16 July 2024 - Extra-ordinary meeting

 Ruskington Parish Council

Minutes of an extra ordinary meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held on Tuesday 16 July 2024 at the Parish Office 7-9 High Street North Ruskington, NG34 9DY at 12 noon.



Cllr O Ditch


 G Cox, S Cotter, D Conway, M Trolley,

Also, in attendance:

Mrs Kathryn Locke – Clerk to Council


Cllr Tomlinson, Cllr Jennings

Not present:

Cllr Bain

No members of the public were in attendance.


The Chairman opened the meeting at 12.01pm.


1. Apologies for absence.

Cllr Tomlinson and Cllr Jennings were unable to attend the meeting and had sent apologies. Cllr Bain did not attend the meeting and no apologies had been received.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept Cllr Tomlinson and Cllr Jenning’s apologies. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.


2. Declarations of interest and to consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.

None were declared at this time.


3. To approve the notes of the meeting held on Tuesday 9 July 2024 as accurate Minutes.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes as accurate Minutes. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.


4. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following contractual matters.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to exclude the public and press to consider the contractual matters below. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 12.04pm. The meeting re-convened at 12.04pm and at this time the RFO joined the meeting.


5. To receive and consider the quotes for the floor coverings for the parish office property.

Three quotes had been received. The Clerk had redacted information pertaining to the supplier, so the quotes were anonymous. The Chairman opened each quote, and these were scrutinised in detail.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve Quote 3, Option 2 from Horne and Sidney at a total cost of £3851.65. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.


6. To consider the next steps in the renovation of the parish office property.

An update from the contractors on when the outstanding work would be completed was awaited. A meeting of the Estate Management and Planning Committee was due to take place on 16 July 2024 at 12 noon when the renovation would be discussed in detail.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 12.40pm.