Environment 19 August 2021

Ruskington Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Environment Committee held remotely on Thursday 19 August 2021 at 6.30pm at the Winchelsea Centre, 11 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY.



Cllr G Conway


S Cotter, S Tonge

Also in attendance:

Cllr G Cox, Kathryn Locke (Clerk to the Parish Council) Mr Andy Doughty (Caretaker for Environment & Grounds)



Due to the interest in the environmental management of Ruskington by the Parish Council, and especially the management of the closed churchyard, an extended public session had been arranged to allow residents to ask questions and find out more about the projects for improving biodiversity in the village on land owned and managed by the Council.

Cllr Conway opened the public session at 6.30pm and welcomed councillors and the members of the public to the meeting.

A resident raised concerns about the footpath leading from Lincoln Road to Horseshoe Hollow becoming narrow due to tree and hedge growth and reporting that the hedge was damaging her garden fence. The Clerk had previously reported this to LCC who had advised that the work had been completed. The Clerk and Caretaker for the Environment and Grounds had arranged to meet with the resident on site to investigate the problems and agree the best course of action.  

The resident also spoke of the difficulties of managing Horseshoe Hollow as both a public open space and a nature reserve. Its current designation was as an Amenity Green Space, but the Council was improving its biodiversity. Extra patrols by a new security company would be carried out from 1 October 2021. Cllr Cotter shared information from the Wildlife Trust – please see attached, and the restoration of the Hollow had been shortlisted to the final seven in the Lincolnshire Environment Awards 2021.

Another resident asked about the grass cutting in the closed churchyard and about the piles of grass that had been left. Mr Doughty advised that the grass cutting had commenced, and the grass would be removed as soon as possible.  The resident spoke of their concerns over the appearance of the churchyard and the lack of communication with the public over its re-wilding. The Chairman gave a detailed response about the Councill’s management of the closed churchyard and the development of the wildflower project in line with the Church of England and the Council’s environmental policies. The resident was advised of the legal obligations for sharing information (website and noticeboard) and how as well as this, the Council also shared information on social media and in the Signpost Magazine. Office window displays and an electronic noticeboard were also being explored. Cllr Tonge had set up additional social media pages for environmental updates on land owned and managed by the Council, which were proving popular.

The need for additional litter bins was raised. The Clerk advised that the need and location for litter / dog waste bins would be included in the next public consultation.

A resident thanked the Council for how it had dealt with the complaints concerning the wildflower project.

As there were no further questions or comments from the members of the public, the Chairman closed the public session and opened the meeting at 7.14pm.

1. To elect a Chairman for the Environment Committee.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to elect Cllr G Conway as the Chairman of the Environment Committee. Proposed by Cllr Tonge, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved unanimously.

2.  To elect a Vice-chairman for the Environment Committee.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to elect Cllr S Cotter as the Vice-Chairman of the Environment Committee. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously.

3.  To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

All Councillors were present at the meeting. Two residents who had expressed interest in joining the committee had sent apologies and hoped to attend the next meeting.

4.  Receive declarations of interest and consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.

None were declared at this time.

5. Notes of the meeting of the Environmental Committee held remotely on Thursday 11 February 2021 to be approved as Minutes.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to approve the notes of the meeting held on 11 February as accurate Minutes. The Chairman signed the Minutes.

6. To request/receive an update on financial matters:

 6.1.  Expenditure to date.

The Committee was within budget.

6.2. To consider possible future environment projects and expenditure to inform the budget for 2022-2023.

Action: The Committee to consider future projects to inform the budget for 2022-2023 and would be guided by the results of the proposed public consultation when this was available.

7. To review expressions of interest in membership to the Environment Committee from council and non- councillor members.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to Council that Cllr G Cox, Mr Andrew Doughty (Caretaker for the Environment and Grounds) and Ms Roberta Bray (Plastic Free Allies) be elected to the Environment Committee at the ordinary meeting on 31 August 2021.

8. To request/receive an update on Sleaford Road Cemetery:

The Clerk and Mr Doughty had visited the cemetery as part of his induction to the Council.

 8.1. Update on replacement of bushes in the boundary hedge.

Remaining privet bushes would be planted along the footpath at the junction with the Tulip factory and used to fill in any gaps in the hedge as soon as conditions were favourable.

8.2.  Update on the ashes scattering area in the Cemetery.

Action: The Clerk was obtaining quotes for the landscaping and the Salvia plants were available for planting.

8.3. Update on the full reduction of part of the hedge affecting resident’s property.

Action: A full reduction to part of the hedge affecting a property on Lindum Park would be undertaken by contractor late August / beginning of September.

8.4. To consider ways to improve the environment and encourage bio-discreetly at the cemetery.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to create a bug hotel in a space in the far, left hand corner where a laurel bush had been removed, improve the hedging and plant native hedging around the perimeter of the cemetery.

9.  To request/receive an update on the Memorial Garden:

The Caretaker for Environment & Grounds had made the Memorial Garden his priority since commencing in post.

9.1. Update on the planting of a tree in memorial of the late Duke of Edinburgh.

On 10 June 2021, D of E Award participants from St George’s Academy had planted an upright flowering cherry tree in the Memorial Garden in memory of the Duke of Edinburgh on what would have been his 100th birthday.

 9.2.  Update on the refurbishment of the Memorial Garden.

The paths had been cleared of weeds by the Caretaker for Environment & Grounds with the help of a volunteer; the flower beds had been weeded and the roses dead-headed and pruned.

9.3.  To consider future plans and planting for the Garden.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to fill gaps in the borders with large shrubs, and smaller plants to fill gaps and provide ground cover. Plants to encourage bees and butterflies would be used. Additional roses to be planted in the rose bed prior to the Remembrance Sunday service.

10.  To request /receive an update on Horseshoe Hollow:

10.1. To receive an update on the information noticeboards for Horseshoe Hollow and consider the next steps to take this forward.

Information on the insect and wildlife to be collated to inform the noticeboards.

10.2. To review the measures to mitigate the flooding to properties on Manor Street, such as the planting of willow trees to help reduce water levels, the removal of fencing over the Beck and the blocking of a pipe between the Beck and the dipping ponds.

A fence over the Beck had been removed and another was to be removed on the advice of the Environment Agency. The pipe to the dipping ponds remained blocked.

Action: 3 weeping willow trees to be planted in the autumn as previously agreed.

10.3. Update on the request to plant a memorial tree, scatter ashes and erect a memorial plaque.

Council had approved this at the meeting held on 27 July 2021. Once the resident that purchased the fruit tree and plaque a meeting would be arranged with the Caretaker for Environment & Grounds to plant the tree in the best location in Horseshoe Hollow.

10.4.  Update on publicity and social media for the Friends of Horseshoe Hollow / environment matters.

Cllr Tonge had created a Facebook page for the Friends of Horseshoe Hollow, and another called “Ruskington’s Environment Matters” to help keep residents up to date. These would be linked to the Council’s website.

11.  To receive an update on improving the environment and encouraging biodiversity in the village.

Areas around the village were being identified, such as the gap between the car park and the wooden fencing at Parkfield play area, improving hedging and creating wildflower areas around the perimeter of the playing fields. Encouraging cycling to the play areas, and the use of heating panels which did not rely on gas for the parish office, were also discussed.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to recommend to Council at its meeting on 31 August 2021, the purchasing of bike racks for Parkfield playing field and Elmtree play areas. A rack for 6 bikes could be purchased for £40.94. (HOMCOM 6 Bike Parking Rack Locking Storage Stand Holder Outdoor Floor / Wall Mount Steel – Silver).

11.1. To receive an update on the wildflower project for the closed churchyard and agree the next steps.

The first grass cut for 2021 had commenced as planned w/c 16 August 2021. The grass was much thicker in some areas than others, especially to the right of the wedding gate entrance and along the right-hand side of the church.  All cuttings would be removed. The grass would be cut again before winter. Low growing bulbs would be planted as requested by the PCC on the bank to the right of the wedding gate entrance, at the best time for them to thrive (end of August / March).

11.2. To review signage for the entrance/s to the closed churchyard, informing of the project, if available.

Any signage would need permission from the Diocese and adhere to the Council’s own policy on advertising and signage.  The Church was replacing their sign at the entrance to the churchyard.  

11.3. To receive an update on the application to the Lincolnshire Environment Awards 2021.

Notification had been received that the “Restoring Horseshoe Hollow” entry had been shortlisted to the final 7 out of 36 entries from across the county. A judge would visit the project, and the 3 finalists would be invited to make a presentation to the judges on 25 September 2021 at the Natural World centre, Whisby Nature Park.

 11.4. To consider ways to improve the environment at the recreational facilities for recommending to the Recreation Committee (next scheduled meeting 5 October 2021).

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to recommend that the gap between the car park and the wooden fencing at Parkfield play area become a wildflower area; the improving of hedging, creating of wildflower areas around the perimeter of the playing fields, and leaving an arc of uncut grass on the far boundary of the north field.

 11.5. To agree the locations for the 4 bird boxes, gifted by Mr Mitchell – Caretaker to the Council.

Action: The PCC had previously agreed that a bird box could be placed on a tree in the Winchelsea Centre car park. The parish office garden was also considered suitable.

12. To request/receive an update on the allotments.

The Clerk advised that 7 people were on the waiting list.

12.1. To review the updated allotment lease to recommend to Council.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to recommend to Council the amended lease agreement, with a couple of further amendments, to commence on 1 October 2021. The fees per plot for financial year 2022-2033 would remain at £20.00.

12.2. To review the allotment policy to recommend to Council.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to recommend to Council the allotment policy to commence on 1 October 2021.

12.3. To consider the possible conversion of the car parking area (currently a grass area within the allotment fence) to allotments to reduce the waiting list.

It may only be possible to create a half size allotment out of the area currently being used by some lease holders as car parking. Leasing this plot to the Scouts was considered a possibility.

Action: Allotment holders to be advised that from 1 October 2021, no further parking was to take place within the allotment fencing. If required a bollard was to be placed in the gateway to prevent parking but removable to allow access for a skip.

12.4. To consider ways to improve the environment and biodiversity at the allotments.

Action: The Committee unanimously approved that improved hedging, care with hedge cutting, and planting wildflowers around the perimeter to encourage pollination would be beneficial. The Caretaker for the Environment and Grounds would assess the allotments and make further recommendations.

13.  To elect an Environment Committee representative for the Finance & Strategy Committee, if required.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr Cotter to be elected to the Finance & Strategy Committee to represent the Environment Committee.

14. To re-consider the creation of a community garden or orchard and agree the best location.

Mr Doughty produced plans for the garden at the parish office based on an assessment of the parish office garden and other areas owned and managed by the Council.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to recommend to Council the creation of a community garden in the garden to the parish office.

15. To consider applying for the Lincolnshire County Council Tree Scape Fund (closing date 3 September 2021). Information previously circulated.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to apply for the tree scape fund. The Caretaker for the Environment and Grounds to consider the locations and best type of trees for the Committee to consider. 

16. Correspondence - for information only. (Circulated prior to the meeting.)

a) Resident - gift of a sycamore sapling to plant in the village. This was to be accepted.

b) Ducks on Parkfield Road. This was a known concern for the residents. Apart from not feeding the ducks there was no known way to reduce the ducks in this area. Advice had been sought from the Wildlife Trust and this information was being shared with residents.      

17. Delegates/Councillor Reports.

Mr Doughty reported that the pyramidal orchid in the churchyard had disappeared and may have been dug up and removed before it had had chance to seed. He also advised of the difficulties of removing green waste and advised that there was too much to compost. The Clerk would contact NKDC, but it may be necessary to contract a waste removal firm or hire skips. The Waste Carriers License could not be used to transport waste to a tip without a skip or certain type of vehicle. The nearest centre for the disposal of green waste was at Swinderby.

Mr Doughty also advised that petrol was changing from E5 to E10. This means the mowers will now require premium petrol.

18. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following contractual matters.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to exclude the public and press to discuss the contractual matter below:

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40pm. As the public had already left the building the Chairman re-opened the meeting at 9.40pm.

19. To consider the quote / management of Horseshoe Hollow by the new contractor.

After numerous emails and a phone call by the Chairman, with the agreement of the Clerk, the revised quote was made available. The grass at Horseshoe Hollow could be cut with 2 days’ notice.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED for the grass in Horseshoe Hollow to be cut, in the area shown in the plan, removing all arisings at a cost of £809.30, in the week commencing 23 August 2021. A flail cut would take place in October, excluding the scrub area at a cost of £329.00. The budget had been previously approved by Council. A litter pick would take place before the grass was cut. Cllr Tonge would ask for volunteers on social media and Cllr Cotter would take part.

A quote for annually cutting the hedge between the allotments and Horseshoe Hollow had also been received at a cost of £188.00

Action: The Caretaker for the Environment and Grounds to assess whether he could cut the hedge on the allotment side and if so, to obtain a revised quote.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50pm.