20 April 2023

Notice of a meeting of Ruskington Parish Council

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hereby give you notice that a meeting of Ruskington Parish Council will be held on Thursday 20 April 2023 at the Winchelsea Centre, 11 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY at 7pm. A public session, lasting no more than 15 minutes, commences at 7pm. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend. Alternatively, questions or short statements can be submitted to the Clerk in advance of the meeting.

All Members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder.


K H Locke


K H Locke


  13 April 2023


1. Apologies for absence. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011- being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

3. To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on Tuesday 14 March 2023.   

4. Financial Matters (Information previously circulated).

   4.1. To consider approval of payments made since the last meeting held on 14 March 2023.

   4.2. To consider approval of the bank reconciliations for March 2023.

   4.3. To receive the end of year financial reports.

   4.4. To receive an update on the internal and external audits.

   4.5. To consider/approve the reserve schedule for 2023-2024 as recommended by the RFO and Finance Committee. This includes the ring fencing of money for the conversion and refurbishment of the parish office.

   4.6. To consider any amendments required for Council’s insurance. (Renewal date 1 June 2023.)

   4.7. To consider renewing the subscription to the Institute for Cemetery and Crematoria management at a cost of £95.00 for year 2023-2024.

5. To receive an update on the local council elections being held on 4 May 2023.

   5.1. To consider an advertising campaign from 9 May to fill the vacant seats by co-option.

6. To consider / approve the policies below following review and recommended amendments.

   6.1. Risk Management Scheme

   6.2. Donation and Grants policy

   6.3. Data Protection Policy

7. To consider the most appropriate electric van to lease from August 2023. (Information circulated prior to the meeting.)

   7.1. To consider/approve the expenditure for the electric van.

   7.2. To consider/approve the expenditure for installing a charging point. (No funding is available when leasing an electric vehicle.)

8. To consider the arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 23 May 2023.

   8.1. To consider / approve the expenditure for the Annual Parish Meeting, including refreshments.

9.  To consider the expenditure for two replacement litter/ dog waste bins to replace a bin earmarked for Horseshoe Hollow but used at Hillside and one to replace the bin destroyed by arson at Parkfield playing field, at a cost of £444.00 each, excluding VAT.

10.  To receive/consider a report on the broadband speeds for the office and consider the recommendation from the Administration Assistant.

11. To receive an update on the Coronation plans for the Funday on Sunday 7 May 2023.

   11.1. To agree the expenditure for any Coronation themed prizes for the Funday on 7 May 2023.

   11.2. To agree the wording and expenditure for a plaque for the winner of the best dressed business coronation window competition.

   11.3. To consider a prize and its expenditure for the winner of the best dressed coronation window competition.

12. To consider the quote for locking and unlocking the public toilets and Parkfield gates, throughout the year, excluding bank holidays.

13. To consider recommendations made by the Environment Committee following its meeting on 5 April 2023 - Cllr Cotter – Chairman of the Environment Committee

   13.1. To receive an update on the amount raised from the Co-op Community Champion Scheme and its allocation for the community garden and the tubs beside the Beck.  

   13.2. To receive/ approve the plan for the extension to the community garden on the land leased from the Co-op, if available.

   13.3. To consider / approve the regulations for the Community Garden including the opening and closing times.

   13.4. To consider the quotes for sandblasting and refurbishment of the entrance gates at the Garden of Remembrance including refreshment of the brass the plaque.

   13.5. To consider the quotes for the essential and desirable tree work identified following the inspection by the NKDC Tree Officer in July 2022.

14. Recreation Committee – Cllr Cox - Chairman of the Recreation Committee.

   14.1. To review / approve the public consultation survey for the improvements to the pavilion including the creation of a community café and external access disabled toilet/ changing room.

   14.2. To consider / approve the quote from Wickstead for the installation of the 2 rubber steps for the Monkey Bars at Parkfield play area to allow access to the bars. 

   14.3. To consider the arrangements for the grass cutting at Parkfield playing fields, to enable the grass to be cut when wet.

15. Planning – Applications received since the last meeting – Cllr Cunningham

   a. Planning Application Reference: 23/0271/PNND

Proposal: Change of use of agricultural buildings to 5 dwellings. Location: Land And Buildings At Fen Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire

   b. Planning Application Reference: 23/0271/PNND (Prior Approval Development)

Proposal: Change of use of agricultural buildings to 5 dwellings

Location: Land And Buildings At Fen Road Ruskington

Applicant: Mr Adrian Got

12.1. Applications approved since the last meeting.

   a. Application Reference: 23/0051/HOUS

Proposal: Proposed two storey extension to rear with a single storey extension stepping out

Below. Location: 23 Poplar Close Ruskington Sleaford. (Approved.)

   b. Application Reference: 23/0074/HOUS

Proposal: Proposed infill of existing porch, extension to garage frontage, garage conversion

and new timber garage. Location: 3 Priory Close Ruskington Sleaford. (Approved.)

16. Estate Management Committee – Cllr Cunningham, Chairman of the Committee

   16.1. To ratify the expenditure for the emergency repair to the office property roof.

   16.2. To ratify the expenditure for the emergency replacement of the leaking workshop roof.

   16.3. To consider the expenditure for linking the office CCTV cameras to the office computers, as previously agreed.

17.  Correspondence - for information only. (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).

   a. LALC – Fortnightly e-news

   b. Resident – Thank you for use of the Garden of Remembrance for the sleepout in aid of the Royal British Legion. The amount raised was £596. 

   c. Beacon Fen Energy Park – Possible renewable energy plant for North Kesteven.

   d. Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Team – Outcome of Government inspection report on the plan.

   e. NKDC Street Naming Officer – Plans of the development and house numbers off Whitehouse Road.

   f. Football teams – Grass cutting at the playing fields (Agenda item).

   g. NKDC – Local election updates.

18. To receive Councillors’ reports for information only and items for inclusion on the next agenda. Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.

19. To receive District and County Councillors’ Reports – for information only. (Any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.)

20. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following staffing and contractual matters below.  Should this resolution be passed, members of the public and press will be required to leave the meeting. The meeting will end, and a further meeting of the Council will be convened immediately.

21. To consider the recommendation of the Estate Management Committee for the appointment of a contractor to project manage and undertake the works for conversion and refurbishment of the parish office property following a committee meeting held on 3 April 2023.

22. To receive an update on personnel matters. – Cllr Ditch

   22.1. To consider the recommendations for the appointment of an RFO and Deputy Clerk.

23. To consider the contract for the cleaning of the public toilets, pavilion, and changing rooms which ends on 24 May 2023.

End of agenda.