Recreation - 19th January 2021

Minutes of a Recreation Committee meeting held remotely on Tuesday 19 January 2021 using MS365 Teams






P D Cunningham, G Cox, M Trolley 


In attendance: 

Cllr S Tonge (Vice-chair of Council), Mrs Kathryn Locke (Parish Clerk) 



Mr T Fleming, Mrs M Harris 

No members of the public were in attendance. 

At 7.00pm the Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed the delegates. As no memberof the public were present, the Chairman declared the meeting open. 

1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. 

Due to IT difficulties, Mr Fleming and Mrs Harris were not present at the meeting. 

2. To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs 

No declarations of interest were made at this time. 

3. Notes of the meeting of the Recreation Committee held on Thursday 22 October 2020 to be approved as Minutes. 

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Recreation Committee meeting held on Thursday 22 October 2020 as accurate minutes. Proposed by Cllr Cunningham, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved 4 for with 1 abstention. 

4. Update on financial matters: 

A report had been circulated prior to the meeting. 

4.1.  Expenditure to date.  

£12,431.91 of the £24,350.00 committee budget for financial year 2020/2021 had been spent. This did not include the expenditure for the replacement swing seatpavilion lights, and the replacement gate lock at Hillside. Underspent expenditure at the year-end to be moved to reserves to accommodate, MUGA maintenance contracts, additional and replacement playground, and sports equipment and to fund replacement fencing at Hillside. 

4.2. To consider the quotes to replace the seven outside lights on the Pavilion building (circulated prior to the meeting.) 

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend the replacement of the seven security lights with six motion sensitive (PIR) LED security lightsTwo on the front, two on the rear and one on each end of the building. Care to be taken not to interfere with the working of the CCTV cameras. Proposed by Cllr Cunningham, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.  

4.3. To consider the quotes to replace the missing boundary fence at Parkfield, if available. 

The Clerk had contacted a different fencing company as updated quotes were still awaited from the previously approved contractor.  

5. To receive a report from the Clerk (circulates prior to the meeting). 

The Clerk answered questions on the report. The fire damage to the surface in the Youth Shelter occurring on 29/30 December 2020 had been reported to the Enforcement Warden. The swing seat had been replaced at Parkfield play area.  

6. To consider the request by Sleaford United FC to use a pitch on Sundays between 9.30am and 5.30pm as part of a Sunday league. 

The use of the facilities for free by visiting teams was discussed and to be reviewed at  later date.  

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend that Sleaford United FC could use the pitch on Sundays at no charge if they were affiliated to the Lincolnshire Football Association. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Cunningham and approved unanimously.  

7. To consider the agreement and the terms and conditions for registered sports groups using the sports facilities at Parkfield. 

These were reviewed and suggestions for amendments agreed. July was considered the best date for agreements to be signed and returned. 

8. Review of Covid-19 measures in place for the following, and any agree any amendments required: 

These were reviewed as below. 

8.1. Play areas  

Reviewed and no changes made. (Open with daily weekday cleaning, disinfecting, and guidance for use displayed.) 

8.2. MUGA  

Reviewed and no changes made. Currently closed due to lockdown 3.0 restrictions .(When open - daily weekday cleaning, disinfecting, and guidance for use displayed.) 

8.3. Sports Pavilion  

Reviewed and no changes made. (Currently closed, including the toilets, due to lockdown 3.0 restrictions.) 

9. Consider the creation of a dog exercise area at Parkfield to reduce incidences of dog fouling on the playing fields. 

A report on a local dog-park and a map of the playing field to show a possible location for the dog-park had been circulated prior to the meeting. 

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to trial a temporary dog park area on the north field if there remained room for two football pitches, and the Enforcement Warden could carry out patrols of the area. Proposed by Cllr Cunningham, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously.  

10. Delegates/Councillor Reports.  

Cllr Cunningham referred to a request from a resident to use the MUGA for roller skating. The request had been declined on contactors advice as the surface could be damaged by skates.  

As there were no other reports, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.41pm.