s resignation. NKDC had been advised of the resignation of Cllr Reed on 30 June 2020.  

6. Correspondence  - for information only. 

No correspondence had been received.  

7. To receive Councillors’ reports for information only and items for inclusion on the next agenda.  

Cllr Johnstone requested that the Christmas tree lights and Youth Award to be included on the July agenda. He had contacted the police regarding the old police station on Parkfield Road for consideration of its potential as a parish office, but no information had been received. No meetings of the Village Hall committee were taking place due to lockdown. 

8. To receive District and County Councillors’ Reports – for information only.  

D/Cllr Wright informed the Council of: 

  • the discretionary grants awarded to businesses in North Kesteven 

  • a development of business units beginning construction 

  • the NKDC attractions that can open and those that cannot (Cogglesford Mill and Mrs Smith’s Cottage) 

  • completion of risk assessments, agile working practices, and continuation of remote meetings to keep staff and visitors to NK offices safe 

  • the exploration of devolution and possible restructuring of county and district councils 

  • local lockdowns would be put in place as required 

  • the difficulties of the Covid-19 track and trace system for Lincolnshire 

  • The Cty/Councillor responsible for highways would be invited to re-visit the A153/Willow Lane junction as Cllr Cunningham advised that the problems here had not been resolved. 

D/ Cllr Boston had no further items to add. 

Cty/ Cllr Storer was not present at the meeting and no report had been received. 

9. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following legal and contractual matters.  

Action: The Council RESOLVED to exclude the public and press to discuss the legal and commercially sensitive matters pertaining to the relocation of the parish office. Proposed by Cllr Dean, seconded by Cllr White and approved unanimously.  

This part of the meeting closed at 8.39 pm and the D/Cllrs left the remote meeting. 

The Chairman re-opened the meeting at 8.40 pm. 

9.1. Office lease.  

From 1 July 2020 landlords must provide an electrical report. The RFO had made the solicitor aware of this and the landlord of the property was arranging for this to be completed. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to proceed to signing the lease for the property on High Street North subject to all legal matters and electrical matters being satisfactorily resolved. Proposed by Cllr Cunningham, seconded by Cllr White and approved 10 for and 1 against. 

9.2. HR and staffing matters. 

a. Revised staff handbook.  

A change to the grievance procedure was to be made so any grievances would be reported to the chairman of council and not to the chairman of the HR committee. The Clerk recommended the document be reviewed by an HR consultant, but this was considered unnecessary. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the revised handbook once the above amendment was made. Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved with 5 for, 3 againstand 1 abstention. 

b. Revised staff contract. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the revised staff contract. Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously. 

c. To consider the recommendation for the caretakers’ working hours. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the standard working hours of 8am to 4pm for both caretakers. Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously. 

The HR Committee would meet to consider staff consultations on the above matters and the implementation of the revised documents and working hours.  

d. Insurance for older employees. 

Employees aged over 75 are not covered for accidental injury.  

Action: This would need to be documented. 

9.3. Re- consider phone payments to HVCS co-ordinator.  

Action: To be reviewed. 

9.4. Correspondence regarding Sleaford Road cemetery. 

Legal advice had been sought.   

Action: The Council RESOLVED that a response be sent to the correspondents making clear that the Council had no responsibility for this matter. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously.  

9.5. Correspondence regarding grass-cutting at Horseshoe Hollow. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to find an alternative contractor for cutting the grass in Horseshoe Hollow and agreed not to pay the contractor for erroneously cutting this area of grass in May 2020. Proposed by Cllr Dixon, seconded by Cllr Fryer and approved unanimously.  

5.6 a (Deferred from above.Inclusion of members of the public to the Environment Committee would need further consideration. If approved, the Council’s Standing Orders and Environment Committee Terms of Reference would require amending.  

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45pm.