3 May 2022 - Environment Committee
Ruskington Parish Council
Minutes of a meeting of the Environment Committee held on Tuesday 3 May 2022 at 7.00pm at the Parish Office, 7-9 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY.
Present: |
Chairman |
Cllr G Conway |
Councillors: |
S Cotter, S Tonge, G Cox |
Also in attendance: |
Kathryn Locke (Clerk to Council), Mr Andy Doughty (Caretaker for Environment & Grounds) |
There were no members of the public. The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.00pm.
1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
All Councillors were present at the meeting.
2. Receive declarations of interest and consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.
None were declared at this time.
3. Notes of the meeting of the Environmental Committee held on Thursday 11 November 2021 to be approved as Minutes.
Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to approve the notes of the meeting held on 11 November as accurate Minutes, following one minor amendment to a date.
4. To request/receive an update on financial matters:
The Committee was working within its budget.
4.2. To consider applying for Co-op Community Champion Funding for the community garden. (Closing date 2 September 2022).
Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED for the Clerk to apply for the Community Champion funding.
5. To receive the Clerk’s Report.
This had been circulated prior to the meeting. No questions were raised. The Clerk commented on the amount of work the Environment Caretaker had completed, such as planting 245 trees.
6. Closed churchyard.
Cllr Conway and the Clerk had met with Rev’d Jenkins on 28 March 2022 to discuss the information boards for the churchyard to explain the wildflower project.
6.1. To receive an update on the wildflower project in the closed churchyard and agree the next steps.
The yellow rattle, sown to help reduce the grass growth, was growing and flowering. There were enough differing plant species to apply for the churchyard to become a designated wildlife area.
6.2. To consider the design and expenditure for three information boards for the closed churchyard informing of the wildflower project.
Action: The design of the noticeboard and the information were agreed. To be sent to Rev’d Jenkins for approval. It was agreed for the Council’s caretaker to quote to make 3 boards for the churchyard and 3 for Horseshoe Hollow. They would be A2 sized, waist height, and made of oak.
7. Sleaford Road Cemetery:
7.1. To consider a resident’s request for:
a) A rack from which to hang watering cans.
b) The purchase of additional watering cans.
Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED for a) a rack to hang watering cans from to be made and b) additional watering cans to be purchased. If the watering cans went missing, no further ones would be supplied.
7.2. To consider the purchase of a sign for the ashes scattering area.
Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to purchase a sign for the ashes scattering area.
7.3. To agree the rules and regulations for the ashes scattering area. (Previously circulated.)
Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to approve the list of rules and regulations based on advice from the ICCM.
7.4. To consider the size and style of any memorial plaques, and who will provide and engrave these.
Action: Further research to be undertaken to decide the best size and cost. Three lines of text to be allowed for. The Council would provide the plaques and have these engraved.
7.5. To consider if there will be any fees to scatter ashes to cover the maintenance of the area and non-statutory record keeping.
Action: Apart from the fees to cover the cost of purchasing and engraving the plaques, there would be no fees for the scattering of ashes. No statutory records are required to be kept.
8. To request/receive an update on the Memorial Garden:
The Environment Caretaker advised that the gravel path, especially around the central rose bed had not been dug deep enough to allow gravel to cover the weed supressing membrane. As a result, the gravel was dispersing and the membrane was showing through the gravel requiring removal. The roses in the flower bed had been pruned last autumn and should grow back thicker and better this year.
8.1. To consider the expenditure to relay the gravel path.
Action: Quotes to be obtained for a contractor to dig a path, lay matting (as used at the cemetery) and fill with gravel (re-using the gravel) and laying with extra gravel as a required. A quote for the matting to also be obtained separately.
8.2. To consider future planting for the garden.
Action: Extra planting to the central rose bed would be undertaken by the Environment Caretaker.
9. To request /receive an update on Horseshoe Hollow:
The Environment Caretaker had cut an additional path at the west side of the Beck. The new contractor had cut the grass as requested and a second contactor had baled the cuttings. The Committee were pleased with all the work completed. Various wildflowers had been noted, and the grass was cut around these.
9.1. To receive an update on the information noticeboards for Horseshoe Hollow and consider the next steps to take this forward.
Action: Three information boards to be made as for the churchyard. Please see item, 6.2. above. Cllr Cotter agreed to create the artwork.
10. Community Garden
10.1. To consider the following as suggested by the Environment Caretaker, and agree any expenditure to complete the community garden:
a) Plants and screening for the boundary edge
b) Raised beds (accessible)
c) Seating
d) Bird bath
e) Outdoor lighting
f) Hand tools for community use
Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED for the RFO to allocate £1,000 of the environment budget for the purchase of the above items.
10.2. To consider the purchase of a smaller marquee for events in the garden (current marquee was donated by the previous property owner).
Action: The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to purchase a smaller marquee for outdoor events.
10.3. To consider purchasing fencing and a gate to separate the machine shed from the garden.
Action: Quotes to be obtained to erect a fence and gate.
10.4. To consider repairing or replacing the broken fence at the bottom corner of the garden.
Action: Quotes to be obtained for repairing or replacing the fencing at the bottom left-hand corner of the garden.
11. To review the Terms of Reference for the Environment Committee and make any recommendations for amendment.
Action: This required amending and further review before recommending to Council.
12. Delegates/Councillor Reports.
- The Environment Caretaker asked about the possibility of access to the community garden being via the unused grass area belonging to the Co-op.
- It was noted that the wooded grounds to Brook House, Manor Street was up for sale. This could make an extension to Horseshoe Hollow.
- Cllr Cotter asked if the Clerk had been contacted by South Kyme Parish Council regarding ways of improving the environment in the wider community.
13. To agree the date for the next meeting.
To be agreed.
The Chairman close the meeting at 9.05pm.