29 September 2020

Minutes of an ordinary meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held remotely on Tuesday 29 September 2020 at 7.00pm via Microsoft 365 Teams



Cllr Conway 



P Cunningham, P Dean, C Fryer, S Johnstone, S Tonge, M Trolley, K White 

R Langley 

Also in attendance: 

Mrs Kathryn Locke (Clerk to the Parish Council)D/Cllr Richard Wright 

One member of the public was in attendance 

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.02pm. 

1.  To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. 

All Members were present at the meeting. 

2. To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.   

None were made at this time. 

3. Election of a vice-chairman for Ruskington Parish Council. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Tonge to the position of Vice-Chairman of Ruskington Parish Council. Proposed by Cllr Conway, second by Cllr Johnstone and approved unanimously. 

4. To approve as a correct record the notes of the ordinary meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held remotely on Tuesday 25 August 2020. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes of the ordinary meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held on Tuesday 25 August 2020 as accurate minutes. Proposed by Cllr Cunninghamseconded by Cllr White and approved 7 for and 2 abstentions. 

5. Financial Matters. 

   5.1 Approval of payments made since the last ordinary meeting held on 25 August 2020. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve all payments made since the last meeting held on 25 August 2020. Proposed by Cllr Cunningham, seconded by Cllr Johnstone and approved unanimously. 

    5.2 Approval of payments made in September 2020. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve all payments made in September 2020. Proposed by Cllr Johnstone, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously. 

    5.3 Approval of the bank reconciliations since the last meeting held on Tuesday 25 August 2020. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept the bank reconciliations since the last meeting held on Tuesday 28 July 2020. Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously. 

    5.4 Approval of payments for the HVCS received in September 2020  

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments for the HVCS received in September 2020 (dated March 2020). Proposed by Cllr Cunningham, second by Cllr Johnstone and approved unanimously. 

6. Co-option of three councillors following interviews held on 7 September 2020. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to co-opt as councillors to Ruskington Parish Council:- 

Dr Sheena Cotter - Proposed by Cllr Dean, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously, 

Mr Graham Cox - Proposed by Cllr Dean, seconded by Cllr Fryer and approved unanimously, 

Mr Owen Ditch - Proposed by Cllr Tonge, seconded by Cllr Johnstone and approved unanimously 

7. Community Speed Watch scheme for Ruskington. 

ActionThe Council unanimously RESOLVED to commence a new campaign to find volunteers to set up a Community Speed watch Scheme for Ruskington with support from the Council. Cllr Johnstone agreed to share information on social media.  

8. Remembrance Sunday. 

The act of Remembrance participation was discussed. 

9. Request by the Methodist Church for the Council to erect a lit Christmas tree on their church. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to erect a lit Christmas tree on the Methodist Church. Proposed by Cllr Cunningham, seconded by Cllr Fryer and approved unanimously.  

10. Application for the NKDC Litter Picking Grant for year 2020/2021. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to apply to NKDC for the Litter Picking Grant for 2020/2021. Proposed by Cllr Dean, seconded by Cllr White and approved unanimously.  

11.  To receive reports from the Committees. (Reports circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting). 

11.1  Cllr Conway, Chairman of the Environment Committee. 

Three allotments had been handed back to the council requiring clearing before re-allocating. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to hire a skip and a rotovator at a cost of £230.00 to clear the allotments. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously.  

11.1.a  Update on the ashes scattering area for the cemetery. Advice on the requirements for an ashes scattering area and the best plants to use had been received from the ICCM and a local garden centre.  

11.1.b. To receive an update on the refurbishment of the Memorial Garden. The path had been laid and work to the flower beds had begun. 

11.2  Cllr Fryer, Friends of Horseshoe Hollow, report.  

A litter picking meet had taken place on 12 September and a bag of rubbish removed. The grass had been cut but the cut grass / hay in the wildflower area required removal by the contractor. The last litter pick of the year would take place in October. 

11.3  Cllr White, Chairman of the Recreation Committee. 

Cllr White gave an overview of the last Recreation Committee meetingReports of a ladies football team using the pitches without permission was being investigated. 

11.3.a  To receive an update on the use of the multi-use games area (MUGA). 

The MUGA was being used by the Ruskington Lions, the Sleaford Barge Ladies Netball Team, a newly created Walking Football Team, and the Little Rascals nursery. Self-closing hinges for the entrance/exit gates were being sourced and pictorial signs to say “No skateboards, scooters, or bikes” were ready to be erected on the entrance and exit to the MUGA.  

11.3.b  To consider options for the operation of the floodlights at the MUGA.  

The MUGA lighting contractor and engineer had visited the MUGA to discuss solutions for the flood lights which were not operating correctly. The recommended options would be considered at the next meeting of the Recreation Committee on 22 October 2020. 

11.4. Cllr Dixon, Chairman of the HVCS Committee. 

Cllr Dixon had resigned from the Council on Monday 28 September 2020 and was therefore no longer Chairman of the HVCS Committee. The scheme remained out of operation due to the Covid pandemic and adherence to government guidelines to ensure the health and wellbeing of the volunteers and service users. The future of the HVCS would be discussed at the Finance and Policy committee meeting on 3 November 2020.  

11.5. Cllr Cunningham, Chairman of the Planning Committee (Please see attached sheet) 

Cllr Cunningham provided an overview of the planning applications.  

11.6. Clerk’s Report(Please see attached sheet). In addition, the elections team at NKDC had been informed of the resignation of Cllr Dixon. If no election had been called by 20 October, the Council could fill the vacancy by co-option. 

12. Correspondence - for information only (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting). 

a.   NKDC - Consultation on and review of the current Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing policy by the Licensing Authority at NKDC. Comments to be returned by 16th November 2020. 

b.  Email regarding possible change of use for a chicken farm. 

13. Councillors’ reports for information only and items for inclusion on the next agenda.  

Cllr Cunningham thanked D/Cllr Wright for his support with improving the junction of Wood Lane and the A153. Double yellow lines had been applied and missing bollards replaced.  

Cllr Dean mentioned the lights on the Fen Road  industrial estate being out of order. These were located on land in private ownership and not adopted by LCC. D/Cllr Wright offered to find out to whom the land belonged. 

14. District and County Councillors’ Reports. 

D/Cllr Wright’s report included: 

  • NKDC employees and councillors were continuing to work from home where possible.  

  • NKDC Council to be carbon-neutral by 2030. 

  • A green business park was to be built at the Enterprise Park in Sleaford. 

  • The tree planting strategy was underway 

  • The virtual Community Champion awards were to be held on 7 October. Cllr Wright commented on the excellent community spirit shown in the area in response the  Covid-19 pandemic. 

  • Information on the Planning for the Future documentation and advised to look for an opportunity to respond. 

  • The possibility of opening a cinema in Sleaford was still being considered, and the swimming pool was open to promote health and wellbeing. 

15. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following staffing and contractual matters.  

Action: The Council RESOLVED to exclude the public and press to discuss the contractual and staff matters below. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Dean and approved unanimously. 

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.29 pm and D/Cllr Wright and the member of the public left the meeting. 

The Chairman re-opened the meeting at 8.30pm 

15.1. To receive a report from Cllr White, Chairman of the HR Committee. 

The relevant staff had been issued with their new contracts and the staff handbook. Their new working hours (8am to 4pm( commenced on 1 October 2020. 

The Chairman of Council, Clerk and a member of the HR Committee had held meetings with two employees to resolve conduct issues. 

15.2  To consider recommendations following a strategic review of the Council’s workforce and operations, including the opening of the public toilets on Church Street. 

The opening of the public toilets had been delayed until 5 October 2020. The caretaker and handyman had agreed to open, close, clean and sanitise the toilets. 

A meeting had been held with the public toilet janitor. The janitor accepted voluntary redundancy following the strategic staff review and  rationalisation of the Council’s business and functions.  The redundancy finances and payment in lieu of notice had been calculated by the RFO and the janitor had a copy of these. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept the voluntary redundancy for the public toilet janitor. Proposed by Cllr Dean, seconded by Cllr White and approved unanimously.  

15.3  To consider the caretaker’s request to change and reduce working hours. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED not to accept the caretakers request for a reduction in working hours as this would impact on the running of the parish council’s business and functions. Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously.  

15.4  To consider the 2020 pay award for the Clerk and RFO (Information circulated prior to the meeting.) 

At this point in the meeting the Clerk left the meeting until the resolutions to 15.4 and 15.5 were agreed. 

Action: The Council unanimously RESOLVED to pay the Clerk and RFO the new hourly rate as per the Local Government Services pay agreement 2020-2021. 

15.5   Consider payment of backpay to April 2020 to the Clerk and RFO following the pay award (Information circulated prior to the meeting.) 

Action: The Council RESOLVED to backpay the Clerk and RFO to April 2020 following the Local Government Services pay award for 2020-2021. 

The Finance and Policy Committee would review the pays scales for the Clerk and RFO at the meeting on 3 November 2020. 

16. To receive an update on the relocation of the Parish Office by Cllr Conway, Chairman of the Office Relocation Committee. 

The office was now operational. One quote for the installation of CCTV cameras at the property had beereceived and another was awaited. 

NKDC were still offering loans and the rate was favourable in comparison to a Public Works Board loan. 

The Council had previously agreed to apply for borrowing approval and funding to purchase a property for use as a parish office. 

The wording of the public consolation survey was approved, the closing date agreed, (dependant on the date the surveys would be delivered) and the expenditure to print the surveys and have them delivered to every property in Ruskington by the Local Lincs magazine team approved.  

16.1 Handover of the former parish office at 11 High Street North to the PCC / Diocese. 

This had taken place on 1 September 2020. No comments were voiced at the handover by the PCC/ Diocese.  

16.2 To consider renting the rear of the property for commercial rather than residential use. 

Following research and advice from local letting agents, the rear of the property could be rented as office space for local businesses, for the same if not a higher income than letting as a residential property. Office space in rural areas was considered a need following pandemic. Cllr Cunningham agreed to contact NKDC planning about possible change of use from residential to business use. 

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.07pm.