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Environment - 11th February 2021 - DRAFT

DRAFT Minutes of a meeting of the Environment Committee held remotely on Thursday 11 February 2021 at 7pm via Microsoft 365 Teams. 



Cllr G Conway 


C Fryer, S CotterS Tonge 

Also in attendance: 

Kathryn Locke (Clerk to the Parish Council) 



One member of the public was in attendance.  

Cllr Conway opened the meeting at 7.01pm and welcomed councillors and the member of the public to the meeting. Cllr Conway proposed to move agenda item 7.3 to follow item 3, as this matter related to a concern raised by the member of the public present and this was approved.  

1. Receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40. 

None received. Due to IT difficulties, Cllr Tonge had advised that she would be late joining the meeting.  

2. Receive declarations of interest and consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.   

None were declared at this time. 

3.  Notes of the meeting of the Environmental Committee held on Thursday 12 November  2020 to be approved as Minutes. 

Action: The committee RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting of the Environment Committee held on Thursday 12 November 2020 as Minutes and a true record of the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Fryer, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved unanimously.   

7.3. To consider if the Council can do anything to mitigate flooding to properties on Manor Street, such as the planting of willow trees to help reduce water levels. 

At this point in the meeting, at 7.08pm, Cllr Tonge joined the meeting. 

This item had been moved up the agenda to enable the member of the public to take part in the discussion. 

The Environment Agency had not been able to respond due to operational commitments but advised the response would be available as soon as possible.  

The member of the public advised that the garden of the property had been under water for over a month and considered the creation of the dipping pond in the Horseshoe Hollow to be the cause.  

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to Council, that as an investigatory measure, the pipe feeding the dipping pond from the Beck to be blocked. Willow trees to be considered for planting in the south of the Hollow at the bottom of the boundary with the property affected by flooding. To continue to chase the Environment  Agency for a response,   

The member of the public advised they would be grateful for these measures, requested to be kept informed of actions and for their email of 26 January 2021 to be answered in full once the information was available. With no further questions or comments, the member of the public left the meeting after being thanked for attending.  

4. To request/receive an update on financial matters. 

The information had been circulated to the committee prior to the meeting by the RFO. 

4.1. Expenditure to date. 

The Committee had 26% of their budget remaining for year 2020/2021. The high cost of the council tax for the public toilets was questioned but was accurate.  

5.  To request/receive an update on Sleaford Road Cemetery: 

  5.1. Update on replacement of bushes in the boundary hedge. 

Privat bushes had been planted to fill the gaps in the boundary hedge. These were healthy and becoming established.  

  5.2.  Update on consideration of an ashes scattering area in the Cemetery.  

The garden centre had advised on the best type of planting to use for this area. 

Action: To cost the plants and arrange for the area to be created in spring. 

6.  Update on the Memorial Garden:  

   6.1.  Refurbishments of the Memorial Garden.  

This had been completed but there remained space for more planting.  

   6.2.  To consider future plans for the Garden.   

Due to rust, the entrance gates required sandblasting and painting.  The plaque on the gates required removing, painting, and re-hanging. 

Action: To obtain quotes for the refurbishment of the gates and plaque.  

7.  To request /receive an update on Horseshoe Hollow: 

   7.1.  To receive an update on the planting of 30 saplings, awarded from the Woodland Trust, that were planted in December 2020.   

Cllr Fryer had inspected the saplings. They were dormant but undamaged. 

   7.2. To receive an update on the information noticeboards for Horseshoe Hollow and consider the next steps to take this forward. 

An application for funding was underway with a deadline of 14 April 2021. Quotes and further information to complete the application and noticeboards were required. 

Action: To continue with the application for funding. Cllr Cotter to advise on the content and design of the noticeboards 

   7.3. To consider if the Council can do anything to mitigate flooding to properties on Manor Street, such as the planting of willow trees to help reduce water levels. 

This had been considered and resolved above. 

   7.4.  Update from Cllr. Fryer - Friends of Horseshoe Hollow. 

The saplings had been inspected as mentioned above. Cllr Fryer would produce a map to show their location for sharing with the grass cutting contractors. The Friends of Horseshoe Hollow were taking a break over the winter months. 

8.  To request/receive an update on the allotments. (Report via R.F.O.) 

All plots had been leased until October 2021 with 3 people on the waiting list.  

At the last visual inspection on Saturday 29th January 2021, all plots looking well maintained although a few of the newly leased plots did not appear to have been touched yet. A more thorough inspection to be carried out in March.  

The Clerk and RFO had attended an allotment training course and recommendations for the Environment Committee / Council to consider were outlined by the Clerk.  

9.  To elect an Environment Committee representative for the Finance & Policy Committee.  

Cllr Conway advised that due to a shortage of councillors there was a  lack of representation on the Finance & Policy Committee, causing the potential for some committee members to cast more than one vote.  

The membership and Terms of Reference for the Finance & Policy Committee currently included the chairman and vice-chairman of council plus the chairmen of committees. This disallowed membership of councillors who did not chair committees but may have experience and skills in finance and policy writing.  

Cllr Fryer was nominated and unanimously approved to represent the Environment Committee at the Finance and Policy Committee. 

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to recommend to Council that membership of the Finance & Policy Committee be made up of representatives from each committee to encourage inclusivity and democracy, for the Terms of Reference to be reviewed and amended accordingly, and for Cllr Fryer to represent the Environment Committee.  

10.  Correspondence.  

     a. Resident -  Flooding of gardens on Station Road due to the housing development and the filling of a ditch to the rear of the properties. The Environment Agency had been made aware by the resident.  

      b. Ruskington Scouts – Wished to be involved in tree planting and other wildlife projects in the village. Projects such as the planting of willow trees in Horseshoe Hollow, planting wild-flower beds, and installing bird, owl, and bat boxes, with nature-cams if possible, on Council owned land were ideas for the Clerk to suggest to the Scouts.  

11. To consider storage / removal of waste and rubbish by the Council operatives.  

Lockable exchange skips and an application for a waste carriers’ licences were considered. Quotes for skips and information from NKDC for a licence had been sought.  

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to Council an application for a waste carriers’ licence. Proposed by Cllr Fryer, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.  

12. Delegates/Councillor Reports. 

Cllr Tonge had received information from NKDC regarding the non-emptying of black bins on 12 February 20201 and a disruption to the waste collection for the following week due to the Covid-19 pandemic reducing operative numbers.   

13. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following staffing and contractual matters.  

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to exclude the public and press to discuss the staffing and contractual matters below. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously.  

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.08pm. As there were no members of the public present, the meeting re-opened at 8.08pm.  

14. To consider the grass cutting in the village, including that cut by the council operatives. 

Cllr Tonge had competed a mapping exercise of the grass cutting areas. There were areas such as Sleaford Road and Fen Road that could be contracted  out to the main grass-cutting contractor, areas that an environmentally friendly contractor could cut such as Horseshoe Hollow, churchyard and the cemetery, and a few smaller areas, such as footpaths and the Memorial Garden that the Council operatives could cut. 

The need for an environment / green policy, a reduction in grass cutting and the creation of wild- flower verges and areas in the village was considered with publicity required to educate the residents.  

Glendale undertaking one cut of the verges in April, July and September would be the most beneficial.  

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to Council proposal for changes in the grass cutting regime, and allowing some grass verges to grow, whilst ensuring road safety, to encourage the formation of habitats and increase wildlife.  Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously. 

15.  To consider quotes for an alternative, ecologically experienced contractor for land management at Horseshoe Hollow

Three quotes had been requested. One had been received and one contractor advised of his unavailability. A speculative email from a contractor had been received the day prior to the meeting. 

Action: Cllr Fryer and Cllr Cotter to meet with the contactor who had provided the quote at Horseshoe Hollow to discuss the exact requirements for the grass cutting, and for the Clerk to respond to the speculative email asking for a quote. The Hollow to be flail cut twice a year with all cut grass removed and the hedge cut as required. To cut some of the turf in the Hollow for the creation of wildflower areas. 

16.  To receive an update on Environment Enforcement Warden’s working hours, pay, and extension of contract.  

From the 1 February 2021 the Environment  Enforcement Warden’s hours had been reduced to 10 hours per week (40 hours per calendar month). The contract ended on 31 March 2022.  

17.  To consider the role of the Environment Warden and consider the purchase of a “dust cart”.  

Action: The role and productivity of the Environment Warden to be referred to the HR Committee for consideration within a rationalization of the Council’s workforce. NKDC waste management team to be contacted regarding a recommendation for a street cleaning barrow for use by Council operatives.  

18. To consider the vacancy and role for a Council caretaker.  

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to refer the vacancy and role to the HR Committee for consideration as part of a rationalisation  of the workforce, and recommends the creation of two equal roles, one for property maintenance, and one for grounds maintenance incorporating the environment warden and enforcement warden’s roles.  

19. To consider the lease for the public toilets on Church Street. 

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to Council that the lease ends at the 20-year point (2021) and the public toilets be returned to NKDC.  

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm.