26 October 2022 - Recreation Committee

Ruskington Parish Council

Minutes of a Recreation Committee meeting held on Wednesday 26 October 2022 at the Parish Office at 7pm.

Present: Cllr G Cox, Cllr S Cotter, Cllr S Tonge, Cllr Trolley, Cllr Tomlinson

Also in attendance: Kathryn Locke (Clerk to Council)

5 members of the public were present, which included representatives from three football clubs following invitation to attend, and two members of staff from the Lincoln School of Architecture & the Built Environment (University of Lincoln).

Public Session:

The Chairman, Cllr Cox, welcomed the Members and attendees.

The condition of the pavilion and changing rooms was discussed with the football team representatives. Moving forward, a fine would be issued for leaving the facilities muddy and littered or with lights left on and doors left unlocked. The men’s teams are only to use the changing rooms in the changing room building and the under 16 teams to use the pavilion only to prevent safeguarding issues. The top pitch of the north field allocated to the two adult teams.

The University staff gave a detailed presentation on the Interior Architecture Department and explained how a live project for its second-year students could be of benefit to the students, the council, and the renovation of the pavilion project. Ideas for the project were discussed including: a community café, future proofing the facility as the village expands; “opening up” the facility to face the pitches, accessibility, sustainability, toilets accessed from the outside, and the need for public consultation to evidence need, and for funding applications. The football teams were encouraged to share their ideas and requirements for the pavilion.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 8.37pm.

1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Cllr Cunningham was not present at the meeting and no apologies had been received.

2.  Receive declarations of interest and consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.

Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr Tomlinson declared an interest in agenda item 14 as he was a coach for the Lions JFC.

3. Notes of the meeting of the Recreation Committee held on 23 June 2022 to be approved as Minutes.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to accept the notes as accurate Minutes. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved with four votes for and one abstention (not present at the last meeting).

The Chairman signed the Minutes.

4. Finances:

The financial information up to 30 September had been circulated prior to the meeting.

   4.1. Expenditure to date.

The Committee was working within its budget for this fiscal year.

5. To consider the report from the RoSPA play equipment inspection held on 19 August 2022.

The Council caretakers were working through the list of repairs. A firm had been approached regarding the aluminium welding repairs of a set of goalposts on the north field.

6. To consider a report from Lincolnshire Football Association on the condition of the ground at Parkfield football pitches.

The report had previously been circulated, including detailed information on how to improve the ground. Previous mole damage and dips in the field were reported. It was noted that the grass cutting of the pitches had improved.

Action: To obtain quotes for sports pitch maintenance and consider overseeding the pitches when not in use.

7. To receive an update on the pavilion kitchen.

The agreed phase one work had been completed. The kitchen was to be inspected by the NKDC Environment Health Advisor on 27 October 2022. The kitchen was now registered to a named member of the Lions JFC (name known to Council).

8. To receive an update on the cleaning and refurbishment of the changing rooms.

The Recreation Committee had previously agreed to postpone the decoration of the changing rooms until the next fiscal year. The Parish Caretaker has been deep cleaning the facility and Cllr Tomlinson had been replacing the wooden benches.  

9. To consider evidence and suggestions for the future use and refurbishment of the pavilion, including its use as a community café.

Cllr Cox and the Clerk had met with the university staff at the pavilion immediately prior to the meeting so they could view the amenity and its surroundings. Ideas for the project, requirements and possibilities had been discussed in depth during the public session. There would be a nominal fee, the amount not known at this time, which went towards the students’ end of course exhibition and not to the university or the lecturers.

Action: The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to Council that the refurbishment and future proofing of the venue be a live project for the Lincoln School of Architecture & the Built Environment. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Tonge and approved unanimously.

10. To receive the Clerk’s report.

This had been circulated prior to the meeting.

11. To consider how to encourage football teams to keep the sports facilities clean, tidy and litter free.

These had been discussed with the football teams in the public session. Please see above. Additional cleaning equipment was being purchased for each changing room in the changing rooms.

Action: To committee RESOLVED to recommend to Council that a fine be issued to teams that had not adhered to the hire agreement in terms of cleanliness or securing the changing facilities after use. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.

12. To consider how to reduce incidences of dogs off lead and dog fouling on the play fields and in the play areas, including investigation into a Public Space Protection Order.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to recommend to Council that a Public Space Protection Order be investigated and applied for. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.

13. Correspondence:

   a. Sleaford Barge Netball Club

This letter was dated 3 August 2022. It was not known at the meeting if the netball team still used the MUGA.

14. To consider the fees and payment of fees for the hire of the sports facilities (playing fields, MUGA and pavilion and changing rooms) to inform the budget for fiscal year 2023-2024, by

   a. Sports clubs

   b. Businesses

   c. Community groups and charities

This item was deferred until the next meeting.

15. To consider projects and expenditure to inform the budget for fiscal year 2023-2024, including additional or replacement play equipment for the play areas at Elmtree, Beck Close and Hillside.

The future of the Hillside site was currently unknown.

Action: Projects for recommending to Council included: To focus on Elmtree play area as this was a popular play area, a tilting roundabout and better swings were suggested; replacing the wooden fencing at Beck Close play area as the current fencing was noted in the 2022 RoSPA report as being rotten; a trim trail, an accessible path/ track around the perimeter of Parkfield suitable for walking; running, pushchairs and mobility scooters; basket balls hoops for the MUGA; additional exercise equipment for Parkfield; and mobile goalposts (suggested by the Lions JFC). The results of the 2021 public consultation could be used as a guide for play equipment requirements.

16. Delegate/Councillor Reports and items for the next Council or committee meeting.


17. Agree date for the next committee meeting.

To be confirmed.