10 September 2024


Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Ruskington Parish Council which will be held on Tuesday 10 September 2024 at The Winchelsea Centre at 7.00pm. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.

All members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder.

Prior to the start of the meeting Ruskington Parish Council members of the public and press may ask questions or make short statements to the Parish Council. These can be submitted beforehand by emailing the Clerk: clerk@ruskingtonpc.org.uk


Signed: K H Locke

Clerk to Ruskington Parish Council

                                                    K H Locke                                         



5 September 2024


1.  To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

2.  To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs. Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.  The need for Disclosure is to be based upon agenda items or at any suitable time during the Meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member.

3. To approve the notes of the Extra-ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 16 July 2024 as accurate Minutes.

4.  To receive reports from the District and County Councillors.

5. Financial Matters. (Information circulated prior to the meeting.)

   5.1. To approve the payments made and consider the invoices for payment received since the meeting held on 9 July 2024.

   5.2. To consider /approve the bank reconciliations for July and August 2024.

   5.3. To receive a financial report from the RFO.


6. To receive the Clerk’s report (for information only).

7. To receive an update on co-option to Ruskington Parish Council.

8. To consider transferring the Council’s email to a “.gov.uk” domain name as recommended by NALC and LALC.

9. To consider / approve the council and committee meeting dates for 2025. (Circulated prior to the meeting).

   9.1. To agree the date and venue for the Annual Parish Meeting hosted by the Chairman of Council. (To be held between 1 March 2025 and 1 June 2025, inclusive.)


10. To consider /approve the following policies, documents and terms of reference, and consider any amendments recommended: -

   a. Staff Handbook, following review and update of polices

   b. Scheme of Delegation policy

   c. Grant and Donations policy for community groups

   d. To add as an appendix “lone working for chainsaw operatives” to the lone working policy approved on 9 July 2024.

   e. Terms of Reference - Finance Committee (The agreed amendments have been made.)


11. Estate Management Matters – Cllr Trolley (Chairman of the Committee).

   11.1.  To consider the recommendation of the Committee to lease the offices at the rear of the parish office property as one unit, unfurnished and without broadband or cleaning provision.

   11.2. To consider the recommendation of the Committee to charge a rent with a fixed increase (for example, 5-10% every 12/18 months (to be negotiated) to cover the costs of rising utilities bills.

    11.3. To consider the recommendation of the Committee for a letting agency to manage the letting of the office units due to legal complexity, including the productions the plans and publicity materials and agree any expenditure.

   11.4. To receive an update on the cemetery lychgate and the funding application for its refurbishment.

   11.5. To consider the quotes from architectural firms to draw technical plans for the pavilion, as recommended by the Committee, and as required for planning purposes.  

   11.6. To consider the quotes to heat the hot water in the changing rooms using the solar panels, if available.

   11.7. To consider the recommendation of the committee to raise the cemetery and burial fees for FY 2025-2026 in line with inflation.

    11.8. To consider the recommendation of the committee to increase the length of the Exclusive Rights of Burial grant from twenty years to fifty years.

   11.9. To approve the updated cemetery regulations and ashes scattering regulations as recommended by the Committee.


12. Recreation and Environment Committee Matters – Cllr Cox (Chairman of the Committee)

   12.1. To receive the report from the 2024 ROSPA inspection of the play grounds, MUGA, and goal posts. (Circulated prior to the meeting.)

   12.2. To receive an update on the Football Association’s Pitch Power assessment of Parkfield playing fields.

   12.3. To agree the date and venue for a cluster meeting with neighbouring parish councils to discuss flooding, improving biodiversity, and recreation matters.

   12.4. To agree the expenditure for the professional production of the 34 anti-dog fouling posters submitted by Ruskington children.

   12.5. To consider quotes for tree work required in the closed churchyard, if available.

   12.6. To receive the date for a meeting of the Recreation and Environment Committee Meeting.


13. Highways matters:

   13.1. To ratify the comments sent to LCC Highways regarding the proposed 40mph speed limit for the B1188 between Digby and Ruskington. (Traffic Regulation Order: Ref: RH/2094).

   13.2. Condition of the pavements in Ruskington following cabling works and resident petition. (LCC Ref 4196444.)


14. To receive the arrangements for Remembrance Sunday on 10 November 2024.


15. To consider the below following a conversation with the Sleaford Kesteven Rotary Club.

   15.1. Consider a location for the Sleaford Kesteven Rotary Club to place a static Christmas display (sleigh).

   15.2. Consider a location for a large Christmas tree in a central location.

   15.3. An official switch on of the large Christmas tree lights.

   15.4. Late night opening for the High Street shops.


16. To consider / ratify the recommendations of the Estate Management and Planning Committee for the planning applications and amendments to planning applications received since the last meeting – Cllr Trolley.

   a. Planning Application Reference: 24/0726/HOUS

Proposal: Proposed roof alterations, including raising of the roof heigh, to facilitate additional first floor habitable accommodation, creation of front verandah, demolition of car port and raising of the ground floor finished floor levels.

Location: 50 Manor Street Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9ER

   b. Planning Application Reference: 24/0842/HOUS

Proposal: Erection of shed (retrospective).

Location: 4 Station Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9DA

   c.  Planning Application Reference: 24/0886/HOUS

 Proposal:  Erection of summer house (retrospective)

 Location:   35 Queensway Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9EX

   d. Planning Application Reference: 24/0912/FUL

Proposal: Erection of 186 dwellings with associated infrastructure, open space and


Location: Land North Of Cornwall Way & Northfield Road Ruskington Sleaford

   e. Notification of Receipt of Amended Plans/ Additional Information

Application Reference: 24/0588/OUT

Proposal: Outline application for the erection of one dwelling with access and layout

for consideration.

Location: 33 Queensway Ruskington Sleaford

   f. Planning Application Reference: 24/0957/FUL

 Proposal: Erection of dwelling, garage and associated landscaping on proposed new plot

 Location: Woodlands 6 Fen Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire


 16.2. To receive notification of planning applications approved by NKDC since the last meeting.

   a. Application Reference: 24/0619/LDEXI Proposal:

Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for existing use - confirmation of

commencement of works.

Location: Land North Of Whitehouse Road Ruskington Sleaford

   b. Application Reference: 24/0623/HOUS

Proposal: First floor side extension above garage to create additional bedrooms.

Location: 11 The Sidings Ruskington Sleaford

   c. Application Reference: 24/0696/HOUS

Proposal: Single storey side/rear extension

Location: 9 Winchelsea Road Ruskington Sleaford

   d. Application Reference: 24/0748/PNREN (prior approval).

Proposal: Proposed installation of roof-mounted solar PV array

Location: Pilgrim's UK Ltd Sleaford Road Ruskington

Prior approval is not required the for this application.


16.3. To receive notice of an application of proposed works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order.

Application reference: 24/1001/TPO

Description of works:  Beech - Fell as tree has died.

Location:  86 Station Road, Ruskington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9BZ


17. To reconsider the parish office opening hours. (Currently open for 35 -37 hours per week between 8am to 4pm Monday - Thursday and 8am to 12noon on Fridays, whilst staff are working in the office.)


 18.  Correspondence - for information only. (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).

LALC – (via email) - Fortnightly e- news.

a. Resident (via email on 4/7/2024) – Request for bins throughout the village especially on the estates. (Asked to provide exact locations and evidence of need.)

b. Resident (via email on 5/7/2024) – Fly tipping on Leasingham Lane. (Reported to NKDC via website.)

c. Resident (via email on 5/7/2024) – High Street South: trees overgrowing the road, nettles growing through the banks of the Beck’s stone walls and information on any enhancements for High Street South. (Signposted to LCC Highways, and the Environment Agency.)

d. Anwick Community Action Group (via email on 8/7/2024) – Press release for the proposed bio-mass plant at Anwick.

e. Ruskington Athletic FC (via email on 10/7/24) – Thank you email for reconsidering the fees for the 2024-2025 season.

f. Ruskington Business – (via email on 15/7/2024) – Plaque for sponsoring a flower tub beside the beck and a prize for the anti-dog fouling competition.

g. Ruskington Methodist Church (via email on 15/7/2024) – Thank you for the contribution to the Eco Day on Saturday 13 July 2024.

h. Environment Agency (via email on 15/7/2024) – Door knocking in Ruskington on 17/7/2024 to encourage residents to sign up to the Flood Alert Service.

i. Call Connect (via email on 17/7/2024) – Summer promotion to encourage young people to travel independently. (Shared on Council’s communication channels s requested.)

j. Talk Planning at NKDC (via email on 17/7/2024) – Invitation to Parish/Town Council event on preparing a design code for Central Lincolnshire.

k. Resident (via email on 22/7/2024) – Parking at Parkfield car park and putting in a gate between the land behind the bungalows on Pinfold Lane and the Co-op as a short cut.

l. Ruskington Village Hall Management Committee (via email on 22/7/2024) – Village Hall AGM on 24/7/2024.

m. Resident (via email on 23/7/2024) – Trip hazard on the pavement beside Lincoln Road. (With permission, email and photos shared with LCC Highways and Cllr Wright).

n. Safer Together Team (via email on 23/7/2024) – Newsletter

o. Resident (via email on 23/7/2024) – Agency responsible for cutting footpaths in Ruskington.

p. NKDC (via post on 24/7/2024) - News NK July- November 2024

q. LCC (via post on 24/7/2023) – County News Summer/Autumn 2024

r. Hollies Animal Rehoming Trust (by hand on 26/7/2024) – Fund raising coffee morning on 3/8/24 at Ruskington Methodist Church)

s. NKDC (via email on 26/7/2024) – July Newsletter

t. Gallagher Insurance (via email on 30/7/2024) – Community Matters, summer newsletter.

u. LCC (via email on 30/7/2024) – Waste and Minerals Consultation

v. SLCC -Lincolnshire Branch (via email on 30/7/2024) – Summer 2024 newsletter

w. LCC Highways (via email on 1/8/2024) – Consultation on the proposed 40mph speed limit for the B1188 b between Digby and Ruskington. (Agenda item, above).

x. NKDC (via email on 1/8/2024) – Letter from the Chief Executive of NKDC.

y. BHSF Occupational Health (via email on 5/8/2024) – Fee increases for ad hoc services.

z. Resident (via email on 9/8/2024) – Poor condition of the road following cabling work. (Information and photos emailed to Cllr Wright.)

aa. LCC (via email on 9/8/2024) - Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Greater Lincolnshire, survey. (Link shared on social media.)

bb. Countryside Alliance/ LCC (via email on 12/8/24) – List of grass cutting of public rights of way.

cc. LALC (Via email on 13/8/24) – Presentations from the LALC conference held on 24 July 2024.

dd. Resident (by hand on 15/8/2024) – Letter and petition concerning the poor condition the pavement have been left in following cabling works. (Forwarded to County Cllr Wrigth on 15/8/2024 and agenda item above.)

ee. Ruskington Community Library (via email on 15/8/2024) – Compliments received and thank you from the Library Management Committee for the tidy up outside the library. (Shared with relevant staff members).

ff.Allotment holder (via email on 22/8/2024) – Dumping of items and misuse of the compost bins at the allotments.

gg. NKDC (via email on 22/8/2024) – Nominations for the 2024 Community Champion Awards. (Shared on Council’s communication channels.)

hh. LCC (via email on 27/8/2024) – Town and Parish newsletter.

ii. Resident (via email on 2/9/24) – Littering of the dyke beside the Pilgrim Factory.

jj. Resident (via email on 3/9/24) - Litter on the playing fields (Caretaker has removed.)

kk. Resident (via email on 3/9/24) - Photographs of the wildflowers in the churchyard that can be used by Council.


19. To receive Members’ Reports – for information only. (Any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.)


20. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following contractual and staffing matters below.  Should this resolution be passed, members of the public and press will be required to leave the meeting. The meeting will end, and a further meeting of the Council will be convened immediately.


21. To receive an update on HR Matters – Cllr Bain (Chairman of the Committee)

   a. To receive an update on staff health and wellbeing.

   b. To consider the vacancy for a Parish Caretaker.