Environment Committee - 11 November 2021

Ruskington Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Environment Committee held on Thursday 11 November 2021 at 7.00pm at the Parish Office, 7-9 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY.



Cllr G Conway


S Cotter, S Tonge, G Cox

Also in attendance:

Kirsty Sinclair (RFO to the Parish Council), Mr Andy Doughty (Caretaker for Environment & Grounds), Roberta Bray (Non-Councillor Member)



There were no members of the public. The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.00pm.

1.  To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

All Councillors were present at the meeting.

2.  Receive declarations of interest and consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.

None were declared at this time.

3. Notes of the meeting of the Environmental Committee held remotely on Thursday 19 August 2021 to be approved as Minutes.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to approve the notes of the meeting held on 19 August as accurate Minutes. The Chairman signed the Minutes.

4. To consider the outcome of the public consultation 2021 on matters pertaining to the environment and environment committee

The consultation results and possible future projects were discussed.

5. To request/receive an update on financial matters:

 5.1.  Expenditure to date.

The Committee was within budget.

 5.2.  To consider the cemetery fees for financial year 2022-2023.

The fees are to be reviewed against Sleaford cemetery fees and presented at the next full council meeting for approval.

 5.3.  To consider an NKDC tree survey of all trees on land owned or managed by the Parish Council. (Last survey 2019)

Action: The committee unanimously RESOLVED to recommend a full tree survey be carried out once every 5 years. The next survey would be due in 2024 if this recommendation is accepted.

 5.4.  To consider locations and expenditure for water butts on Council owned or managed property.

Mr Andrew Doughty requested an initial 5 water butts to be located in the office garden.

Action: The committee unanimously RESOLVED to recommend to full council an allocation of up to £300 towards the cost of 5 water butts and relevant fixings.

 5.5. To consider the purchase of a shed for the storage of environment and grounds maintenance machinery and tools.

The Committee unanimously agreed that a new shed would be beneficial for storage of such items. However, the exact size and costs involved were not available at the time of the meeting.

Action: To measure area and obtain quotes for new shed which can be presented to the full council at a future date.

 5.6.  To consider possible future environment projects and expenditure to inform the budget for 2022-2023 based on the outcome of the public consultations.

The committee looked at the DRAFT budget as recommended by the RFO and some suggestions were made. However, the budget could not be formally agreed until more quotes and tenders had been obtained.

6. To receive the Clerk’s report.

The Clerk’s report was circulated before the meeting as a means of updating the Committee of actions carried out since the last meeting. No questions or actions were raised during the meeting.

7. To request/receive an update on Sleaford Road Cemetery:

 7.1. Update on replacement of bushes in the boundary hedge beside the pavement.

The replacement bushes are still outstanding.

 7.2.  Update on the full reduction of part of the hedge affecting resident’s property.

The hedge reduction has now been completed and the resident has personally thanked the Clerk for ensuring the work was carried out.

 7.3. To review the cemetery rules and regulations.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to full Council for the cemetery rules and regulations remain the same and that no adjustments are necessary at this time.

8.  To request/receive an update on the Memorial Garden:

 8.1.  Update on the refurbishment of the Memorial Garden and its preparation for Remembrance Day and Remembrance Sunday

The paths had been cleared of weeds by the Caretaker for Environment & Grounds and the flower beds had been weeded and the roses dead-headed and pruned. There have been 4 additional shrubs added to the border to fill the gaps created when the tree was felled. The Chairman said that there were several positive comments regarding the presentation of the Memorial Garden.

 8.2.  To consider plans and planting for the Garden.

As mentioned above, 4 large shrubs were introduced to the to the garden early November and there are plans to add more rose bushes in the future as resolved at the previous environment meeting.

Action: Quotes for the refurbishment of the gates to be considered at the next meeting.

9.  To request /receive an update on Horseshoe Hollow:

 9.1. To receive an update on the information noticeboards for Horseshoe Hollow and consider the next steps to take this forward.

Action: Information on the insect and wildlife to be collated to inform the noticeboards. Quotes to be obtained.

 9.2.a. To review the measures to mitigate the flooding to properties on Manor Street and consider contacting the Environment Agency to look at the possibility of flood alleviation measures to cut an overflow ditch into the low-lying area north of the beck.

The 3 weeping willows have now been planted.

Action: The Environment Agency will be approached regarding the overflowing ditch recommended by the Caretaker.

 9.2.b. To consider a request by the Environment Caretaker to be added to the emergency plan committee with particular attention to flooding and the beck.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend Andrew Doughty (the Caretaker to RPC) take the lead role for the Emergency Plan. Advertising for volunteers to sit on the committee to be initiated.

 9.3. Update on the request to plant a memorial tree, scatter ashes and erect a memorial plaque.

Action: Caretaker to meet with the resident to agree the best location for the memorial tree.

 9.4.  Update on publicity and social media for the Friends of Horseshoe Hollow / environment matters.

Cllr Tonge had created a Facebook page for the Friends of Horseshoe Hollow, and another called “Ruskington’s Environment Matters” to help keep residents up to date. These would be linked to the Council’s website. These have been well utilised for public interaction.

 9.5. To consider the mowing of an additional path in Horseshoe Hollow on the west side of the beck as requested by the Caretaker.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to propose to council that the additional path suggested to be cut.

 9.6. To receive information on the tree ID and cataloguing project.

100 tree tags have been ordered and the Caretaker will now commence the cataloguing.

 9.7. To receive an update on the free trees awarded from the LCC Treescape and the application to Woodland Trust.

The trees should be delivered early next year and planted in the locations outlined in the application.

10.  To receive an update on improving the environment and encouraging biodiversity in the village.

 10.1. To receive an update on the wildflower project for the closed churchyard and agree the next steps.

The churchyard has been divided into sections with yellow rattle seed being put into the first third. This will be monitored and managed over the coming months. Seed from the yellow rattle will be collected and used on the other areas in the future.

 10.2. To review signage for the entrance/s to the closed churchyard, informing of the project, if available.

Action: Rev’d Al Jenkins is to be approached regarding the signage.

11. To request/receive an update on the allotments.

 11.1. To consider requests from allotment holders to allow parking within the boundary fence. (No longer permitted following changes to the lease agreement with effect from October 2021.)

Action: The Committee RESOLVED unanimously not to allow the holders to use the area as parking as this area is being considered for additional allotment plots.

 11.2. To consider requests from allotment holders to have bonfires (No longer permitted)

Action: The Committee RESOLVED unanimously not to allow the holders to have bonfires due to pollution. A skip will now be provided every September for holders to dispose of waste.

11.3. To consider a second compost heap.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to full Council that the compost bin be replaced and an additional one added.

12. Delegates/Councillor Reports.

Cllr Tonge informed the committee that the developer has planted 1500 daffodils and other wildflowers in the verge bordering the Lincoln Road development.

13. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following contractual matters.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to exclude the public and press.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.24pm and opened the closed session at 9.25pm.

14. To consider amending the current mowing and management plan for Horseshow Hollow (Suggested plan by the Caretaker previously circulated.)

After a lengthy discussion regarding the management plan, it was agreed that Cllr Cotter and the Caretaker would meet at Horseshoe Hollow to discuss a manageable plan for the vast amount of land. This is to be reported back to enable the Council to obtain accurate quotes from grass cutting contractors.

15. To consider an ongoing grass cutting contract with the Horseshow Hollow contractor or investigate other environment friendly contractors.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED unanimously to request quotes from the current contractor as well as from any other suitable contractor for 3 cuts with collection of the area agreed following the meeting between Cllr Cotter and the Caretaker.

16. To consider, review and update as required, the amenity grass cutting tenders commencing from 1 April 2022 (To include grass verges, cemetery, playing fields and play areas and hedge cutting and weed control at the cemetery.)

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to full council that the grass cutting contract go out for tender including on the contractor’s finder’s website.

17. To receive a quote for the preparation of an ashes scattering area and consider the next steps.

Action: More comparable quotes required a head of the next environment meeting.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.47pm.