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27th April 2021

I hereby give you notice that a remote meeting of Ruskington Parish Council will be held remotely on Tuesday 27 April 2021 starting at 7pm vis MS365 Teams. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend but must contact the Clerk prior to the meeting for this to be arranged. Alternatively, questions or short statements can be submitted to the Clerk in advance of the meeting.  

All Members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder. 


K H Locke 


K H Locke 


21 April 2021 


1. Apologies for absenceTo receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. 

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011- being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests. 

3. To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held remotely on Tuesday 30 March 2021.  

4Financial Matters (Please see attached information). 

   4.1. To consider approval of payments made since the last ordinary meeting held on 30 March 2021. 

   4.2. To consider approval of payments made in April 2021. 

   4.3.  To consider approval of the bank reconciliations since the last meeting held on 30 March 2021. 

   4.4.  To review the financial reserves following recommendations by the Finance & Policy Committee following a meeting held on 20 April 2021. 

   4.5. To consider renewing the contract with the Pest Controller for one year, commencing 1 June 2021, at a cost of £1,000.  

   4.5.  To consider expenditure for storage cupboards for the parish office for the operatives’ office and the secure storage of archived folders at a cost of £649 excluding VAT. 

5. To receive the Clerk’s report. 

6. To receive an update on the co-option to Ruskington Parish Council and co-opt as required.  

7. To consider a new date and agree a venue for holding the Annual Parish Meeting due to current pandemic restrictions on public meetings.    

8. To review, and adopt as required, the following policies: -  

   8.1.  Risk Assessment 

   8.2 Risk Management 

   8.3.  Draft policy for Data Retention and Disposal. 

 9 To review and adopt the Terms of Reference (ToRfor the following roles and committees: - 

        a. Chairman of Council 

        b. Vice-Chairman of Council 

        c. Finance and Policy Committee 

        d. Environment Policy 

        e. Planning Committee 

        f. Recreation Committee 

        g. Delegates to Outside Agencies 

10.  To elect members to the Emergency Planning Committee.  

   10.1.  To elect a Chairman for the Emergency Planning Committee. 

11.  Recreation Committee - Cllr White, Chairman of the Recreation Committee: - 

     11.1. To consider a resident’s request to play tennis at the MUGA and agree access to the Pavilion storeroom.  

     11.2. To consider re-opening the changing rooms at the Pavilion for use by the football teams. 

     11.3.  To consider a barrier for the entrance to Parkfield car park to reduce incidents of anti-social behaviour. 

12.  To consider planting a tree in the Memorial Garden in remembrance of the Duke of Edinburgh - Cllr Conway, Chairman of the Environment Committee    

13. Planning applications:  - Cllr Cunningham, Chairman of the Planning Committee. (Information previously circulated.) 

   13.1. To re-consider names for roads on the Flaxwell Fields development (land off Lincoln Road) at the request of NKDC. 

14. Correspondence for information only (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting). 

  a. Visitor - Compliments on the key workers bench and the village 

  b. LCC – Public consultation survey for a Zebra crossing on Rectory Road, Ruskington 

  c. Resident - Inaccurate information on the plaque under the village map on High Street North  

15. To receive Councillors’ reports for information only and items for inclusion on the next agenda. Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.  

16To receive District and County Councillors’ Reports – for information only. (Any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.) 

17. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following staffinglegal, lease and contractual matters. Should this resolution be passed, members of the public and press will be required to leave the meeting. The meeting will end, and a further meeting of the Council will be convened immediately.  

18To receive an overview of HR matters by the Chairman of the HR Committee following a meeting held on 26 April 2021. HR Committee 

19To consider increasing the RFO’s working hours from 30 hours per week to 37 hours per week. 

20To consider increasing the pay for the Clerk by 1-4 points following successful completion of the certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA), in accordance with their Contract of Employment. 

21To consider increasing the pay for the RFO by 1-4 points following successful completion of the Certificate in Local Council Administration, in accordance with their Contract of Employment. 

22To consider the advice from LALCs HR adviser regarding the rationalisation of the Council’s workforce and a possible redundancy. 

23To consider the recruitment and advertisement of a new full time operative. 

24.  To consider the temporary use of a local contractor / agency worker to cover the grounds maintenance role until a caretaker can be employed.  

25To consider the Council’s employment of Ruskington Library’s cleaner following advice from an independent employment consultant.  

26. To consider a contract with an independent HR Consultancy for all matters of staffing, employment and health and safety, including insurance with a monthly cost of £123 for 36 months or £101.00 for 60 months. 

27. To consider the recommendation for the environment warden / caretaker to wear a body video camera whilst on patrol, following advice from various agencies, and agree any expenditure. 

End of agenda.