DRAFT - 11 February 2025
Ruskington Parish Council
Minutes of an ordinary meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held on Tuesday 11 February 2025 at the Winchelsea Centre, 11 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY at 7pm.
Present: |
Chairman |
Cllr O Ditch |
Councillors: |
Cllr G Cox, C Bain, D Conway, M Trolley, A Jennings, L Tomlinson (arrived at 7.02pm), S Cotter |
Also, in attendance: |
Mrs Kathryn Locke - Clerk to Council |
Apologies: |
None |
County and District Cllr R Wright, Luisa McIntosh - Partnership Manager from NKDC (invited to give a presentation on a proposed green space and social prescribing project), the Environment Caretaker (invited to give a presentation, dispelling myths about the Beck and flooding), an applicant for co-option, and four members of the public were present. D/Cllr Waldeck had sent apologies prior to the meeting, as he was unable to attend.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.00pm; welcomed the delegates, guests and members of the public, and introduced Luisa McIntosh.
Ms McIntosh outlined a proposal for a green space and social prescribing project for two areas of land owned by NKDC - land adjacent to First Steps nursery at Meadowbrook, and land at Ruskington Green (between Westcliffe Road and Brauncewell Close). A similar project had proved successful in Heckington, with two community groups (Heckington in Bloom and Trees for Heckington) supporting the project and helping maintain the green spaces.
At this point, Cllr Tomlinson joined the meeting.
Proposals for the two areas included low maintenance planting, encouragement of wildlife, planting small trees and perennials, and installing seating. Residents who lived near the proposed areas would be consulted with and their views obtained, but it was expected that there would be no detriment to neighbouring properties or residents. Ms McIntosh answered questions. Queries and comments raised from Council and members of the public included the longevity of the project, ongoing maintenance of the areas of land, funding for the project, and due to the limited space available at Meadowbrook, the limited options. NKDC hoped to apply for funding for the project and to encourage local groups to be involved in ongoing maintenance.
The Chairman advised that Council would be considering the project as an agenda item later in the meeting and thanked Ms McIntosh for her time. Ms McIntosh left the meeting.
The Chairman invited members of the public to make any other questions or comments, but none were raised.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.13pm.
1. Apologies for absence.
All Councillors were present.
2. Declarations of interest and to consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.
None were made at this time.
3. To approve the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 12 November 2024 as accurate Minutes.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes as accurate Minutes. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
The Chairman signed the Minutes.
4. Financial Matters.
Information had been circulated prior to the meeting.
4.1. To approve the payments made and consider the invoices for payment received since the meeting held on 14 January 2025.
Financial reports had been circulated prior to the meeting. (Please see Appendix A.)
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made and received. Proposed by Cllr Bain, seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved unanimously.
4.2. To consider /approve the bank reconciliations for January 2025.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliations. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
4.3. To receive a financial report from the RFO, including an update on the review of the electric bills and possibility of changing the electricity supplier.
This had been circulated prior to the meeting.
4.4. To receive information on the Parish Agreement (grass verge cutting) for FY 2025-2026 from LCC.
LCC had advised that the Parish Agreement for grass verge cutting for FY 2025-2026 would be £0.059 per square metre, per cut. Based on the overall area of 25188m2, the total contribution payable to Council for 2025-26 was £4458.28. The Clerk had signed and returned the Parish Agreement to LCC on 7 February 2025.
5. To receive “myth-busting” information regarding the Beck and flooding – Environment Caretaker.
The Environment Caretaker gave a PowerPoint presentation, providing facts about the Beck and flooding in Ruskington. This included photographs, graphs to show historic rainfall, and a video. He dispelled rumours that flooding events had been worsened by high tides and the use of flood gates in Boston providing written evidence to dispel these myths. Possible causes of the flooding were considered but it was recognised that the outflow of flood water from the village was adequate, but the issue was likely to be created by the speed and volume of rain and land ‘run-off’ water upstream suggesting that a greater ‘holding capacity’, such as provided by Horseshoe Hallow, was required to manage water flow through the Village. The Caretaker demonstrated how Horseshoe Hollow functioned as a sponge to slow down the flow of water in flood events. The Chairman invited Councillors and members of the public to make comments and ask questions. Further misconceptions were corrected. The Chairman thanked the Environment Caretaker for his excellent presentation.
6. To receive the Clerk’s report (for information only).
This had been circulated prior to the meeting. No questions were raised. (Please see Appendix B.)
7. To receive reports from the District and County Councillors.
Cllr Wright reported the following:
County Council:
- LCC had some flood responsibility and exploratory work was being conducted. He asked that LCC be notified at the earliest opportunity, via Fix my Street, of any blocked drains.
- Lincolnshire was unlikely to have any planned elections postponed.
- The government had given deadlines for the County Council to make suggestions for managing its re-organisation.
District Council:
- The new Chief Executive was in post and visiting communities. They were aware of the flooding issues in the district.
- The budget for FY 2025-2026 was being finalised. The council tax for NKDC would rise by 2.61% (equivalent to £4.95 per annum for a band D property).
- False information regarding a biomass plant proposed for Anwick was being circulated and were to be reported to Cllr Wright. As the application for the biomass plant concerned waste materials, it was a matter for the county council to consider, and Cllr Wright was not involved in any decision making. The size of the plant had been reduced by 50% and would be connected to the Moy Park factory site, removing the need for a new road.
- Council was exploring the feasibility of recommendations in the Section 19 report into Storm Babet flooding. This included the possibilities of purchasing land upstream, which would have to be sold by the land owner or compulsory purchased. Land ownership remained a private and confidential matter until resolved.
Cllr Wright answered questions on his reports and other matters, including an ongoing planning application for Priory Lakes (agenda item 16 d, below) and the future use of the land at Hillside Estate. The Priory Lakes planning application was for land outside the village boundary designated in the Local Plan for development in Ruskington and should therefore be allocated for 100% affordable housing. The land at Hillside was currently designated as building land and would require redesignation. The Chairman explained that until the future of the land was received in writing, Council was unable to spend any money improving the play area. It was briefly mentioned that Hillside could be a possibility to explore for the Section 106 public open space contribution from the Flaxwell Fields development.
Cllr Wright offered to give a presentation regarding devolution and changes to local government during the public session at the meeting on 11 March 2025.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Wright. Cllr Wright and the Environment Caretaker left the meeting.
8. To consider / approve the co-option of Miss Susan Elizabeth Hislop to Ruskington Parish Council.
Miss Hislop was eligible and had fulfilled all the criteria for co-option.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the co-option of Miss Hislop as a member of Ruskington Parish Council. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
Miss Hislop and the Clerk signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Miss Hislop joined the Council. Cllr Hislop was invited to take part in discussions on items remaining on the agenda but advised they were unable to vote. This was because they could not receive information concerning agenda items before they were co-opted.
Following invitation, Cllr Hislop, introduced herself to Council and explained her prior experiences in local and national governance.
9. To review / adopt the Risk Management Policy
Action: The Council RESOLVED to adopt the Risk Management Policy. Proposed by Cllr Bain, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved with eight votes for and one abstention (unable to vote at this meeting).
10. To review / adopt the Terms of Reference for the Recreation and Environment Committee.
This had been reviewed by the Recreation and Environment working party, and agreed amendments made.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to adopt the Terms of Reference for the Committee. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved with eight votes for and one abstention (unable to vote at this meeting).
11. To receive an update on flood matters.
Flooding had been discussed in agenda items 5 and 7 above. The Clerk advised that Geo Storm (flood consultants) contracted by LCC would be visiting Ruskington on Wednesday 19 February 2025 to meet with residents who had reported flooding into their property.
11.1. To receive the Community Emergency Plan.
The Chairman advised that the community emergency plan for Ruskington had been assessed and approved by the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum and was recognised as a comprehensive and robust plan. The plan had been evaluated during a recent flood event and worked well.
11.2. To consider ways to recruit volunteers to the Community Emergency Plan.
Training and the availability of volunteers in flood events were considered. It was recognised that residents may be keen to volunteer in an emergency, but they may not be available to help in an emergency.
12. To consider correspondence from NKDC regarding green spaces, improving biodiversity, and a social prescribing project on NKDC land located adjacent to First Steps nursery on Meadowbrook, and at Ruskington Green (between Westcliffe Road and Brauncewell Close).
This has been discussed with the Partnership Manager from NKDC during the public session, above.
Action: Council considered that the project required a dedicated group to ensure it was sustainable. Council agreed to the idea in principle but required full details on all practicalities, including the sustainability of the project. Creating a wildflower area on the land at Meadowbrook was considered the most suitable use for the small size of the space. Installation of benches were thought to be a practical and social idea, to create an area that people would want to visit.
A member of the public left the meeting.
13. To consider the recommendations of the Recreation and Environment Committee working party meeting held on 4 February 2025 as shown below. – Cllr Cox.
The planned Committee meeting had not been quorate at the last moment and therefore a working party meeting had been held instead.
13.1. Recommendation to approve a resident’s request to pre-purchase an ashes plot in Sleaford Road cemetery next to the plot of their late daughter. (New West Border Cremation Plot 33.)
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the request to pre-purchase an ashes plot. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved with eight votes for and one abstention (unable to vote at this meeting).
13.2. Recommendation to allow the interment of cremated human remains in Sleaford Road cemetery within biodegradable caskets, following an enquiry from Grantham Co-op on 27/1/2025.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the use of biodegradable ashes caskets in Sleaford Road cemetery. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved unanimously.
13.3. Recommendation to ask the Lions JFC for a donation towards the “Billy Goat” leaf blower in which they have previously shown an interest.
The Council did not use the leaf blower. It had previously been advertised for sale, with no interest shown. Cllr Tomlinson advised that the Lions JFC had no requirement for the leaf blower.
Action: The village schools to be emailed and offered the leaf blower at no cost.
13.4. Recommendation that letters be issued to all allotment holders regarding the correct use of the compost bins and advising that if they were not used correctly, the compost bins would be removed. This follows continual misuse of the compost bins.
Action: The allotment holders to be emailed to advise of the correct use of the compost bins and that the bins would be removed if the misuse continued.
13.5. Recommendation to locate the Sleaford Road Christmas tree within the Garden of Remembrance to improve luminosity of the tree lights. The tree would not be planted.
Council considered this with 13.6 below.
13.6. Recommendation that the Christmas tree in the Garden of Remembrance be used as a memorial tree enabling residents to hang ribbons in memory of their loved ones.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to locate the Sleaford Road Christmas tree in the Garden of Remembrance. Residents could hang ribbons from the tree in memory of their loved ones. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Ditch and approved with eight votes for and one abstention (unable to vote at this meeting).
13.7. Recommendation to plant five fruit trees in Elmtree playing field to create a community orchard, funded by the Coronation Living Heritage Fund, and following a successful bid to NKDC.
Council has previously agreed to plant two fruit trees in this location to replace the two silver birch trees that had required felling. The Environment Caretaker and Clerk had identified a suitable location for the five trees in Elmtree playing field.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to plant the five fruit trees from NKDC in Elmtree playing field. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved with eight votes for and one abstention (unable to vote at this meeting).
13.8. Recommendation that the notes of the Recreation and Environment Committee meeting held on 21 October 2024 are accurate Minutes and can be signed by the Chairman of the Committee.
Action: The Chairman of the Recreation and Environment Committee signed the notes of the meeting as accurate Minutes.
14. To consider the feasibility study for the refurbishment of Parkfield pavilion as reviewed by the Recreation and Environment Committee. – Cllr Ditch
The comprehensive study had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr Ditch gave an overview of the document regarding the feasibility of the proposed café, listed options for its management, including the pros and cons of each, made recommendations, advised on the catering operating requirements, and listed questions for the Committee and Council to consider. Option C was considered the most suitable option, but a working party would consider all the options in detail and make a recommendation to Council.
Cllr Ditch, the RFO and Clerk had visited a community café in Bardney on 3 February 2025. The Clerk had drafted a report from the visit which was available in the folder for this Council meeting.
14.1. To appoint a lead Councillor for the pavilion project.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Conway as the lead Councillor for the project. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved with eight votes for and one abstention (unable to vote at this meeting).
14.2. To appoint members to a cross committee working party to consider all matters pertaining to the pavilion project.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to appoint Cllrs Conway, Tomlinson, Cox, Ditch, and Cotter to the working party but agreed that all councillors should take part. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved with eight votes for and one abstention (unable to vote at this meeting).
A member of public left the meeting.
15. To receive an update on the improvement to the playing fields and the quotes received. – Cllr Cox.
Quotes had been received for machinery bundles, grass cutting. and ground renovation. All contractors had received the same information. Two contractors had made site visits and advised that the ground was in good condition with no evidence of broad leaf weeds shown. Council questioned if the high costs quoted might be due to it being parish council that was requesting the quotes. No resolution could be made at this time, but Cllr Tomlinson suggested the Lions JFC try to obtain costs for the ground improvement.
15.1. To appoint members to a cross-committee working party to consider all aspects of the playing field improvement, review of the quotes received, and make a recommendation to Council.
This matter was not considered.
16. To receive new planning applications, or to ratify the comments of the Estate Management and Planning Committee, regarding planning applications, received from NKDC since the last meeting.
Cllr Trolley gave an overview of the planning applications below.
a. Planning Application Reference: 24/1459/HOUS
Proposal: Erection of two storey rear extension
Location: 19 Cliffe Avenue Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9AU
Action: The Council had no objections to this application.
b. Planning Application Reference: 24/1493/HOUS
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension.
Location: 38 Station Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9BZ
Cllr Tomlinson declared that he lived in a nearby property.
Action: The Council had no objections to this application.
c. Planning Application Reference: 24/1467/FUL
Proposal: Installation of a 277 cubic metre storage tank, oil skimmer, matching
replacement of the current storage tank, alterations and upgrades to the existing waste
water treatment plant and any associated pipework.
Location: Pilgrim's UK Ltd Sleaford Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire
Action: The Council had no objections to this application.
d. Planning Application Reference: 25/0125/VARCON
Proposal: Application to vary condition 13 (occupation for holiday purposes only) of
planning permission 19/1378/FUL - Change of Use of land at Priory Lakes for creation of
Holiday Park including stationing of 35 lodges and one unit for office /reception.
Location: Priory Lakes Priory Road Ruskington Sleaford NG34 9DL
Action: The Council objected to this application for the following reasons:
The land had not been included for development in the Local Plan.
The development did not meet the criteria of the Local Plan.
The former concerns remained extant.
Further information was required such as the Biodiversity Net Gain.
e. Planning Application Reference: 25/0095/FUL
Proposal: Erection of detached garden building
Location: 77 Westcliffe Road Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9AX
Action: The Council had no objections to this application.
f. Application Reference: 24/0588/OUT
Proposal: Outline application for the erection of one dwelling with access and layout for consideration. (Amended plans / additional information)
Location: 33 Queensway Ruskington Sleaford
Submitted BNG info and minor change to red line area.
Council had received information on the day of the meeting that the application had been approved by NKDC. Council was disappointed with this outcome as there was limited access to the plot due to a neighbouring property, the land was at risk of flooding, trees had been removed immediately prior to the application being submitted to NKDC, and concerns of the neighbouring property owners were known.
16.1 To receive an application from NKDC of Proposed Works to Trees Subject to Tree Preservation Order
Application reference: 25/0116/TPO
Description of works: T1 - Ash - Carry out a full crown reduction on canopy by 1.5-2 metres in height and spread.
Location: 11 Whitehouse Road, Ruskington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9TP
Action: The Council had no objections to the proposed tree works.
16.2. Notice of planning applications approved by NKDC since the last meeting.
a. Application Reference: 24/1367/HOUS
Proposal: Single storey rear extension and demolition of existing conservatory.
Location: 9 The Sidings Ruskington Sleaford
17. Correspondence - for information only. (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).
a. LALC (via email) - Fortnightly e-newsletter
b. Ruskington Library Management Committee member (by email on 10/1/2025) – Old photos of the parish office property as found during research for the library’s local history “corner”.
c. Lincolnshire Armed Forces Community Covenant Officer (by email on 13/1/2025) – Thank you for sharing details of the Ruskington Veteran’s Group and an offer to attend a Council meeting to discuss the Armed Forces Covenant.
d. LCC (by email on 13/1/2025) – Clarity on public liability insurance requirements for events affecting a LCC highway.
e. NKDC (by email on 13/1/2025) – Snowdrop Event 2025 on 22/2/25, 12 noon-3pm at Whisby Nature Park, Lincoln, in aid of Child Bereavement UK.
f. NKDC (by email on 13/1/2025) – North Kesteven Heritage Strategy consultation and events.
g. LCC (by email on 15/1/2025) – National Highways and Transport Survey for 2025.
h. BHSF (by email on 17/1/2025) - Acquisition of BHSF Occupational Health by Optima Health UK Ltd.
i. Resident (by email on 20/1/2025) – Donation of 300 daffodil bulbs
j. Anwick resident (by email on 21/1/2025) – Copied into an email sent to a district councillor regarding a bio-mass facility proposed for Anwick.
k. Anwick resident (by email on 22/1/2025) – Copied into an email sent to a district councillor regarding a proposed biogas planning application for Anwick.
l. Caring for God’s Acre (by post on 21/1/2025) – Newsletter and information.
m. Resident (by hand on 23/01/25) – Request to pre-purchase an ashes plot in Sleaford Rd cemetery (Agenda item above).
n. Resident (via email on 24/1/2025) – Litter and build-up of shingle in the Beck on Manor Street. (Investigated by the caretaker - the litter was no longer present. Resident signposted to the EA re the build-up of shingle.)
o. LCC (via email on 28/1/2025) – Parish and Town Council newsletter.
p. Resident (by email on 28/1/2025) – Location of a community venue with pictures of local dignitaries. (Signposted to the Winchelsea Centre on 29/1/2025)
q. Resident (via email on 28/1/2025 – Footpath over Fen Road railway bridge. (Signposted to Cllr Wright and Highways).
r. Live & Local (via email on 29/1/2025) – Touring theatre productions for village halls and community venues. (Forwarded to the Village Hall Committee on 29/1/2024).
s. NKDC (by email to the RFO on 29/1/2025) – Successful outcome of bid for five free fruit trees funded by the Coronation Living Heritage Fund. (Agenda item above).
t. NKDC (via email on 3/2/2025) – Supporting nature and green spaces project for Ruskington. (Agenda item above).
u. LALC (by email on 3/2/2025) – January 2025 Training Bulletin
v. Resident (via email on 3/2/2025 and 4/3/2025) – Allotment matter (Agenda item below.)
w. Geo Storm (by email on 5/2/2025) – Section 19 Investigation and proposed site visit to Ruskington on Friday 14th February or Monday 17th February to visit all those who have raised the issue of internal flooding.
x. Resident (by email on 6/2/2025) – Thank you to Council for removing the trees at Elmtree playing field.
18. To receive Members’ Reports – for information only. (Any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.)
- Cllr Cox asked if the residents of Tomlinson Way, whose properties bordered the playing fields, could be written to and asked not to dump waste in the ditch on the playing field, and asked if Council could privately prosecute for fly-tipping. It was planned for the Environment caretaker to clear the ditch.
- Cllr Cotter had spoken to a hydrologist work colleague about possible up-stream flood alleviation measures, such as diverting the Beck or diverting one branch of the Beck. This colleague was also considering a method for monitoring the depth of water in a well in Cllr Bain’s garden in case this could be used to help forecast rising water levels and flooding.
- Cllr Ditch asked the Chairmen of Committees for reports, photos, and articles for the upcoming Annual Report.
19. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the staffing and confidential matters below.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to exclude the public and press from the meeting to discuss the matters below. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved with eight voted for and one abstention (unable to vote at this meeting).
The remaining members of public left the meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.40pm and re-convened at 9.40pm.
Cllr Cotter declared an interest in agenda items 20 and 21 as she was related to a member of staff. Council RESOLVED to re-order the agenda; moving items 20 and 21 to the end of the meeting thereby enabling Cllr Cotter to leave the meeting before these items were discussed.
20. To consider correspondence regarding an allotment.
Correspondence had been received from a former allotment plot holder and this had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Clerk had compiled the evidence of attempts made to contact the allotment holder which included emails, a letter, and a photograph of the uncultivated plot. The correspondent’s lease agreement had ended on 30 September 2024.
Action: The Clerk to send all the evidence to the correspondent with an offer to reimburse their £50.00 deposit, without prejudice, and as an offer of good will.
21. To receive an update on the ownership of land to the north of Northfield Road and agree the next steps for a project concerning the Section 106 Public Open Space Contribution following the development of housing on land on the East of Lincoln Road (Flaxwell Fields).
Following the meeting held on 14 January 2024 when a resident had identified a piece of land that might be suitable for the Section 106 claim, the RFO had obtained details of the land ownership from the Land Registry. The Clerk had written to the land owners on 22 January 2024 to ask if they would consider selling all or part of the land to the Parish Council and explained the reason. The land owners had emailed a response on 29 January 2024 to say the land was not for sale. The Clerk had responded to thank them for their prompt response and suggested they might consider contacting the Parish Council in the future if they did wish to sell the land or part of the land. The Clerk advised that land ownership was private and confidential until a matter was resolved.
Cllr Cox put forward a few ideas for the public open space such as a trim trail around Parkfield playing fields, as previously mentioned by the Finance Committee, and a paddle tennis court. Cllr Bain suggested the creation of a cycle path that would link Dorrington with Leasingham using existing footpaths and a bridlepath. The Clerk reminded Council of the strict eligibility criteria for the Section 106 claim, and that although NKDC recognised providing a playing field in land adjacent to the Flaxwell Fields development was not a possibility, NKDC were receptive to alternative ideas and would provide advice and guidance before any formal application was submitted.
Action: Ideas for the Section 106 claim to be put to Council for its consideration.
Cllr Cotter left the meeting.
22. To consider an extension of the fixed term amendment to sick pay arrangements for Council employees not employed on NJC contracts as recommended by the HR Committee following a meeting held on 4 February 2025
Cllr Bain (Chairman of the HR Committee) gave an overview and rationale for the recommendation.
Action: Council RESOLVED to approve an extension of the six-month amendment to sick pay arrangements and to review this in six months in view of proposed government changes to employment law and sick pay. Proposed by Cllr Bain, second by Cllr Ditch and approved with seven votes for and one abstention (unable to vote at this meeting).
23. To consider the recommendations of the HR Committee regarding staff helping in an emergency situation outside of their usual working hours.
Cllr Bian gave an overview and rationale for the recommendation.
Action: The Council RESOLVED that staff helping in an emergency situation, of their own volition, outside of their usual working hours would be volunteering but would be able to ask for TOIL or flexi-time. This would be granted at the discretion of their line-manager to ensure the health and safety of the employee and their working practices. Proposed by Cllr Bain, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved with seven votes for and one abstention (unable to vote at this meeting).
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.03pm.
Clerk’s Report for the February 2025 meeting. |
Meeting date: 11 February 2025
Author: Kathryn Locke – Clerk to Council
Purpose of report: To provide an update report from the Clerk on business conducted since the meeting held on 14 January 2025.
Min ref 6.6: (Section 106 public open space contribution). Following a Land Registry search by the RFO, the owners of land to the north of Northfield Road, were written to by the Clerk on 22/1/2025 to ask about the possibility of the field, or part of the field, being sold to Ruskington Parish Council for the development of a playing field or public open space.
Min ref 11.1: Residents who left their email details at the Council meeting on 14/1/2025 have been sent information about emergency planning, expression of interest forms, and the privacy notice issued by LCC for community emergency plans.
Min ref 12: The Clerk confirmed with Mundy’s on 16/1/2025 that the brochure for letting the office units was approved for marketing purposes.
Min ref 13: Council comments on planning applications have been emailed to NKDC Planning.
Min ref 15: The RFO has circulated a table for councillors to populate with the dates they can lead the litter pick. Cllr Bain is consulting with the Admin Assistant regarding a date for the first litter pick.
Min ref 17: The Buildings’ Caretaker has replaced the leaking tap in the ladies’ toilets at the pavilion at a cost of £20.00.
Min ref 19. The Clerk signed the “Confirmation of sole agency agreement” on behalf of the Council and returned this to Mundy’s on 16/1/2025.
Other Council Business:
Allotments – All allotments have been allocated. Despite several attempts (by email, phone, and letter), it had not been possible to contact one allotment holder whose tenancy expired on 31/9/2024 and there was no evidence that their plot had been cultivated. Therefore the plot was cleared and re-allocated. There are three residents on the waiting list. It has not been possible to contact a fourth person who has expressed an interest in an allotment, as their email inbox is full, and they have not left alternative contact details.
Amenity grass cutting – Glendale was instructed on 27/1/2024 that their contract for grass and hedge cutting had been extended for three years (1/4/2025-31/3/2028) except for the playing fields that had been extended for one year (1/4/2025-31/3/2025. They have provided a quote for the pitch improvement too.
- LCC has advised that the Parish Agreement for grass verge cutting for FY 2025-2026 will be £0.059 per square metre, per cut, for three cuts per annum, in line with LCC policy. Based on the overall area of 25188m2, the total contribution payable for 2025-26 is £4458.28.
Anti-dog fouling posters – The Building’s Caretaker has put up competition posters on Council owned and managed land, and other areas where dog fouling is known to be an issue. The posters, designed by village children, are being vandalised and removed.
Audit – LALC have allocated an auditor to conduct the internal audit. The audit is being arranged for February/ March 2025.
Bins – The Caretakers replaced a broken dog waste bin on Fen Road with a green (combination) bin from Hillside play area on 29/1/2025. The NKDC waste team have been advised of this.
CCTV – Problems viewing the footage on the CCTV screens were rectified by Global Vision on 5/2/2025. They have been asked to rectify the issue with the Council’s CCTV located in the village hall, following changes to the Village halls internet provider.
Cemetery – The Caretakers commenced the removal of Christmas wreaths and festive items on 31 January 2025. Information regarding this had been shared on Council’s communication channels and the cemetery noticeboard. Several non-regulation items are still be placed on and around graves including cans of beer, items made of glass, cigarette packets, and planting of plants that are spreading onto surrounding graves and plots.
Community café – The Chairman, RFO and Clerk met with manager and trustee of a community café in Bardney on 3/2/2024 as research for the pavilion café. This was run as a charity with 5 trustees, three paid members of staff and volunteers. A community grocery had also been set up to reduce food waste.
Co-option – An application for co-option was received on 16/12/2024. The candidate is eligible for co-option and having met with the Chairman and Clerk on 20/12/2024 and observed the ordinary meeting on 14/1/2025 has met the Council’s co-option criteria. The candidate also observed the Finance Committee meeting on 7/1/2025. Co-option takes place at the meeting on 11 February 2025. (Agenda item.)
Community litter- pick – Cllr Bain is leading the first litter pick on Saturday 15 February 2025 at 10am, starting and ending at the Parish Office. The Admin Assistant has publicised the event on Council’s communication channels.
Changing rooms – A plumber inspected the showers on 17/1/2025 in the presence of the RFO. The water is being heated but it takes several minutes to run warm water through the showers and taps. On the warm water settings the water just trickles due to lack of pressure and build-up of limescale within the tank and pipes. The plumber will provide recommendations and quotes. (Future agenda item for the Estate management Committee or Council).
- Sleaford Athletic FC have been asked to keep the changing rooms tidy and free from equipment, and to ensure all personal items are removed and any litter put in the bins provided.
- The Lions JFC have been asked to ensure there is room in the pavilion storeroom for Sleaford Athletic to store their equipment and their white line marker.
Donation from Virgin Media - The donation of £500 towards the Christmas trees is still awaited.
Electric bills – A contractor instructed by Positive Energy made a site visit to the parish office on 16/1/2025. The contractor had been sent to inspect the electric meter in the public toilets not the office. He has suggested that Ofcom be contacted with the list of issues experienced with Positive Energy which remain unresolved.
Elmtree – tree work - On 5/2/2025 the Environment Caretaker felled two silver birch trees that had cast shade into a neighbouring property, removed all waste and made good. The property owner has emailed to thank Council.
Free fruit trees – NKDC has awarded Council with five fruit trees to create a community orchard, funded by the Coronation Living Heritage Fund, following an application by the RFO. Council has previously agreed that two fruit trees are to be planted at Elmtree playing field to replace the two silver birch trees that had to be felled due to casting shade on a property.
Lychgate Funding – On 7/2/2025 the National Lottery Heritage Fund advised that Council’s bid for £12,536.00 for the renovation of the lychgate had been successful. The sum awarded is 10% more than the approved quote for the work (£11,396.00) as the Funder required a contingency sum. The Funder will send written permission for the work to start. Carre Heritage has been informed of the successful outcome of the funding bid and have been advised that no work can commence until the National Lottery provides written permission. Carre Heritage has suggested a lead time of six to eight weeks.
Microsoft Licences – Following co-option the new councillor will require a licence. This will be arranged via SCIS Ltd.
MUGA – The agreement for the line painting at both MUGAs was signed and returned to the contractor on 16/1/2025. The painting will take place in mid-to late May 2025 following cleaning and moss treatment. This will be the final clean and moss treatment as agreed with the contractor.
Parkfield playing fields - 3-5 quotes for grass cutting, turf management, and machinery bundles are being obtained. A representative from a local machinery firm met with the Clerk and Environment Caretaker on site on 20 January 2025 at 10am to discuss the requirements for a turf management machinery bundle. They advised that the Football Foundation may advise a specific type of machinery be used and suggest that it may be more cost-effective to purchase a tractor and mower and hire the lesser used equipment. (Agenda item for the Recreation and Environment Committee – next meeting 4/2/2025). A quote for renovation works to the playing fields (aerating, scarifying, seeding and treating has been received).
Parkfield tree work – On 3/2/2025 the Environment Caretaker completed a crown lift and formative pruning to a tree (ODH0) in the corner of the South field and Park Lea and cleared the boundary fence. The owner of the neighbouring property was pleased with tree work conducted.
Parkfield fence – NKDC made a site visit on 17/1/2025 to Parkfield car park and met with the Environment Caretaker and RFO discuss the chain link fence around a residential property. Both the chain link fence and the property are owned by NKDC. The self-set trees growing along the fence had previously been cut back by the Caretaker, but these have grown back and cannot be cut back further until NKDC cut through or remove their fence. Update on 22/1/2025. The Environment Caretaker has cut back the trees as agreed with NKDC. Once NKDC has removed the fence, the parish Council will arrange for the stumps grinding so NKDC can erect a new (wooden) fence.
Parish Office – A handover date with Newman Moore and return of the keys for the patio doors is still awaited.
- The Building’s Caretaker has been treating damp areas and re-painting where required and has covered the hanging wires from the committee room CCTV within existing and new trunking.
Parish Office: Leasing the office units – The yard is going to be tidied to allow safe access to the community garden.
- Mundy’s Letting agency are preparing to market the office units.
- The PCC has been approached about creating access to the community garden from the path beside Myers House (the former school house) to the rear of the Winchelsea Centre. Rev’d Jenkins has asked the church wardens to investigate this. The Clerk met with a church warden on 10/2/2025 and was advised that an access gate immediately before the blue gate would not be suitable for wheelchair users, due to lack of space. However a gate could be installed at the bottom of the path although this mean loosing some of the hedge and installing a gate and a new stretch of fencing. It must be made clear that no parking would be allowed for users of the community garden at the Winchelsea Centre.
Parish Van – The van passed its first service on 4/2/2025 at Intercounty Truck and Van at Boston.
Precept request for FY 2025-2026 – The RFO has submitted this to NKDC.
Pavilion – The Buildings’ Caretaker has fixed the dripping tap in the ladies’ toilets.
A plumber has suggested a ground source heat pump and under floor heating as the best way to heat the proposed large open space.
The outcome of the planning application reference no: 24/1453/FUL) is not yet known.
On 3/2/2025, the Chairman of Council, RFO and Clerk met with the manager and a trustee of the Open-Door café in Bardney for information and advice on setting up and running a community café.
Public Toilets – The terms of the new lease have not yet been received from NKDC.
- A light bulb in the men’s; toilet cubicle has been replaced.
- A large electricity bill has been challenged by the RFO and a rebate given.
- The cleaning by contractor is going well.
Section 19 flood investigation following Storm Babet in October 2023. LCC will shortly be making the report available to the public.
- Consultants from Storm Geo (contracted by LCC) are make a site visit to Ruskington to visit all the properties that had reported flood water ingress as part of the Section 19 inquiry into flooding on 5/6/ January 2025. Proposed days for their visit are Friday 14th February or Monday 17th February 2025. Update on 7/2/2025. The visit will now take place on Wednesday 19th February.
Staff Matters – An HR Committee meeting was held on 5/2/2025.
- The Clerk is attending online training on 24/2/2025 concerning the changes to the National Planning Framework. (The training is within the LALC training scheme for FY 2024 -2025).
Village entry signs – Cllr Tomlinson was going to arrange for the publicity, but the office has not received an update.
Dates for upcoming meetings –
- Tuesday 4 March 2025 at 6.30pm at the Parish Office – Estate Management and Planning
- Tuesday 11 March 2025 at 7pm at the Winchelsea centre - Ordinary Council meeting.