Environment Committee - 5 April 2023

Ruskington Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Environment Committee held on Wednesday 5 April 2023 at 7.00pm at the Parish Office, 7-9 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY.

Present: Cllr S Cotter (Chairman of Committee), Cllr S Tonge (Vice-chairman of Committee), Cllr O Ditch

Also present: Mrs Kathryn Locke (Clerk to Council), Mr Andrew Doughty (Environment Caretaker)

Apologies: Cllr Jennings

Not present: Cllr Cox

No members of the public were present.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.10pm.

1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Cllr Jennings was unable to attend the meeting and had sent valid apologies.

Action: The committee RESOLVED to accept Cllr Jennings’s valid apologies.

2.  Receive declarations of interest and consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.

None were declared at this time.

3. Notes of the meeting of the Environmental Committee held on Monday 6 February 2023 to be approved as Minutes.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to approve the notes as accurate Minutes with one abstention. (Not present at the last meeting.)

The Vice-Chairman signed the Minutes as the Chairman had not been present at the previous meeting.

4. To receive an update on the budget for Committee.

Information had been circulated prior to the meeting by the RFO. Council had yet to approve the strategic review of the reserves as recommended by the Finance Committee.  The RFO had recommended that funding be sought for environmental projects.

   4.1. To receive the amount raised by the Co-op Community Champion Scheme for the community garden and replacement tubs beside the Beck.

The amount raised from the Community Champion Scheme was £973.61.

   4.2. To consider the allocation of the Community Champion funding to a) replace the tubs beside the Beck, b) for the community garden.

This was deferred until the Council approved the financial reserves and alternative options for the replacement tubs could be researched. If required, the decayed tubs could be removed or replaced with recycled alternatives until funding or sponsorship could be found.    

Action: The Clerk to obtain consent from LCC for erecting the self-watering planters, (obtained at no cost from Lincoln City Council) to lamp posts beside the Beck. The Committee considered that £1,500 would enable the extension of the community garden to commence, with a notice to explain the plans for the garden’s development erected to the fence.

   4.3. To consider the total funds available for 2023-2024 for the maintenance of the community garden and its extension into the land leased from the Co-op.

The budget for the maintenance of the community garden for FY 2023-2024 was £500. The budget to create the extension into the land leased from the Council would be known once Council had agreed financial reserves for FY 2023-2024, plus any money allocated from the £973.61 from the Community Champion funding.

Action: Other forms of funding to be researched, including from the straw burning plant at Sleaford. A community led, Friends of The Community Garden might be required to enable access to funding.

   4.4. To consider any other expenditure required for environmental maintenance and projects.

Projects and maintenance previously agreed included: Improving the ashes scattering area and laying slabs around the raised beds to improve access; information boards for Horseshoe Hollow, sandblasting and refurbishment of the gates and plaque at the entrance to the Garden of Remembrance; re-laying the weed suppressant membrane and gravel on the paths in the Garden of Remembrance, and any items required to create the nature trail in Horseshoe Hollow.  These were discussed. Council already had slabs suitable for the ashes scattering area; quotes for the gates were being obtained and the caretakers could remove and replace the gates before and after their refurbishment; the gravel path could be hoed and raked with the possibility of it being paved in the future from the gates to the wreath shelter. The paths around the edges of the garden could be reinstated into the grass area.   

5. To consider plans and maintenance for the existing community garden.

The fencing and gate to provide accessible access to the Co-op land was currently being installed.

   5.1. To consider plans for the community garden on the area leased from the Co-op for recommending to Council.

The plans created by the Environment Caretaker for submission to the Co-op had been circulated prior to the meeting.

Action: The Environment Caretaker to re-draw the plans for approval, using the best elements from both original plans and after marking out the areas on the garden for scale and accuracy.

   5.2. To agree any regulations for the community garden, including opening hours, and admittance for dogs other than assistance dogs.

The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to recommend the following regulations: No dogs except assistance dogs, no loud music, no fires, or BBQs. The gates between the Co-op land and the garden behind the office to be locked by the caretakers when the office was closed. The opening times for the extension of the garden would be the same as the opening times for the Co-op during the summer but would be locked by the caretakers at 4pm during winter and the darker evenings. 

5.3.  To consider an application for a non-regulation memorial headstone for a cremation plot on the New West Border Cremation Plots section of Sleaford Road Cemetery. (Information previously circulated.)

Action: The Committee RESOLVED not to approve the headstone application as it did not comply with the regulations for an ashes plot. 

6.  To receive an update on the information noticeboards for Horseshoe Hollow and consider the next steps to take this forward.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to approve the information. QR codes to be incorporated to link to more detailed information. Quotes for the boards to be obtained.

7.  To receive an update on the nature trail for Horseshoe Hollow and agree the next steps.

A couple of trees still required identification and the information to be made into a map with activities such as log piles and stones to explore. It was discussed that the information, magnifying glasses, and fishing nets could be stored at and purchased from Chaos Discount, at a small cost, and with the agreement of the store’s owner.  The trail would also be available to download from the Council’s website. Small prizes could be available on completion of the trail.

8. To consider alternative methods of weed suppressant and removal for the bark ground cover at Hillside and Beck Close play areas and the gravel path in the Garden of Remembrance.

Action: The following recommendations were made for further research and costings: steam killers and hot water injections.

9. Delegates/Councillor Reports.

  • Verge cutting – To consider an appeal for residents to put forward the verge outside their property for a wildflower project. (Future agenda item.)
  • Rev’d Jenkins had advised that a community garden was being created in the yard behind the Winchelsea Centre.

10. To agree the date for the next meeting.

To be confirmed.       

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.46pm.