10 September 2024 - DRAFT

Ruskington Parish Council


Minutes of an ordinary meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held on Tuesday 10 September 2024 at the Winchelsea centre, 11 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY at 7pm.



Cllr O Ditch


 G Cox, D Conway, M Trolley, L Tomlinson, A Jennings

Also, in attendance:

Mrs Kathryn Locke – Clerk to Council


Cllr S Cotter

D/Cllr M Waldeck and three members of the public were in attendance.


Public session: Cllr Ditch opened the public session at 7pm, welcomed the public to the meeting and invited them to ask questions or make a short statement. Two residents advised that they were attending to find out what takes place at a council meeting. No questions or comments were raised.


The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.02pm.


1. Apologies for absence.

Cllr Cotter was unable to attend the meeting and had sent valid apologies.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept Cllr Cotter’s apologies. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.


2. Declarations of interest and to consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.

None were declared at this time.


3. To approve the notes of the extra-ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 16 July 2024 as accurate Minutes.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes as accurate Minutes with four votes for and three abstentions (had not been present at the extra-ordinary meeting). Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.


4.  To receive reports from the District and County Councillors.

D/Cllr Waldeck presented his report and had provided paper copies for circulation. (I have asked Matt for an emailed copy so I can cut and paste this into the minutes once available).

D/Cllr Waldeck heard concerns and answered questions from Members concerning the planning application for land behind Cornwall Way, the proposed digester plant for Anwick, and the cars being parked on the grass verge by the business at Speedway Corner. Cllr Waldeck advised that he did not sit on the planning committee so could not answer in full, but he understood the concerns about increased traffic, increased demand for parking in the village, and lack of spaces at the medical centre and advised that there would be public consultations on this application. The Chairman asked if planning applications for larger developments were reviewed in isolation or along with other developments being planned. Cllr Waldeck advised that the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan was reviewed every two years and published every five years. The housing targets set by the new government were yet to be made known. There was no update on the digester plant. Cllr Waldeck agreed to raise concerns about the parking of vehicles on the verge at Speedway Corner with NKDC. 

The Chairman thanked Cllr Waldeck and Cllr Waldeck left the meeting at 7.15pm.


5. Financial Matters.

Information had been circulated prior to the meeting by the RFO. Please see Appendix A.

   5.1. To approve the payments made and consider the invoices for payment received since the meeting held on 9 July 2024.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve all the payments paid and presented. Proposed by Cllr Bain, second by Cllr Trolley an approved unanimously.

   5.2. To consider /approve the bank reconciliations for July and August 2024.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliations for July and August 2024.

Proposed by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved unanimously.

   5.3. To receive a financial report from the RFO.

This had been circulated prior to the meeting. No questions were raised.


6. To receive the Clerk’s report (for information only).

This had been circulated prior to the meeting. Please see Appendix B. No questions were raised.


7. To receive an update on co-option to Ruskington Parish Council.

No applications for co-option had been received. One application pack had been issued since the last meeting.


8. To consider transferring the Council’s email to a “.gov.uk” domain name as recommended by NALC and LALC.

It was discussed that this would improve security for the council’s email system and would highlight the council as a local government organisation. SCIS Ltd could undertake the transfer, and the Clerk had applied to the Government’s Central Digital and Data Office to express an interest in funding to cover costs of the transfer.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the transfer to a .gov.uk domain name to improve security and reflect the council as a local government organisation, at a cost of £150.00 +VAT for the first year’s registration, £120.00 +VAT for the initial set up and configuration and £70.00 per annum thereafter. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.


9. To consider / approve the council and committee meeting dates for 2025. (Circulated prior to the meeting).

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the council and committee dates for 2025. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.

   9.1. To agree the date and venue for the Annual Parish Meeting hosted by the Chairman of Council. (To be held between 1 March 2025 and 1 June 2025, inclusive.)

Action: The Council RESOLVED to hold the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 20 May 2024 at the Methodist Church, if this was available. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved unanimously.


10. To consider /approve the following policies, documents and terms of reference, and consider any amendments recommended: -

   a. Staff Handbook, following review and update of polices

   b. Scheme of Delegation policy

This remained a work in progress and would be presented to Council at a later meeting.

   c. Grant and Donations policy for community groups

   d. To add as an appendix “lone working for chainsaw operatives” to the lone working policy approved on 9 July 2024.

   e. Terms of Reference - Finance Committee (The agreed amendments have been made.)

Action: The Council RESOLVED to adopt the staff handbook, the grant and donations policy and the appendix for the lone working policy. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.


11. Estate Management Matters – Cllr Trolley (Chairman of the Committee).

A Committee meeting had been held on 3 September 2024.

   11.1.  To consider the recommendation of the Committee to lease the offices at the rear of the parish office property as one unit, unfurnished and without broadband or cleaning provision.

This was based on the advice of a local letting agency who had attended the meeting on 154 August 2024.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to advertise the office spaces as being available as 1, 2, 3 or 4 office units and would let the offices depending on the response.  Clarity on the letting fees and costs to be sought. Proposed by Cllr Bain, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson and approved unanimously.

   11.2. To consider the recommendation of the Committee to charge a rent with a fixed increase (for example, 5-10% every 12/18 months (to be negotiated) to cover the costs of rising utilities bills.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to charge a rent with a fixed increase as negotiated with the tenant. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.

    11.3. To consider the recommendation of the Committee for a letting agency to manage the letting of the office units due to legal complexity, including producing the plans and publicity materials and agree any expenditure.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to arrange for Mundy’s Letting Agency to manage the letting of the office units, including production of the plans, the photography, and the advertising. Proposed by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Conway and with six votes for and one abstention.

   11.4. To receive an update on the cemetery lychgate and the funding application for its refurbishment.

Pre-application advice had been sought and received from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Letters of support for the renovation of the lychgate were being collated and a public consultation was underway.

   11.5. To consider the quotes from architectural firms to draw technical plans for the pavilion, as recommended by the Committee, and as required for planning purposes. 

Information had been circulated prior to the meeting with the names and details of the architects redacted.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept Quote 2 from the architectural firm W I Design at a cost of up to £1,250.00, which included the costs for any amendments that may be required. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Ditch and approved unanimously.

   11.6. To consider the quotes to heat the hot water in the changing rooms using the solar panels, if available.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept the quote from Imp Electrical at a cost of £1,314.00 to install a timer to use solar and battery power to heat the water and for the cleaning, removal of sediment and chlorination of tanks. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.

   11.7. To consider the recommendation of the committee to raise the cemetery and burial fees for FY 2025-2026 in line with inflation.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to raise the cemetery and burial fees for 2025-2026 in line with inflation. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.

    11.8. To consider the recommendation of the committee to increase the length of the Exclusive Rights of Burial grant from twenty years to fifty years.

The Clerk explained the reasons for the grant and the benefits to the loved ones of those interred and to the Council.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to increase the length of the Exclusive Rights of Burial from twenty years to fifty years. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved unanimously.

   11.9. To approve the updated cemetery regulations and ashes scattering regulations as recommended by the Committee.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the cemetery regulations and the ashes scattering area regulations. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved unanimously.


12. Recreation and Environment Committee Matters – Cllr Cox (Chairman of the Committee)

Cllr Cox commented on the condition of Hillside play area and asked the Clerk to obtain the intentions of NKDC for this land.

   12.1. To receive the report from the 2024 ROSPA inspection of the play grounds, MUGA, and goal posts. (Circulated prior to the meeting.)

A few minor issues had been identified on the inspection and were being rectified by the caretaker.

   12.2. To receive an update on the Football Association’s Pitch Power assessment of Parkfield playing fields.

The RFO and Environment caretaker had collected soil samples from all six pitches and the RFO had submitted all the information required for the assessment to take place.

   12.3. To agree the date and venue for a cluster meeting with neighbouring parish councils to discuss flooding, improving biodiversity, and recreation matters.

Leasingham and Roxholm Parish Council had expressed an interest in being involved in a cluster meeting.

Action: The Clerk was to arrange a date and venue for the meeting.

   12.4. To agree the expenditure for the professional production of the 34 anti-dog fouling posters submitted by Ruskington children.

Action: The Council RESOLVED for Cllr Cox to contact Display Pro and ask for a revised quote for 10 posters. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson and approved unanimously.

   12.5. To consider quotes for tree work required in the closed churchyard, if available.

Three quotes were being obtained.

   12.6. To receive the date for a meeting of the Recreation and Environment Committee Meeting.

To be confirmed.


13. Highways matters:

   13.1. To ratify the comments sent to LCC Highways regarding the proposed 40mph speed limit for the B1188 between Digby and Ruskington. (Traffic Regulation Order: Ref: RH/2094).

Action: The Council RESOLVED to ratify the comments submitted to LCC Highways to approve the reduction in the speed limit to 40mph. proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Ditch and approved unanimously.

   13.2. Condition of the pavements in Ruskington following cabling works and resident petition. (LCC Ref 4196444.)

The petition and photographs of the pavements had been submitted to LCC highways and County Councillor Wright. It was reported that remedial work was already being undertaken and one of the cabinets had been relocated to a more suitable position.


14. To receive the arrangements for Remembrance Sunday on 10 November 2024.

Information had been circulated prior to the meeting. The road closure application had been approved by LCC; the bugler was arranged; the poppy wreath had been delivered from the Royal British Legion and Rev’d Al had agreed the order of service. Cllr Cox would be the person in charge on the day and had undertaken training, the landlady at the Shoulder of Mutton was recruiting volunteers and Cllr Tomlinson offered his help.  A letter from a staff member concerning the arrangements had been received and would be considered at the meeting on 8 October 2024.


15. To consider the below following a conversation with the Sleaford Kesteven Rotary Club.

   15.1. Consider a location for the Sleaford Kesteven Rotary Club to place a static Christmas display (sleigh).

   15.2. Consider a location for a large Christmas tree in a central location.

   15.3. An official switch on of the large Christmas tree lights.

   15.4. Late night opening for the High Street shops.

Suggestions for the Rotary Club for the positioning of the sleigh and Christmas tree included the Methodist Church and the carpark of the Winchelsea Centre. A battery pack, or electricity supply for the lights for the Christmas tree outside the Garden of Remembrance was to be explored by Council. Late night opening for the shops would be a matter for NKDC.



16. To consider / ratify the recommendations of the Estate Management and Planning Committee for the planning applications and amendments to planning applications received since the last meeting – Cllr Trolley.

   a. Planning Application Reference: 24/0726/HOUS

Proposal: Proposed roof alterations, including raising of the roof heigh, to facilitate additional first floor habitable accommodation, creation of front verandah, demolition of car port and raising of the ground floor finished floor levels.

Location: 50 Manor Street Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9ER

Action: The Council had no objections to this application, and it had been approved by NKDC.

   b. Planning Application Reference: 24/0842/HOUS

Proposal: Erection of shed (retrospective).

Location: 4 Station Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9DA

The Council had no objections to this application, and it had been approved by NKDC.

   c.  Planning Application Reference: 24/0886/HOUS

 Proposal:  Erection of summer house (retrospective)

Action: The Council had no objections to this application, and it had been approved by NKDC.

   d. Planning Application Reference: 24/0912/FUL

Proposal: Erection of 186 dwellings with associated infrastructure, open space and


Location: Land North Of Cornwall Way & Northfield Road Ruskington Sleaford

This application had been reviewed at length by the Estate Management and Planning committee at its meeting on 3 September 2024.

Action: The Council had the following comments:-

  • Council wished to be involved in any consultations on this application by NKDC
  • The proposed development does not integrate with the surrounding development.
  • There was a lack of suitable road access to the development, for example, Cornwall Way was a residential area with cars parked on the road and was already used as a “rat run” by motorists.
  • There was limited visibility for motorists when exiting Springfield Road onto Lincoln Road/B1188.  Could access via the Flaxwell Fields development be made available?
  • Parking on the development appeared limited - a four-bedroom house could generate four cars, and therefore there would be parking on pavements and at road junctions.
  • The development could create 300+ extra cars using the roads in the village, which would negatively impact on the movement of traffic and parking in and around the village.
  • Could car parking for users of the nearby Parkfield playing fields be incorporated into the design?
  • Although the plans made mention of the need for nursey school provision, other services, such as an NHS dentist were required.
  • The Committee asked if NK Planning considered each application on an individual basis or in relation to all the other developments being planned and built so an overview of what infrastructure was required was made clear.


   e. Notification of Receipt of Amended Plans/ Additional Information Application Reference: 24/0588/OUT

Proposal: Outline application for the erection of one dwelling with access and layout

for consideration.

Location: 33 Queensway Ruskington Sleaford

Action: The Council opposed this application and the amended plans as the property would be in a flood plain, would increase the risk of flooding to neighbouring properties and the access/ drive was narrow and restricted due to existing buildings.

   f. Planning Application Reference: 24/0957/FUL

 Proposal: Erection of dwelling, garage and associated landscaping on proposed new plot

 Location: Woodlands 6 Fen Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire

Action: The Council had no objections to this application.


 16.2. To receive notification of planning applications approved by NKDC since the last meeting.

   a. Application Reference: 24/0619/LDEXI Proposal:

Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for existing use - confirmation of

commencement of works.

Location: Land North Of Whitehouse Road Ruskington Sleaford

   b. Application Reference: 24/0623/HOUS

Proposal: First floor side extension above garage to create additional bedrooms.

Location: 11 The Sidings Ruskington Sleaford

   c. Application Reference: 24/0696/HOUS

Proposal: Single storey side/rear extension

Location: 9 Winchelsea Road Ruskington Sleaford

   d. Application Reference: 24/0748/PNREN (prior approval).

Proposal: Proposed installation of roof-mounted solar PV array

Location: Pilgrim's UK Ltd Sleaford Road Ruskington

Prior approval is not required the for this application.


16.3. To receive notice of an application of proposed works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order.

Application reference: 24/1001/TPO

Description of works:  Beech - Fell as tree has died.

Location:  86 Station Road, Ruskington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9BZ

Action: The Council had no objections to this proposed tree work as the tree was dead.


17. To reconsider the parish office opening hours.

Currently the office was open for 35 -37 hours per week between 8am to 4pm Monday - Thursday and 8am to 12noon on Fridays, whilst staff are working in the office. There were occasions when staff had to leave the office and if the office was closed during the working day a notice was put on the door to say when it would re-open.  

The Clerk had shared information on the multiple ways that residents could contact the Council including by calling into the parish office, attending council and committee meetings, phoning or emailing and by contacting councillors.

Action: Ways to improve communication included holding councillors’ surgeries and councillors attending village events, such as the Warm Space coffee mornings to which Council had been invited. These would be considered.


 18.  Correspondence - for information only. (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).

  1. LALC – (via email) - Fortnightly e- news.
  2. Resident (via email on 4/7/2024) – Request for bins throughout the village especially on the estates. (Asked to provide exact locations and evidence of need.)
  3. Resident (via email on 5/7/2024) – Fly tipping on Leasingham Lane. (Reported to NKDC via website.)
  4. Resident (via email on 5/7/2024) – High Street South: trees overgrowing the road, nettles growing through the banks of the Beck’s stone walls and information on any enhancements for High Street South. (Signposted to LCC Highways, and the Environment Agency.)
  5. Anwick Community Action Group (via email on 8/7/2024) – Press release for the proposed bio-mass plant at Anwick.
  6. Ruskington Athletic FC (via email on 10/7/24) – Thank you email for reconsidering the fees for the 2024-2025 season.
  7. Ruskington Business – (via email on 15/7/2024) – Plaque for sponsoring a flower tub beside the beck and a prize for the anti-dog fouling competition.
  8. Ruskington Methodist Church (via email on 15/7/2024) – Thank you for the contribution to the Eco Day on Saturday 13 July 2024.
  9. Environment Agency (via email on 15/7/2024) – Door knocking in Ruskington on 17/7/2024 to encourage residents to sign up to the Flood Alert Service.
  10. Call Connect (via email on 17/7/2024) – Summer promotion to encourage young people to travel independently. (Shared on Council’s communication channels s requested.)
  11. Talk Planning at NKDC (via email on 17/7/2024) – Invitation to Parish/Town Council event on preparing a design code for Central Lincolnshire.
  12. Resident (via email on 22/7/2024) – Parking at Parkfield car park and putting in a gate between the land behind the bungalows on Pinfold Lane and the Co-op as a short cut.
  13. Ruskington Village Hall Management Committee (via email on 22/7/2024) – Village Hall AGM on 24/7/2024.
  14. Resident (via email on 23/7/2024) – Trip hazard on the pavement beside Lincoln Road. (With permission, email and photos shared with LCC Highways and Cllr Wright).
  15. Safer Together Team (via email on 23/7/2024) – Newsletter
  16. Resident (via email on 23/7/2024) – Agency responsible for cutting footpaths in Ruskington.
  17. NKDC (via post on 24/7/2024) - News NK July- November 2024
  18. LCC (via post on 24/7/2023) – County News Summer/Autumn 2024
  19. Hollies Animal Rehoming Trust (by hand on 26/7/2024) – Fund raising coffee morning on 3/8/24 at Ruskington Methodist Church)
  20. NKDC (via email on 26/7/2024) – July Newsletter
  21. Gallagher Insurance (via email on 30/7/2024) – Community Matters, summer newsletter.
  22. LCC (via email on 30/7/2024) – Waste and Minerals Consultation
  23. SLCC -Lincolnshire Branch (via email on 30/7/2024) – Summer 2024 newsletter
  24. LCC Highways (via email on 1/8/2024) – Consultation on the proposed 40mph speed limit for the B1188 b between Digby and Ruskington. (Agenda item, above).
  25. NKDC (via email on 1/8/2024) – Letter from the Chief Executive of NKDC.
  26. BHSF Occupational Health (via email on 5/8/2024) – Fee increases for ad hoc services.
  27. Resident (via email on 9/8/2024) – Poor condition of the road following cabling work. (Information and photos emailed to Cllr Wright.)
  28. LCC (via email on 9/8/2024) - Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Greater Lincolnshire, survey. (Link shared on social media.)
  29. Countryside Alliance/ LCC (via email on 12/8/24) – List of grass cutting of public rights of way.
  30. LALC (Via email on 13/8/24) – Presentations from the LALC conference held on 24 July 2024.
  31. Resident (by hand on 15/8/2024) – Letter and petition concerning the poor condition the pavement have been left in following cabling works. (Forwarded to County Cllr Wrigth on 15/8/2024 and agenda item above.)
  32. Ruskington Community Library (via email on 15/8/2024) – Compliments received and thank you from the Library Management Committee for the tidy up outside the library. (Shared with relevant staff members).
  33. Allotment holder (via email on 22/8/2024) – Dumping of items and misuse of the compost bins at the allotments.
  34. NKDC (via email on 22/8/2024) – Nominations for the 2024 Community Champion Awards. (Shared on Council’s communication channels.)
  35. LCC (via email on 27/8/2024) – Town and Parish newsletter.
  36. Resident (via email on 2/9/24) – Littering of the dyke beside the Pilgrim Factory.
  37. Resident (via email on 3/9/24) - Litter on the playing fields (Caretaker has removed.)
  38. Resident (via email on 3/9/24) - Photographs of the wildflowers in the churchyard that can be used by Council.


19. To receive Members’ Reports – for information only. (Any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.)

  • Cllr Conway asked if the Signpost newsletter could be an item on the October agenda.
  • Cllr Bain gave a suggestion to engage with the younger members of the village and the Clerk would share the information and video with Council.
  • Cllr Tomlinson mentioned dedicating the Christmas tree outside the Garden of Remembrance to the memory of the late Joe Carr (village business owner) who had donated the lights for the tree in 2023.
  • Cllr Cox asked for an update of the scrape for playing fields and the Clerk advised that this required a feasibility study to ensure the ground was suitable but this could not be conducted until staff had completed current projects.
  • Cllr Ditch mentioned the length of meetings and the need for items in closed session to considered in a timelier manner. This was to be an agenda item for the October meeting.


20. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following staffing matters below

Action: The Council RESOLVED to exclude the public to discuss the confidential staffing matters below. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Bain, and approved unanimously.


The meeting closed at 9.05pm. The members of the public left the meeting. The meeting re-convened at 9.06pm.


21. To receive an update on HR Matters – Cllr Bain (Chairman of the Committee)

   a. To receive an update on staff health and wellbeing.

  • Cllr Bian advised of probable changes to statutory sick pay arrangements by the new government.
  • The Clerk advised that all eligible staff had agreed in writing to the fixed term amendments to their contracts regarding the paying of occupational sick pay from day one of sick leave.
  • Following observation, Cllr Bian had asked the Clerk to produce a policy concerning Council, Officer and Employee Relations based on the LALC model document. This would be available at the October meeting.

   b. To consider the vacancy for a Parish Caretaker.

A working party meeting of the HR Committee had been held that morning (10 September) to discuss the vacancy for a parish caretaker. The recommendation agreed was to contract a cleaning service for the public toilets, and for the vacancy to be reconsidered in six months (March 2025) when workload for the other caretakers was known to increase. The Clerk reported that, following informal discussions, the caretakers for the environment and buildings/play equipment, this arrangement was acceptable to them.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to contract a cleaning service for the public toilets on Church Street for 3-4 hours per week for six months. This and the council vacancy would be reviewed in March 2025. Proposed by Cllr Bian, seconded by Cllr Ditch and approved unanimously.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm.

Clerk’s Report for the September 2024 meeting.

Meeting date: 10 September 2024

Author: Kathryn Locke – Clerk to Council

Purpose of report: To provide an update report from the Clerk on business conducted since the meeting held on 9 July 2024.

Actions completed since the meeting held on 9 July 2024. 

Min ref 4.4: The donation of £428.63 from St George’s Academy Kindness Campaign has been ringfenced for the development of a scrape at Parkfield. A letter of thank you has been sent to the school, advising that the scrape development of a scrape is subject to any necessary permissions and ground suitability.  They ask if, at the appropriate time, they can be included in a photo opportunity. 

Min ref 4.5: Subscription to the SLCC for the Clerk. This will be completed as Council finances allow. The Clerk has been invited to an SLCC meeting on 18 September 2024 at Saxilby Parish Council office.  

Min ref 7: The Operations Committee has closed, and its Terms of Reference have been archived.

Min ref 8.7: The Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee have been updated as agreed. (Agenda item)

Min ref 9.1: Ruskington Athletic Football Club were informed of the revised fees for the 2024-2025 season on 10/7/2024. They have responded to thank Council.

Min ref 9.2: Funding requirements for the Football Association pitch maintenance fund are being collated. It is not straightforward for a local council. The first step is the Pitch Power soil assessment. The RFO and Environment Caretaker took soil samples from 3 of the pitches on 19/7/2024 for the Pitch Power assessment and the remainder were submitted on 5/9/24.

Min ref 9.3: The feasible of the scrape for the former activity court at Parkfield playing field needs to be explored (e.g., ground suitability). A request for pre-planning advise has been submitted to NKDC Planning - Ref: 24/0315/PREAPP. Planning approval is required.

Min ref 9.4: Grass cutting contract. The outcome of the Pitch Power Survey is awaited to see if Council is eligible for funding. If the Environment Caretaker was to cut the playing fields, this would add an extra 5 hours to his working week during the grass growing season. Additional grass cuts to areas cut by LCC must also be taken into consideration.

Min ref 9.5: Combined dog excrement and litter bin for Flaxwell Fields: This will be ordered when finances allow.

Min ref 9.6: The owner of land on Westcliffe Road where the Beck converges with the Leasingham and Broxholme Spur meet and owner. This has yet to be completed.

Min ref 9.7: The RFO will circulate the information from the training day.  

Min ref 9.9: Basketball hoops. Council cannot purchase basketball hoops for one individual to use, and apart from a request from one individual, there is no evidence of need (no mention was made on the public consultation). Evidence might be known once the results of the 2024 Public Consultation have been collated. If not, a consultation on the need for basketball hoops can be conducted, and / or the expenditure considered as an improvement for the MUGA facility/ sports facilities for the 2025-2026 budget.

Min ref 9.10: A list of parish councils in the cluster (parishes under the “care” of County Councillor Wright) has been collated and emails sent out to invite to a meeting to discuss flooding, biodiversity and recreational facilities. The parishes are: Leasingham and Roxholm, Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard’s Leap and Rauceby.  Rauceby is too distant to be included. Cranwell say they are in cluster with Brant Broughton, but Leasingham are keen to attend. (Agneda item.)

Min ref 9.11. No enquiries to hire the playing field for a summer camp have been received.

Min ref: 9.12: Paw-some Poo anti-dog fouling poster challenge. The closing date for entries was 19 July 2024. 34 entries have been received. A quote to professionally mount these posters has been obtained. (Agenda item)

Min ref 11.1a: Two further quotes for floor coverings were obtained. An EOM was held on 16 July 2024 and the contractor was agreed. Horne and Sidney have been advised and the screeding and floor laying will commence w/c 19 September 2024 and is expected to take 2-3 days. The Buildings Caretaker made repairs to the rear stairway prior to the carpet fitting. 

Min ref 11.2: The donated patio slabs were collected on 20/8/2024 and would be laid w/c 2 September 2024.

Min ref 11.3: The removal of the redundant pipework will be completed by the Council’s as their work schedules permit.

Min Ref 11.4: Flouching to the office chimneys to prevent water ingress to the rooms below was completed on 2/8/2024.

Min ref 11.5: Quote for a full restoration of the lychgate was received on 14/8/2024.  (Agenda item). Pre-funding advice has been sought from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, evidence of support from the community is being obtained, and the contractor has been asked to itemise their quote as required by the funder. Letters of support for the lychgate renovation have been received from a resident, the community library, the PCC, and the WI.

Min ref 11.7: Quotes are being obtained for the professional drawings the Pavilion.  An on-site meeting with an architectural consultant was held on Wednesday 7 August 2024 at 10am. The Clerk and Cllrs Cox and Trolley were in attendance.

Min ref 11.8: The renovation electrician has installed fire safety signs. Any further items required will be purchased by Council. 

Min ref 11.9, 9a: The decals for the van and parish office windows are on hold until finances allow their purchasing.

Min ref 11.10 PAT testing of all Council’s portable electric items was undertaken on 30 July 2024 by Imp Electrical.

Min ref 12: Councillors and staff have been invited to write their biographies for the website.

Min ref 11.4: One You at LCC will deliver the health information leaflets to the parish office for handing out to residents as required.

Min ref 15: The Parish Caretaker has undertaken the ground maintenance work outside the community library. An agreement has been drawn up for the Council and library to sign. The library and residents are happy with the work completed.

Min ref 16: LALC were contacted on 12/7/2024 regarding the tree work in the closed churchyard. LALC sent Legal Topic Note 65 (closed churchyards) which has been circulated. Site visits from tree surgeons and three quotes are being obtained.

Min ref 21: Eligible staff were informed of a fixed term amendment to their contract regarding changes to their sick pay at the staff meeting on 10/7/2024 and also by letter on 24/7/2024. On the advice of LALC’s HR Adviser, staff consultations were not required as the amendment was in the staff’s favour.


Actions completed since the Extra-ordinary Meeting held on 16 July 2024:

Min ref: 5: The agreed flooring contractor, Horne and Sidney will commence the screeding where agreed and floor laying w/c 16 September 2024.

Min Ref 6: A meeting of the Estate Management and Planning Committee was held on 13/7/2024.


Actions completed since the Estate Management and Planning meeting held on 16 July 2024:

Min ref 4: A meeting with a commercial letting agency was held on 14 August at 12noon.

Min ref 5: A meeting with the electrician who installed the solar panels was held at 7pm on Wednesday 21 August 2024 to discuss the requirements for the hot water for the changing rooms, and the pavilion at a later date. Cllrs Trolley, Conway and Cotter were in attendance.

Min ref 6: The renovation contractor was given a list of the outstanding work to be completed before and after the flooring is laid. The fire alarms are now active, and their dust covers have been removed. (The covers are stored in the cupboard under the office stairs). The battery in the emergency alarm for the toilet was replaced by the contractor’s electrician as it was beeping.


                                                  Other Council Business:

Allotments – Lease agreements for 2024-2025 have been sent out and fees are being paid.

  • The compost bins are being used to dump non compostable items including soil. This is affecting an allotment holder’s plot.
  • The need to consider the waiting list requirements and the need for a deposit of £50.00 per plot need to be considered by the Recreation and Environment committee. It is recognised that non-residents are obtaining allotments by asking family members who reside in Ruskington to obtain allotments on their behalf. In addition, an allotment holder on the waiting list for an additional plot has used their partner’s name to ask for a new plot, then withdrawn their own name from the waiting list for a second pot. This was to try to speed up the receipt of a second plot. (Agenda item for the next Recreation and Environment Committee meeting.)
  • The annual skip was hired for 3 September for allotment holders to remove unwanted items from their allotments. It has been suggested to the Clerk that allotment holders are using this to dispose of household items.

Anti-social behaviour - Reports of misuse of the play area at Parkfield and damage to the goalposts owned by the Lions JFC was reported to PC Green on 8/8/2024. Information to encourage residents to report ASB was shared on Council’s social media pages with links to reporting this to Lincolnshire Police. Extra patrols of the area would be carried out. Reporting ASB to the police allows them to investigate and take action.

Annual Canvass/Eligibility to Vote – The clerk completed the online form on 16/8/2024 to advise NKDC that the parish office property was a parish office/business premises, and no one resided at the property.

Changing rooms – The changing rooms are being left full of equipment and untidy. Although the football season has yet to start, letters to the men’s teams have already been issued on three occasions. They have been asked, again, to store their equipment in the pavilion storeroom.

Co-option – An application has been sent out following an expression of interest.

Benches – The Parish Caretaker has compiled a list of all the benches within the 30mph speed limit. These have been risk assessed and are being painted/ repaired as required by the Buildings’ Caretaker.  

  • The WI asked if Council could inspect the slats on their bench outside the library. The Buildings Caretaker has advised that two new slats are required – he will be able to replace these using spare pieces of wood.

Cemetery – Following the headstone repair work to ensure the dangerous headstones were secure, one plinth remained loose on its base. Willaim Kent Memorials have now secured the plinth on its base at no cost to council.

  • A new area in the cemetery for cremated remains to be interred needs to be agreed. There are currently 16 spaces for new cremation plots. (Agenda item next Recreation and Committee Meeting.)
  • The grass cutting contractor was contacted on 2/9/2024 following complaints that flowers had been cut from vases and left strewn on the ground during the latest grass cutting.
  • Members of the have asked permission to lay wreath and play the last post on Sunday 8 September 2024 (80 anniversary of Arnhem) at the grave of the late James Cooke.

Community Garden – The garden was “advertised” as open in the monthly e-news letter dated 31/7/2024.

Donations to Council – A resident has donated a set of plug-in multi-coloured fairy lights, in working order, to the Council for decorating the office at Christmas.

Flooding – The Environment Agency were in Ruskington on 17 July, door knocking to encourage residents to sign up to the Flood Alert Service. On this occasion, no Council members or staff were available to assist, but information was shared on Council’s communication channels.

Funding – The RFO applied for the LCC Wildlife Grant for up to £500 on 30/7/2024 for raised planters for the Community Garden but was unsuccessful.

Garden of Remembrance - The path upgrade has been delayed until 2025 due to finances, staff constraints, current projects and work load. The paths are routinely maintained and weeded.

Grass verge cutting on Lincoln Road - Following the development of the Flaxwell Fields estate and the relocation of the 50mph sign, the grass verge was not being cut. Glendale was asked to cut this verge as part of their scheduled work for the Parish Council at a cost of £5.80 + VAT per cut, with immediate effect. However, on 6/8/2024, LCC Highways advised that they did three safety cuts a year and it was the responsibility of the developer to maintain the verges until the development is complete and LCC adopt the development. Once adopted, LCC will cut the grass verge.

Grit bins – The Parish Caretaker has checked all the grit bins and advised which need topping up with grit by LCC.  RPC has grit bins at the office and the pavilion – LCC will provide one tonne of grit for their replenishment.

Highways – a petition from residents regarding the poor condition of the pavements following cabling works has been forwarded to LCC Highways. Cty Councillor Wright is having the matter investigated.

Horseshoe Hollow – The Environment and Buildings’ Caretakers commenced work to replace the footbridge on 22 July 2024. The work was completed on 29/7/2024. The Environment Caretaker has produced a detailed report documenting the replacement of the bridge.

  • On 6/8/2024.  The Environment Caretaker has cut back trees and vegetation growing over a garden fence that backs onto the path between Lincoln Road and Horseshoe Hollow.

LALC Conference and AGM 2024 – The Clerk and RFO attended this event held at Belton Woods Hotel on 23/7/2024 on behalf of Council and took part in workshops discussing AI for local councils (Cloudy IT) and flood risk management for Lincolnshire (LCC) as well as attending the AGM and a Q&A sessions with panel of experts including a solicitor from NALC, a monitoring officer from NKDC, a health and safety experts from WorkNest, an LCC county councillor with responsibility for flood risk management,  the head of the flood management team at LCC, and the CEO of LALC. The presentations made available by LALC were shared with Council on 13/8/2024.

Library Grounds Maintenance – The Parish Caretaker spent 15 hours initial tidy up on the area during the week commencing 22/7/2024. An agreement has been sent to the library management committee for their approval and signature.

Parkfield Car Park – A request for white lines to try to improve the parking has been made by resident. (Future Recreation and Environment Committee agenda item.)

  • A village hall representative has asked what can be done about the parking at the village hall and Parkfield carpark on a Thursday evening.
  • Residents of Northfield Road and Park Lea have advised that sports teams, parents and spectators, are blocking access to their driveways, especially on Saturday and Sundays. The emergency access to the playing fields from Northfield Road are also being blocked with vehicles.

Parkfield playing fields –Council caretakers removed the old goalposts used by the Lions JFC on 31/7/2024. The Lions have purchased their own goalposts and agreed that members of the public could use these. The goalposts used by Ruskington Athletic Men’s Team remain in situ on the north field.

  • Vegetation around the edge of the playing field has been cut back in two places where residents have requested this. The ditch alongside these properties was found to be full of dumped grass clippings, turf, and unwanted household items, such as a broken cabinet.  
  • Scrape – Pre-planning advise was sought from NKDC on 23/7/2024 to create a shallow scrape to alleviate surface water flooding on south side of the playing fields. Ref no - 24/0315/PREAPP. St George’s Academy have been thanked for their donation towards the flood alleviation and advised that this will go towards the development of the scrape, if the scrape is feasible and all required permissions are granted. A feasibility study is required to ensure the ground is suitable for a scrape and won’t raise the water table.

Parish Office Renovation and Conversion – Following the EMP Cttee meeting on 16 July, the renovation contractor was sent a list of work to be completed before and after the flooring is laid, kitchen is fitted. Their electrician returned to complete some of the outstanding electrical work on 31/7/2024 an retuned on 6/8/24 to complete work on the fire alarms.

  • Flooring – Horne and Sidney will be screeding and laying flooring w/c 16 September 2024. It is thought that this will take 2-3 days. Carpet tiles - Linear Sector to be laid in the Ashlar (brickwork) fashion. Vinyl/Woodtex - Design 0926
  • Patio – the Caretakers commenced laying the patio on 4/9/24 using the slabs donated by Cllr Ditch. They will remove the former wooden porch which is rotten.

Parish Office Drains and Guttering – The work has been completed by council’s caretakers.

Parish Office Roof and Chimneys – The work was completed on 2/8/2024 by Apex Roofing.

Parish Office Gas Supply – Cadent has capped the gas supply to the office at its junction outside the parish office property. They tunnelled under from the office drive as they did not have a permit from LCC to dig up the pavement or road.

Pavilion and Changing Rooms – A broken toilet seat in the pavilion was replaced by a caretaker on 15/7/24.

Play areas – The annual ROSPA inspection of all the play areas, MUGA and remaining goalposts took place on 9/8/2024. The report was circulated via email on 12//8/24. The Caretaker using a list of the required repairs/ maintenance and the original report is undertaking the required repairs/maintenance.  

  • Reports of ASB at Parkfield play areas and damage to the Lions JFC have been reported to the Police and shared on Council’s social media pages. Residents are encouraged to report ASB (which includes vandalism) to them, so this can be followed up.
  • Basketball hoops – no further action has been taken about this, as it appears that the hoop was requested by a single resident and not by a basketball team as originally thought.


Public Consultation 2024 – This closed on 30 August 2024.  92 surveys have been received and the information was collated and circulated by the Admin Assistant on 3/9/24. (Agenda item)

Public Toilets – A broken handrail has been repaired and repainted by the Buildings’ Caretaker. There is no update from NKDC regarding the renewal of the lease. 

Remembrance Sunday - The Clerk has submitted the road closure request to LCC. Rev’d Jenkins has agreed the order of service. The bugler has agreed to play, and a poppy wreath has been purchased from the Royal British Legion. Cllr Cox has agreed to be the lead for this event and has previously undergone the relevant event and traffic management training.

Signpost newsletter – This was produced and sent to PDP print on 30/7/2024 by the Admin Assistant. The newsletter will be distributed within the September edition of the Local Lincs magazine.

Staff Matters – The Parish Caretaker’s last day in post was 14 August 2024. All equipment, keys and phone and uniform/PPE issued has been returned.

  • Clerk’s annual leave - The Clerk will be on annual leave on 26 and 27 the September 2024.

Training – The Admin Assistant continues to attend online training regarding improving communication for local councils.

  • The Clerk and RFO will be attended their three yearly, in person, First Aid training on 24/9/2024 at the LALC office.
  • The Clerk will be attended HR Training on 10 October 2024 regarding changes to employment law for 2024 and upcoming changes to employment law in 2025.

RPC attendance at other events: The clerk and RFO will be attending an SLCC clerk’s networking day at Saxilby on 18/9/2024.

  • The Clerk will be attending the Central Lincolnshire Design Code (parish) event on 17 September at NKDC on behalf of the Council. This is to share information on improving the design quality of buildings and spaces for residents, businesses, and visitors. Design codes set out clear design requirements for new development to follow, based upon a vision for the future of an area and design principles, or priorities agreed upon with the local community.

Tubs outside the library – Ruskington WI has contributed £85.70 for their barrels that were replaced outside the library. They have also planted the planters.

Tubs beside the Beck – Off Lead Sleaford (based in Ruskington) has sponsored a tub beside the Beck (next to the village map), planted the tub with flowers, and provided a plaque which has been fixed in place by the Building’s Caretaker. Publicity has been shared on Council’s communication channels.

Village entry signs – These should have been erected by Allen Signs on 7 August 2024 but due to quality control was delayed until 4 September 2024. This date has been put back again until the end of September due to a delay with materials.  Method statements and on-site risk assessments have been supplied.

Dates for upcoming meetings –

  • Finance Committee Meeting – Tuesday 1 October at 7pm at the Parish Office.
  • Ordinary October meeting - Tuesday 8 October 2024 at 7pm at the Winchelsea Centre.