Recreation Committee- 6 February 2023

Notice of a Meeting of

the Recreation Committee




Dear Sir/Madam,



I hereby give you notice that a meeting of the Recreation Committee will be held on Monday 6 February 2023 at 6.30pm at the Parish office, 7-9 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.


All Members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder.



K H Locke


      K H Locke


 31/1/ 2023


1. Apologies for absence. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011- being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

3. To approve as a correct record the notes of the extra ordinary meeting held on 21 November 2022.

4. To consider the budget and expenditure to date.

5. To consider painting the equipment at Hillside play area.

6. To review the Terms and Conditions for the use the sports facilities at Parkfield by: 

   a. Sports Teams

    b. Businesses

    c. Charities and Residents

6.1. To review the hire agreement for use of the sports facilities by:

   a. Sports Teams

   b. Businesses

   c. Charities and Residents

6.2. To consider the fees for the use of the sports facilities by:

   a. Sports Teams

   b. Businesses

   c. Charities and Residents

7. To agree the fees for the Lions JFC to use the kitchen in the pavilion and to sell hot and cold refreshments.

8. To receive an update on the Lincoln University plans for the refurbishment of the pavilion and the inclusion of a community café, if available.

9. To consider allowing the 1st Airborne Reconnaissance Squadron re-enactment group to use part of the playing fields for tents and vehicles, and toilet facilities, overnight on 9/10 June 2023.

10. To consider the quotes for deep cleaning the pavilion and changing rooms.

11. To consider the use of weed killer to spray the bark at Hillside and Beck Close play areas.

12. To consider the wording for a consultation into the pavilion and its future uses to inform a Communities Foundation (FCC) funding bid.

13. To consider the use of Parkfield playing fields for celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III on Sunday 7 May 2023.

14. 15. Delegates/Councillor Reports. No resolutions may be passed under this item, but requests for matters to be placed on the next agenda can be made.

End of agenda.