6 February 2023 - Environment Committee

Ruskington Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Environment Committee held on Monday 6 February 2023 at 7.30pm at the Parish Office, 7-9 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY.

Present: Cllr G Cox, Cllr S Tonge, Cllr O Ditch

Also present: Mrs Kathryn Locke (Clerk to Council), Mr Andrew Doughty (Environment Caretaker) Cllr Jennings observed the meeting.

Apologies: Cllr Cotter

No members of the public were present.


Cllr Tonge opened the meeting at 7.48pm. (The meeting was late to commence as it followed another committee meeting.)

1. To elect a Chairman for the Environment Committee for the remainder of the civic year.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to elect Cllr Cotter as the Chairman of the Committee. (Cllr Cotter had previously advised that she was happy to accept the role.)

2. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Cllr Cotter was not present at the meeting and had sent valid apologies.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to accept Cllr Cotter’s apologies.

3.  Receive declarations of interest and consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.

None were declared.

4. Notes of the meeting of the Environmental Committee held on Monday 3 October 2022 to be approved as Minutes.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to approve the notes of the meeting held on 3 October 2022 as accurate Minutes with two votes for and one abstention. (Not present at the previous meeting.)

5. To consider financial and expenditure matters:

The RFO had circulated the financial information prior to the meeting.

    5.1.  Expenditure to date.

The Committee had an overspend of £1,333.44. This was due to spending on the community garden and replacing litter bins with litter and dog waste bins.   

6. To review the tree inspection report by NKDC and agree the essential and desirable to be undertaken by contractor and by the Environment Caretaker.

The Environment Caretaker gave a resume of the work required, the work that he could undertake and the work to be contacted out to a tree surgeon.

Action: The Clerk and Environment Caretaker to create a list of the essential tree work so quotes could be obtained from contractors.

7. To receive an update on the wildflower project in the closed churchyard and agree the next steps.

The Environment Caretaker gave a report on the wildflower project to date. The church yard had been divided into four zones to aid its management. The yellow rattle seeds sown last year had reduced the grass in zone one (to the right of the wedding gate entrance). The yellow rattle seeds collected from zone one had been sown into zone two (to the north of the church). Wild garlic had been planted beneath the oak tree, clover planted near the main entrance to the church, and the church had planted daffodil bulbs. The path edges would be cut, and the border of the churchyard to enhance visibility for motorists using Manor Street.

8.  To receive an update on the improvement of the ashes scattering area in Sleaford Road cemetery.

The Environment Caretaker would commence the work required once the Parish Caretaker had been appointed.

9.  To consider the quotes to relay the gravel path in the Memorial Garden. (Information circulated prior to the meeting.)

The weed suppressant membrane was showing through the gravel on the path and required cutting off to prevent trips and falls. Weeds were growing in the gravel.

Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED that the caretakers would remove the membrane then replace the gravel. Costs for the Environment Caretaker to attend PA1 and PA6 weed spraying courses to be obtained by the Clerk for Council to consider.

10. To receive an update on the information noticeboards for Horseshoe Hollow and consider the next steps to take this forward.

Action: Cllr Tonge agreed to create the artwork when Cllr Cotter provided the information. The cost for three information boards had previously been approved by Council.

11.  To receive and update on the nature trail for Horseshoe Hollow and agree the next steps.

Action: Once the leaves were on the trees, the Environment Caretaker would catalogue the trees. This would be useful for Council and inform a nature trail.

12. To agree the grass cutting plan for Horseshoe Hollow for 2023-2024.

Action: The grass to be cut by Hill Holt Wood in October 2023. The Environment Caretaker would cut wider paths to allow easier access for those visiting Horseshoe Hollow. Yellow Rattle seeds had been sown in some areas to reduce the grass growth.

13. To consider the quotes for the community garden fencing to separate the Co-op car park from the garden and to allow access between the existing community garden and the extension to the community garden.

One quote had been obtained, and others were awaited.

Action: The Clerk to obtain additional quotes.

14. To receive an update on the LCC Zero- carbon Project and its funding grant of up to £5,000.

The Clerk advised that £5,000 had been awarded to the Council, but the funding would only be available until the end of March 2024, and once the work had been completed and the receipts for the work submitted. Council had previously agreed that the funding would contribute towards solar panels for the parish office.

15. Delegate/Councillor/ Clerk Reports.

  • The Clerk’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting.

16. To agree the date for the next meeting.

To be confirmed.