11 March 2025



Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Ruskington Parish Council which will be held on Tuesday 11 March 2025 at The Winchelsea Centre at 7.00pm. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.

All members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder.

Prior to the start of the meeting, members of the public and press may ask questions or make short statements to the Parish Council. These can be submitted beforehand by emailing the Clerk: clerk@ruskington-pc.gov.uk


Signed: K H Locke

Clerk to Ruskington Parish Council

                                                    K H Locke                                         



 6 March 2025

Public Session:

County Councillor Wright is presenting information on devolution in Lincolnshire.                                                        


1.  To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

2.  To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs. Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.  The need for Disclosure is to be based upon agenda items or at any suitable time during the Meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member.

3. To approve the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 11 February as accurate Minutes.

4. Financial Matters. (Information circulated prior to the meeting.)

   4.1. To approve the payments made and consider the invoices for payment received since the meeting held on 11 February 2025.

   4.2. To consider /approve the bank reconciliations for February 2025.

   4.3. To receive a financial report from the RFO, including an update on the review of the electric bills and possibility of changing the electricity supplier.

   4.4. To consider membership to the National Allotment Society at a cost of £70.00 for the year, to receive legal advice and template documents regarding allotment legislation, policies, lease agreements and the management of statutory allotments.

  4.5. To receive an update on the internal audit.

   4.6.  To consider desk top valuations of the parish office and its out-buildings, the pavilion and changing rooms for insurance purposes.


5. To receive the Clerk’s report (for information only).

6. To receipt an update on co-option to Ruskington Parish Council.

7. To receive reports from the District and County Councillors.

8. To review / adopt the revised Terms of Reference for the Estate Management and Planning Committee as recommended by the Committee.  


9. To consider/ approve the appointment of Cllr Hislop to the Estate Management and Planning Committee.


10. To receive an update on the planning application for Parkfield pavilion and the proposed overflow car parking– Cllr Trolley.

   10.1. To receive an update on the biodiversity net gain information requested from the ecologist at NKDC Planning and consider the options available for improving biodiversity at Parkfield playing fields. – Cllr Cotter.

   10.2. To consider the draft public consultation questionnaire for the pavilion project and agree any additional questions. – Cllr Conway.


11. To consider the arrangements and agree any expenditure for the Annual Parish Meeting on 20 May 2025 at 6.30pm at the Methodist Church.

   11.1. To consider items for the Annual Report and the receipt of articles from committee chairmen.


12. To consider planting an oak tree (awarded by NKDC as part of their 50th anniversary celebrations) in Horseshoe Hollow to comply with the eligibility criteria.


13. To consider the correspondence from the Environment Caretaker regarding the “in house” annual servicing of machinery.


14. To consider the creation of a new area for the interment of ashes within Sleaford Road cemetery in an area previously approved by Council. (Central path behind the war memorial up to the original west border hedge.)


15. To consider how the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE-80) will be commemorated on 8 May 2025.

   15.1. To consider expenditure for purchasing items to commemorate VE-80. (Information previously circulated).


16. To consider residents’ requests for street lighting on Lincoln Road (B1188) alongside the Flaxwell Fields housing development. (Requests to LCC Highways for street lighting have to be made via the parish council).


17.  To consider installing drop-down seating or ‘lean-bars’ on both sides of the Priory Road railway bridge following a resident’s request for Council to install a bench on the railway bridge. (These would require consent from LCC Highways plus Highways and /or Network Rail would need to improve and strengthen the ground and fencing as currently these are not suitable for any form of seating).


18. To receive new planning applications, or to ratify the comments of the Estate Management and Planning Committee, regarding planning applications, received from NKDC since the last meeting.

   18.1. Application of Proposed Works to Trees Subject to Tree Preservation Order.

 Application reference: 25/0210/TPO

 Description of works:  T1 - Ash - Reduce branches overhanging the boundary

fence (north/ northwestern side of the canopy) to the previous reduction points (Approx. 4m).

Location: 20 Grange Close, Ruskington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9FB

   18.2. Notice of planning applications approved by NKDC since the last meeting.

   a. Application Reference: 24/1364/HOUS

Proposal: Installation of an Air Source Heat Pump

Location: 6 Cornwall Way Ruskington Sleaford (Approved)

   b. Application Reference: 24/0588/OUT

Proposal: Outline application for the erection of one dwelling with access and layout for consideration. (Amended plans / additional information)

Location:   33 Queensway Ruskington Sleaford

Submitted BNG info and minor change to red line area. (Notification of approval received on 11/2/2025)

   c. Application Reference: 24/1459/HOUS

Proposal: Erection of two storey rear extension

Location: 19 Cliffe Avenue Ruskington Sleaford (Notification of approval received on 14/2/2025)


19. Correspondence - for information only. (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).

   a. LALC (via email) - Fortnightly e-newsletter

   b. AJG Insurance (via email on 6/2/2025) – Renewal of insurance policy

   c. Resident (via email on 6/2/2025) – Copied into email to LCC re flooding on 5/6 January 2025.

   d. Resident (by email on 7/2/2024) – Request for work to a tree on the path into Horseshoe Hollow. (Following assessment by the Environment Caretaker, quotes were obtained). Agenda item.

   e. Resident (via email on 7/2/2025) – Request for streetlights between 72 Lincoln Road and the start of the Flaxwell Fields estate at Coteland Road. (Agenda item above.)

   f. Resident (via email on 7/2/2025) – Request for information on the Section 106 contribution from Flaxwell Fields.

   g. Digby Parish Councillor (via email on 10/2/2024) – Advice on improving a play area, including obtaining funding.

   h. NKDC Planning Enforcement Officer (by email on 11/12/2025) – Notice of Enforcement Notice issued in respect of a breach of planning control - reference – ENF001/25.

   i. Resident (via email on 12/2/2025) – further correspondence regarding allotment plot 9c.

   j. NKDC Property Officer (by email on 13/2/2025) – Update on the lease agreement for the public toilets. This will be issued shortly by the NKDC legal team.

   k. Architect (via email on 13/2/2025) – Update on the pavilion planning application.  (Information sent regarding biodiversity net gain for the site on 14/2/2025).

   l. LCC Legal Team (via email on 13/2/2025) – Draft lease for the public toilets on Church Street

   m. Resident (via email on 13/2/2025) – Query regarding memorial headstone.

   n. Storm Geo (via email on 14/2/2025) – Site visit to Ruskington re Section 19 flood investigation postponed. New date to be advised.

   o. Ruskington veteran (Via email on 17/2/2025) – Great Tommy Sleep out 2025: Request to use the Garden of Remembrance overnight on 29 March 2025. 

   p. Resident (via email on 17/2/2025) – Request for streel lighting on the Flaxwell Fields development

   q. Architect (via email on 18/2/2025) – Request for information to inform the BNG report for the pavilion planning application. (Information sought from the Environment Caretaker and Cllr Cotter).

   r. SLCC (via email on 18/2/2025) – E-news.

   s. Six Shires rail (via post on 18/2/2025) – Newsletter or Railfuture East Midlands and Lincolnshire branches.

   t. Resident (via email on 26/2/2025) – Update on streetlighting for Lincoln Road / Flaxwell Fields.

   u. LCC (via email on 26/2/2025) – Town and Parish newsletter.

   v. NKDC (via email on 26/2/2025) - Second stage of consultation on the Central Lincolnshire    Authority Wide Design Code; Available between Wednesday 26 February to Wednesday 9 April 2025. (Information shared on Council’s communication channels and noticeboard).

   w. LCC Highways (by email on 28/2/2025) – Advance notice of road closure for tree pollarding on Pinfold Lane on 7 March 2025.

   x. Resident (by email on 3/3/2025) – Follow up request for tree work to a tree on the path from Lincoln Road to Horseshoe Hollow casting shade into a garden. (Environment Caretaker has investigated and will coppice the tree /hedge to ground level.)

   y. Mercedes Benz Financial Services (by post on 3/3/2025) – Schedule of VAT repayments on the parish van lease agreement. (Shared with the RFO and filed with the van information).

   z. Resident (via email on 3/3/2025) – Request for a bench on top of the Priory Lane railway bridge. (Investigated on 4/3/2025 but no suitable or safe location for a bench in the vicinity available).

   aa. Hollies Animal Rehoming Trust (by hand on 333/3/2025) – Charity fundraising event information and poster. (Displayed on the noticeboard.)

   bb. NKDC (via email on 3/3/2025) – Request for the loan/investment transactions you have with North Kesteven District Council as of 31 March 2025 for NKDC’s internal auditor. (Forwarded to the RFO for actioning).

   cc. Resident (via email on 3/3/2025) – Allotment plot 9c. (Agenda item, below.)

   dd. Resident (via email on 4/3/2025) – Copied into an email trail between the resident and County Cllr Wright re bus stops and streetlighting for the Flaxwell Fields development. (Agenda item above.)


20. To receive Members’ Reports – for information only. (Any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.)


21. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the staffing and confidential matters below.  Should this resolution be passed, members of the public and press will be required to leave the meeting. The meeting will end, and a further meeting of the Council will be convened immediately.


22. To consider /approve the new lease for the public toilets as recommended by the Estate Management & Planning Committee following its meeting on 4/3/2025 – Cllr Trolley


23. To receive an update on the parish office renovation and leasing of the office units. – Cllr Trolley

   23.1. To agree the start date for the contract cleaning of the office units, and communal area (waiting room, kitchen and toilet) at a cost of £19.90 for 2-2.5 hours per week.


24. To consider further correspondence regarding allotment plot 9c.

   24.1. To appoint members to a working party to review and update the allotment policy and agreement to ensure these meet with allotment legislation.


End of agenda.