11 January 2022

Notice of a meeting of Ruskington Parish Council                             

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hereby give you notice that a meeting of Ruskington Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 11 January 2022 at 7pm at the Winchelsea Centre, 11 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend, and a public session will commence at 7pm for a maximum of 15 minutes. Alternatively, questions or short statements can be submitted to the Clerk in advance of the meeting.

All Members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder.


K H Locke


K H Locke


5 January 2022




1. Apologies for absence. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011- being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

3. To approve as a correct record the notes of the ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 23 November 2021. 

4. Financial Matters (Please see attached information).

   4.1. To consider approval of payments made since the last meeting held on 23 November 2021.

   4.2. To consider approval of payments made in December 2021.

   4.3. To consider approval of the bank reconciliations for December 2021.

   4.4. To consider VAT registration for the Council, following the RFO’s investigation.

   4.5. To consider a mid-year audit of the Council finances by the internal auditor.

   4.6. To consider / approve the budget recommendations for fiscal year 2022/2023 as recommended by the Finance Committee at their meeting held on 7 December 2021.

   4.7. To consider / approve the precept for fiscal year 2022/2023.

5. To receive the Clerk’s report.

6. To receive an update on co-option to Ruskington Parish Council. (New application received.)

7. To consider Community Safety Accreditation Scheme powers (CSAS) for Aurora Security Patrols at a cost of £1,600 (this cost may be shared with Sleaford Town Council), enabling enforcement of Council’s bylaws.

8. To review the change of date for ordinary Council meetings.

9. To review the Annual Parish Meeting and Office Open Day held on 9 October 2021 - Cllr Ditch

10. To consider closing the Office Relocation Committee as the property has now been purchased.

11. To consider the formation of an Estate Management Committee to oversee the buildings that are owned and managed by Ruskington Parish Council. (Initially the Parish Office and outbuildings, and public toilets)

   11.1. To elect members to the Estate Management Committee.

12. To review and approve the following policies (previously circulated):

   12.1. CCTV policy as recommended by the HR and Recreation Committees.

   12.2.  Co-option Policy and Appendix as recommended by the HR Committee.

   12.3.  Staff Handbook as recommended by the HR Committee.

   12.4. To consider a policy for the binding of Council minutes, and the expenditure for binding (approx. £118.00 per set) - Cllr Cunningham.

13. Recreation Committee - Cllr White, Chairman of the Recreation Committee.

   13.1. To consider the quotes for the refurbishment of Parkfield play area and approve the contractor.

   13.2. Consider any additional information to update the FCC funding bid.

   13.3. To consider requests by Finding Fitness to carry out a public consultation and resubmit the funding bid to the National Lottery for free children’s holiday sports clubs.

14. Environment Committee - Cllr Conway, Chairman of the Environment Committee.

   14.1. To consider the purchase of a power scythe for cutting of the grass at the closed church yard, the paths at Horseshoe Hollow, and the south side of the Beck at a cost of £1049.00.

   14.2. To consider the contracts for amenity and verge grass cutting, and for Horseshoe Hollow.

   14.3. To consider the most appropriate disposal of equipment not used by Council.

(List circulated prior to the meeting.)

   14.4. To consider the replacement of a resident’s fence, damaged by the overgrowth of a tree and hedge on the path from Lincoln Road to Horsehoe Hollow. (Approx. cost £520.00)

   14.5. To consider a request from a student to carry out environmental work experience at Ruskington Parish Council.

   14.6. To consider relocating the litter bin outside the church entrance or placing a new litter bin beside the bench on the High Street bridge to reduce the incidents of littering around the bench. – Cllr Tonge.

15.  Planning Committee - Cllr Cunningham, Chairman of the Planning Committee.

   15.1. To receive an overview of planning applications, new and approved.

   15.2. To receive an update on the proposed bus stops for Lincoln Road.

16. To receive an update on the Community Emergency Plan.

17. To consider applying for the NALC Foundation Award for Councils at a cost of £80.00 (Information previously circulated.)

18.  Correspondence - for information only (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).

a. LCC – Public Consultation – extending the 30mph speed limit on Lincoln Road due to a new housing development.

b.  Lincs Bus - Information re bus services over Christmas and New Year (shared on social media.)

c. Resident – Notice of resident’s planning application for a dog off lead exercise area.

d. LCC – Information on a Fund our Roads campaign.

e. Resident – Incident with a dog off lead at Parkfield playing field on 2 January 2022.

f. Resident – Thank you for the Christmas lights on the High Street.

g. Member of Railfuture Lincolnshire – Campaign to re-open Donnington Station.

19. To receive Councillors’ reports for information only and items for inclusion on the next agenda. Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.

20. To receive District and County Councillors’ Reports – for information only. (Any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.)

21. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following staffing matters. Should this resolution be passed, members of the public and press will be required to leave the meeting. The meeting will end, and a further meeting of the Council will be convened immediately.

22. To receive the outcome of a Disciplinary Meeting held on 2 December 2021 - Cllr Ditch.

23. To receive an update on the referral to Occupational Health Services and approve the expenditure. (List of costs circulated with the agenda.)

24. To receive an update on the non-clerical staff consultations, held on 14 December 2021, regarding proposed changes to pay scales and pay awards from 1 April 2022.