18 April 2024

Ruskington Parish Council

Minutes of an ordinary meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held on Thursday 18 April 2024 at the Winchelsea Centre, 11 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY at 7pm.

This meeting followed the Annual Parish Meeting.



Cllr O Ditch


S Cotter, D Conway, G Cox, M Trolley, A Jennings

Also, in attendance:

Mrs Kathryn Locke (Clerk to Council)



Cllr C Bain, Cllr L Tomlinson

D/Cllr M Waldeck was present.

Cty and D/Cllr R Wright joined the meeting at 7.30pm.

Approx 20 members of the public were present.


Public Session: The Chairman welcomed the delegates and the members the public and invited comments and questions. Questions and concerns were raised about planning application 24/0393/FUL (77 Westcliffe Road) which included: why were children being placed in a community setting, the role the parish council played in planning, what risk assessments would be carried out, what behaviours the children might display, the strain on the local community, staff turnover, parking issues and increased traffic on Westcliffe Road, light pollution, housing stock disappearing for local families, potential for further expansion of the property, loss of value to homes in the area, and the need for upfront reassurance. A resident tried to reassure residents about this type of residential accommodation, based on their own experience of working and inspecting within this setting, and the Chairman advised what role the parish council played. Comments were also raised about planning application: 24/0322/FUL (48 Rectory Road) which included the increased flood risk, light and noise pollution for the neighbouring property (lights were permanently switched on for 24 hours a day even though the property was unoccupied). Cllr Wright arrived at the meeting at 7.30pm. Council resolved to discuss the two planning applications (agenda items 15a and 15c, below) and Cllr Wright was invited to answer residents’ questions on these applications.  He was aware of the concerns submitted to date, advised that legal processes had to be followed for both planning applications and responding to applications, and that purely emotional responses to applications could not be considered without evidence. The Chairman advised that all planning comments and concerns should be sent to NKDC Planning and that the Council would also forward residents’ concerns.  The Chairman thanked the residents for attending and they left the meeting.


The Chairman opened the Council meeting at 7.48pm.


1. Apologies for absence.

Apologies had been received from Cllr Bain and Cllr Tomlinson.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the valid apologies from both Councillors. Proposed by Cllr Jennings, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.


2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011- being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

None were declared at this time.


3. To receive reports from the District and County Councillors.

Cllr Wright reported that:

  • The Market Place in Sleaford would be closing in July and opening as a pedestrian space in November.
  • NKDC were focusing on the economy, tourism, arts and leisure.
  • A “trip” boat between the Hub and Cogglesford mill was being planned.
  • Tourism to Sleaford and its surrounding areas was on the increase.
  • NKDC had purchased the Carre Arms to protect the facility as a hotel, and bookings were already on the increase.
  • Devolution for the county was moving forward and the bid was being considered by the government.

Cllr Waldeck had nothing further to add to the reports.


The Chairman thanked the Councillors for their attendance and they both left the meeting.


4. To approve the notes of the meeting held on 12 March 2024 as accurate Minutes.

Action: The notes of the meeting were approved as accurate Minutes. Proposed by Cllr Jennings, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.

  4.1. To approve the notes of the following meetings from committees that have disbanded or not held meetings for some time.

    a. Operations Committee meeting. (Meeting held on 2 August 2023).

Action: The notes of the committee meeting were approved as accurate Minutes. Proposed by Trolley, seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved with five votes for and one abstention (had not been present at the meeting).


5. Financial Matters

Information had been circulated prior to the meeting.

   5.1. To approve the payments made, and payment of invoices received, since the last meeting held on 12 March 2024.

The water bill for the parish office and the invoice from Chaos Discount were questioned and the need for a smart water metre was raised.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve all payments. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.

   5.2. To approve the bank reconciliations for January, February and March 2024.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliations for January, February and March 2024. Proposed by Cllr Jennings, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.

   5.3. To receive the end of financial year reports.

These were not available at the meeting.

   5.4. To receive information on the external audit for 2023-2024.

PKF Littlejohn had been appointed as the auditors. The Annual Return (AGAR) to be submitted by 1 July 2024.

   5.5. To consider the insurance renewal with Gallagher. (Renewal date 1 June 2024.)

Council noted that all forms of insurance had increased in 2024.

Action: The Council RESOLVED that the RFO research alternative insurance providers. If quotes were comparable to Gallagher, then Council would remain with Gallagher Insurance. Proposed by Cllr Trolley seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.

   5.6. To receive an update on the funding application to the North Kesteven Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) for the installation of solar panels at the changing rooms/pavilion.

The Clerk had answered questions form the funding panel and the outcome was awaited.


   5.7. To consider a community/infrastructure project for the £3356.70 CIL money received, from NKDC, for the Flaxwell Fields housing development.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to ringfence this money for the refurbishment of the pavilion project. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr trolley and approved unanimously.

   5.8. To consider a community/infrastructure project for the £1930.69 of CIL money received from NKDC for the housing development on land to the east of Lincoln Road and north of Springfield Road (20/0391/FUL).

Action: The Council RESOLVED to allocate £500 to the community garden and ringfence the remainder for the refurbishment of the pavilion project. Proposed by Cllr Cotter seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved unanimously.


6. To receive an update on the co-option to Ruskington Parish Council.

Two application packs had been issued following expressions of interest. One candidate was not currently eligible; the other candidate had observed the March meeting and advised that they would be applying for co-option.

   6.1. To consider the co-option of Mrs Emma Donovan to Council.

The application paperwork had not been received; therefore the co-option could not be considered.


7. To receive the Clerk’s report (for information only).

This had been circulated prior to the meeting. No questions were raised.


8. To review/ adopt the following policies following review and recommendation of amendments:

  8.1. CCTV Code of Practice (includes latest (2022) guidelines for surveillance cameras).

  8.2. Sickness policy and sickness management flow chart for managing sick leave.

  8.3. Civility & Respect Policy - Updated to include changes to legislation (s40A Equality Act 2010) from October 2024 to prevent sexual harassment at work.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to adopt the policies, 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 above. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Trolley, and approved unanimously.           .


9. To consider the discontinuation of the calendar 2025 competition due to lack of entries.

Only one photographic entry had been received since the competition launched in January 2024, despite repeated publicity.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to discontinue the calendar competition. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved unanimously.


10. To review and the following for the hire / use of the sports facilities for 2024-2025

   10.1. Application form to request the use of the facilities.

   10.2. Lease agreement for use of the facilities.

   10.3. Terms and Conditions for use by the following: -

      a. The Terms and Conditions for use by sports teams

      b. The Terms and Conditions for use by the Lions JFC (including the use of the kitchen)

      c.  The lease agreement for use by non-sporting organisations (individuals, businesses, and charities).

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the application form and lease agreements above (10.1.  – 10.3.c, above) with the recommended amendments. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.

   10.4. To consider applying for funding from the Football Foundation for the maintenance and improvement of Parkfield playing fields.

Action: Cllr Tomlinson to meet with the RFO to discuss the application and eligibility.  

   10.5. To consider the plan from the Environment Caretaker for the tree work required in Sleaford Road cemetery.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the plan for the tree work to be completed by the Environment Caretaker following his chain-saw training in May 2024. Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.

   10.6. To consider the condition of Parkfield carpark and agree any maintenance required. 

Pot holes were appearing in the carpark and the soakaway did not remove the rain water efficiently. The village hall committee had advised that the village hall carpark required repair and asked if this could be undertaken at the same time as Parkfield carpark was re-surfaced. 

Action: The Council RESOLVED for the caretakers to undertake temporary repairs and fill in the potholes on Parkfield carpark using cold lay tarmac at a cost of no more than £250.00. The resurfacing of the carpark to be considered as part of the budget for 2025-2026. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved unanimously.

   10.7. To consider the information and quotes for the replacement of the footbridge over the Beck in Horseshoe Hollow following receipt of bridge design information from LCC.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the design drawing supplied by LCC, and the expenditure of up to £2,500 for the materials, as costed by the Environment Caretaker.  The Caretakers would undertake the work required. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.


11.  To receive the proposed layout for the Council’s newsletter. – Cllr Conway.

Cllr Conway provided a resume of the layout and content for the newsletter which would be delivered four times a year within the Local Lincs magazine. An example of the newsletter was circulated.

  11.1. To consider the title for the newsletter.

Action: The newsletter would be called The Signpost.

  11.2. To consider the content for the newsletter.

First page – headline news. The background photograph to reflect the contents of the newsletter.  Inside pages – chairman’s comments, council news and updates, how to get involved with Council, how to join the Council, and “meet the team”. Community events could be shared as known about, but Council would not be actively seeking this information. Information from the village churches could be shared in the newsletter and on social media. Information from businesses would not be included in the newsletters. Back page – what’s on, contact details for councillors (to include first names) and Council, plus contact details for community venues, groups, and churches. The Lions JFC to be asked if they would like their details publishing.

  11.3. To consider / agree who will proofread the newsletter as compiled by the Admin Assistant.

Action: As the Signpost magazine had never been proofread and the Admin Assistant was proficient in proof reading, it was not considered necessary for the council to proofread the newsletter before publication.

   11.4. To consider the content for the Summer 2024 newsletter.

The first (summer edition) to include D-Day 80, the Funday, the QR code for the public consultation, with an extended closing date of 30 June 2024, and an invitation to submit feedback on the newsletter.


12. To receive an update on the arrangements to commemorate D Day 80 on 6 June 2024.

A meeting with the PCC would be held when they agreed their plans. Council had agreed at the March meeting to purchase a D-Day 80 flag and a Lantern of Peace.

   12.1. To consider the purchase of an unknown Tommy statue for the Garden of Remembrance to commemorate D-Day 80, at a cost of £175.00.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to purchase an unknown Tommy statue. This would be installed, in a plinth of cement, outside the shelter in the Garden of Remembrance. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Jennings, and approved unanimously.


13. To consider the revised quote for the two village signs. (Quotes are valid for 7 days and the previously approved quote is out of date.)

The Clerk had been emailing and phoning the company requesting the quote, but it was still awaited.


14. To receive an update on the renovation of the parish office. - Cllr Trolley.

Cllr Trolley gave a resume of the works completed. The Clerk advised that the windows were being installed at the rear of the property. Roofing contractors had been asked to inspect the roof, as damp patches were appearing on some walls, and invited to submit quotes for any repairs required.

   14.1. To receive the pre-planning response from NKDC regarding planning permission for the downstairs parish office windows. (Ref 24/0051/PREAP).

NKDC had advised that planning permission was not required. The contractor had been made aware so the windows could be ordered.

   14.2. To receive information on the poor condition of the drive leading to the rear of the parish office and the community garden and consider the recommendation of the Estate Management and Planning Committee following a meeting held on 20 March 2024.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to repair and make safe the drive and to consider the cost of its resurfacing when considering the budget for 2024-2025. A smart water meter to be installed before any work commenced. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.

   14.3. To consider the proposed plans for the pavilion as recommended by the Estate Management and Planning Committee and agree the next steps.

The Committee recommended the proposed plan to Council. An updated drawing to show the plan with the required walls removed was awaited.  It was unclear if the Lincoln University students could still be involved. Council did not think it necessary to ask an architect to draw up the plans for the planning application.

   14.4. To consider the quote and time for the Buildings’ Caretaker to decorate the interior of the changing rooms including a non-slip floor covering. (£269.69).

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the quote and for the Buildings’ Caretaker to underwork the decorating. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.

   14.5. To receive an update on the community garden and review its opening times.

The raised beds for the sensory garden were in place but required planting. The work would be completed on 26 April 2024 apart from the accessible path and children’s area.

The garden on the land leased from the Co-op would be open whilst the Co-op carpark was open. The gate to the garden at the rear of the parish office would be locked when the office was closed.

   14.6. To consider the revised quote for the lychgate at Sleaford Road cemetery. 

A revised quote had been received as the decay and worm damage to the lychgate was worse than the contractor originally thought.

Action: The Council RESOLVED that Councillors and the Clerk or RFO would meet with the contractor at the lychgate to discuss the work required. Funding opportunities were to be explored.  

   14.7. To consider the quotes for the work required at the entrance to the men’s public toilets on Church Street.

The Clerk had authorised BPS Ltd to carry out the emergency work at a cost of £1,860.00, with the agreement of councillors (as per Standing Orders). The contractor would undertake the work on Monday 29 April 2024. The toilets to be kept locked overnight on 28 April and the toilets would be closed whilst the work was carried out.


15. Planning – Applications received since the last meeting

   a. Application Reference: 24/0322/FUL

Proposal:  Demolition of existing detached garage and erection of 3no. supported

housing units (Class C3(b)) including new parking area.

Location:   Land To The Rear Of 48 Rectory Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34


Action: Comments submitted to NKDC following the Estate Management and Planning Meeting held on 20 March 2024, included:

Action: The Committee was unable to recommend to Council that this application be approved or objected to until further information was available. The Committee had concerns that the correct planning process had not been followed by the applicant as it had not been made clear that the property was to be used as a house of multiple occupancy.  Other comments and questions included:

   Observation 1.

The application proposes 3 no. single occupancy apartments: category ClassC3 (b) dwellings to accommodate 'individuals with high acuity needs (learning difficulties, autism, severe physical/mental health needs) who are ready to move into ‘step down’ independent but ‘supported’ living'.

   Q1. Does 'supported' mean the occupants will require on-site’ residential warden support?  If yes, none is included in the proposal?

Observation 2. The Flood Risk Statement raises no alarms (FZ1 - no significant risk) but alludes to this proposal being the second part of an application for the main dwelling, 48 Rectory Rd, to have the 4 same category units.

Also, would the erection of 3 housing units and a new parking area contribute to flooding in the area?

   Q2. When and how were Ruskington Parish Council (and other consultees) made aware of the proposed occupancy category? This is not evident in any of the planning applications for 48 Rectory Road.

   Observation 3. There is much in the planning application about proximity of adjoining boundaries, noise and other forms of pollution, visual restrictions etc. and this proposal seems to satisfy all requirements. However, reading the detail, do the A/C units on the east side of the main dwelling (48 Rectory Rd) conform with the regulations?

   Observation 4. When describing local facilities, access/egress considerations and the likely impact (or not) on the local area, no mention was made of the school almost straight across from complex.

   Q3. Given the declared occupancy of the complex, does this raise any safeguarding questions with regards to potentially vulnerable school children?


b. Application Reference: 24/0240/HOUS

Proposal: Erection of two storey rear extensions and single storey rear and side

extension along with new vehicular access.

Location: 3 Brook Way Ruskington Sleaford

Amendments consists of revision to:

   -Proposed block Plan to show replacement trees to be planted.

   -Location plan to show correct site boundary line.

   -Proposed elevations to show amended balcony on the right at the rear (removal of

balcony originally proposed to leave only 1 balcony on the left).

  -Proposed floor plans to show the layout of the annexe.

Action: The Council noted that although the property was identified as being in Flood Zone 3 (highly likely to flood) there was still no flood risk assessment available.


   c. Planning Application Reference: 24/0393/FUL

Proposal:  Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a residential care home

for up to four looked after young persons (Use Class C2) and associated works

Location:   77 Westcliffe Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9AX

Action: The Council RESOLVED to reserve judgment until responses to residents’ concerns were known.


   15.1. Planning applications approved by NKDC since the last meeting: -

   a. Application Reference: 23/1254/FUL

Proposal: Change of use from residential to mixed use of residential and dog training facility

including the erection of a timber dog training building.

Location: Fontmell Fen Road Ruskington

   b.  Application Reference: 24/0048/HOUS

Proposal: Erection of first floor extension

Location: 3 Sleaford Road Ruskington Sleaford

   c. Application Reference: 24/0230/HOUS

 Proposal: Replace conservatory with single storey side and rear extension

 Location: 46 Roxholm Close Ruskington Sleaford


16.  Correspondence - for information only. (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).

   a. LALC (via email) – Fortnightly e-news

   b. ICCM – The Journal (by post on 14/3/24)

   c. LCC Highways (via email on 14/3/24) – Grass cutting agreement for 2024-2025 and revised code of conduct for grass verge cutting.

   b. NKDC (via email on 19/3/24) - Notice of Election for the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections taking place on 2 May 2024. (Displayed on the noticeboard as requested.)

   e. Edge IT (via email on 19/3/24) – Update on the cyber incident that affected Edge IT Systems in October 2023.

   f. LCC Highways (via email on 22/4/2024) - Notice of a traffic restriction for Priory Road. (Shared on social media.)

   g. NKDC (via email on 27/3/24) – Staff opportunities for the Police and Crime Commissioner election taking place on 2 May 2024.

   h. Business Owner (via email on 2/4/24) – Information on displaying a Slimming World banner. (Advertising policy and information issued by the Clerk.)

   i. Village Hall Committee (via email on 2/4/24) – Village Hall carpark maintenance

   j. Litte Rascals Nursery (via email on 3/4/24) – request for the grass to be cut at the village hall before 16 April 2024. (This is scheduled to be cut prior to this date - weather permitting.)

   k. Resident (via email on 8/4/2024) – Ducklings and drains

   l. NKDC (via email on 8/4/2024 – Notice of CIL payment for the housing development on Flaxwell Fields.

   m. Community Foundation – (Via email on 8/4/24) – Outcome of funding bid and additional information required.

   n. LCC Highways (via email on 9/4/2024) – Lincolnshire transport (bus) survey

   o. Lincolnshire Police (by hand on 9/4/2024) – North Kesteven Policing Plan 2024.

   p. Environment Agency (by hand on 10/4/2024) – Homeowners Guide to Property Flood Defence.

   q. Resident (by email on 1/4/2024) - Query re planning application for a property on Westcliffe Road. (The RFO shared the link to the application on the NKDC planning portal).

   r. Resident (via email on 11/4/2024) – Query regarding the increased charge for street lighting when Ruskington does not have street lighting. (Signposted to LCC, and Cllr Wright emailed, and had responded.)


17. To receive Councillors’ reports for information only and items for inclusion on the next agenda.

  • Cllr Cox had been made aware of a post on social media accusing parish council members of trespassing on private land. On investigation, a video shared with the post, showed an individual walking down a driveway taking photographs. This was not a member of council or its staff.
  • Cllr Jennings asked for an update on the basketball hoops for the MUGA. A further quote had been obtained for over £4,000.
  • Cllr Ditch asked that an item on Flood Mobile and Flood Mary visiting Ruskington on 10 April be an item on the next agenda so formal recognition and appreciation of this event could be minuted.


18. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following staffing and legal matters below.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to exclude the public and press. Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved unanimously.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.39pm. The meeting re-convened at 9.39pm.


19. To receive an update on staff welfare and staff matters following a meeting of the HR Committee on 19/3/2024.  – Cllr Bain.

Cllr Bain was not present at the meeting therefore Cllr Conway gave a resume of the issue and explained how this was being dealt with.


20. To receive information from the HR meeting held on 20 March 2024.

The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting and Cllr Conway gave an overview of the matters discussed. The Clerk advised that staff appraisals were underway and staff members were reviewing their job descriptions as part of the appraisal process.


21. To consider the quotes for the management and letting of the offices at the rear of the parish office.

This was deferred until the May meeting.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.54pm.

Clerk’s Report for the April 2024 meeting.

Meeting date: 18 April 2024

Author: Kathryn Locke – Clerk to Council

Purpose of report: To provide an update report from the Clerk on business conducted since the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 12 March 2024.

Actions completed from the meeting held on 12 March 2024.

Min ref 5.4: The Edge financial package has been cancelled and Quickbooks reinstated from 1 April 2024. The RFO is still able to input financial information, up to 31/3/24, until the end of April.

Min ref 5.5: The funding application to the North Kesteven Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) for the installation of solar panels at the changing rooms/pavilion was reviewed on 4/5 April 2024.


Min ref 5.6: The debt from Memorials for You and Allenby Funeral Directors has been written off.

Min ref 6: Two expressions of interest in co-option to council have been received and application packs have been sent out. One resident was not eligible for co-option until June 2024 but hopes to observe the meeting on 18 April and to join a committee as a non-councillor.

Min ref 7: JJ Southern bakery has been asked to provide the lunches for the ICCM cemetery and headstone inspection training on 25/4/24 and asked to include vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options.

Min ref 9.1. Spalding Air Conditioning were advised that Council had deferred the decision to purchase and relocate an air conditioning unit until the effect of the new opening windows were known.

Min ref 11: The RFO and Admin Assistant had been advised of the approved newsletter for insertion into the Local Lincs magazine. Cllr Conway had provided clarity on this and advised that he would be folding the newsletters and delivering these to the Local Lincs office in Sleaford.

Min ref 12: A meeting with Rev’d Jenkins is delayed until the PCC has agreed how they will commemorate D-day 80.

Min ref 15.k: The funfair operator has been contacted for further information.


                                                   Other Council Business:

Calendar competition 2025 – One entry has been received to date. Publicity for the competition is shared three times a month on social media, it is on the website and included in the Signpost magazine. (Agenda item)

Community garden – The Environment Caretaker has commenced work on the sensory garden and the raised beds are in situ.

Cemetery – Low water pressure was reported over the weekend of 3rd and 4th February and no water is flowing from the tap nearest the lychgate. The Buildings’ Caretaker is investigating.

  • Lychgate - Carre Heritage has advised that the lychgate is in worse condition that originally thought. Sections of wood are rotten, and worm filled. A revised quote has been supplied. (Agenda item.)

Edge financial software – The agreement for the Edge Finance Software ended on 31 March 2024 with 1 April 2024. Financial information and transactions will be recorded via QuickBooks/

External audit 2023-2024 - PKF Littlejohn are the appointed auditors. The deadline for the submission of the approved AGAR (annual return) and required documentation is Monday 1 July 2024.

Flooding - Section 19 flood investigation – LCC Flooding Resilience Team have contracted flood consultants who will be commencing their investigation in the village. Further details to follow. A meeting is being arranged with the Flood Resilience Team to discuss Storm Babet and Storm Henk flood events.

  • Representatives of the Environment Agency met with the Environment Caretaker on 10/4/2024 at the parish office.

Floodmobile and Flood Mary – The EA, the Flood mobile and Flood Mary visited the village on 10 April 2024. 120-130 people attended and spoke with the EA or Mary for 20-30 minutes each.

Grass cutting – The grass cutting season has commenced, as the weather and ground conditions permit.

Parkfield playing fields – The Lions are going to apply three tonnes of topsoil to the playing fields where damage was caused by the grass cutting.  

Parish office renovation and conversion – The kitchen was delivered on 28 March and is being stored until it can be installed by the caretakers. Damp patches are appearing in various rooms possibly via the roof.

  • Work had been at a standstill over the school Easter holidays.
  • New windows are being fitted at the rear of the property.
  • The decorator has continued to paint as the walls dry
  • Roofing contractors (independent to the renovation contractors) have been asked to inspect the roof as there are various damp patches appearing on walls.

Public toilets – NKDC have undertaken an asbestos survey at the toilets on Church Street. Overall, the condition is fair with no major signs of deterioration. There is a slight crack to one of the panels over the canopy entrance to the men’s toilets. As the panels are unsealed, NKDC advise, given the crack, for the soffits/canopies to be sealed by a competent contractor. Two asbestos contractors were asked on 10/4/24 to investigate and provide a quote. BPS Ltd were asked to undertake the work and this will be conducted on Monday 29 April 2024. Aurora has been asked to keep the toilets locked overnight on Sunday 28/4/2024.

  • NKDC are considering an extension of the lease for the public toilets and are having the toilets valued.

Staff appraisals – The Clerk commenced annual staff appraisals w/c 15/4/24. The Clerk’s appraisal is due.

Staff leave – The Clerk is on annual leave on 2 May – 12 May inclusive (approved by the HR Cttee). Emails will be forwarded to the RFO.

Play areas - A swing seat at West Beck required a replacement seat due to the rubber cracking. (Seat ordered on 20/3/24 and replaced.)

Tree – A resident whose property adjoins Horseshoe Hollow has advised that a tree has fallen into their garden. On inspection by the Environment caretaker, the tree was found to have been growing in the resident’s garden. Had it been on Council land, the fence would have been knocked down when the tree fell. The resident has been advised by letter and advised that if they wish to discuss this further the Clerk and Caretaker will meet them on site.

Training – The dates for the Environment Caretaker to undertake the chain saw training have been brought forward to earlier in May 2024.

  • The Clerk and RFO are attending training on changes to employment law on Wednesday 24 April (via Zoom).

Village entrance signs – On 3/4/24, LCC gave written consent for the two decorative signs to be erected in the locations agreed by Council. A revised quote for the production of the signs has been requested. (Agenda item.)

Date for Annual Meeting of the Parish Council incorporating the ordinary May meeting – Tuesday 14 May 2024.