10 December 2024
Ruskington Parish Council
Minutes of an ordinary meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held on Tuesday 10 December 2024 at the Winchelsea Centre, 11 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY at 7pm.
Present: |
Chairman |
Cllr O Ditch |
Councillors: |
C Bain, D Conway, M Trolley, A Jennings |
Also, in attendance: |
Miss Kirsty Sinclair - RFO to Council |
Apologies: |
Cllr G Cox, L Tomlinson, S Cotter |
There were no members of public present.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.00pm.
1. Apologies for absence.
Cllr Cox, Cllr Cotter and Cllr Tomlinson were unable to attend the meeting and had sent valid apologies.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept apologies received by Cllr Cox, Cllr Cotter and Cllr Tomlinson. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
2. Declarations of interest and to consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.
No declarations of interest were made at this time.
3. To approve the notes of the meeting held on Tuesday 12 November 2024 as accurate Minutes.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes as accurate minutes. Proposed by Cllr Bain, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved with four votes for and one abstention (had not been present at the previous meeting).
4. To receive reports from the District and County Councillors.
There were no District or County Councillors present at this time. (Cllr Richard Wright arrived later in the meeting)
5. Financial Matters.
Information had been circulated prior to the meeting and the RFO answered questions regarding the electricity being expensive explained an urgent review of the contract and bills would be carried out as soon as possible.
5.1. To approve the payments made and consider the invoices for payment received since the meeting held on 12 November 2024.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made and received since the last meeting. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
5.2. To consider /approve the bank reconciliations for November 2024.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliations. Proposed by Cllr Bain, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
5.3. To receive a financial report from the RFO.
An update on the current financial position was given.
5.4. To consider instructing LALC to allocate an auditor for undertaking the internal audits for 2024-2025 as recommended by the Finance Committee.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to instruct LALC to undertake the internal audit for 2024-2025. Proposed by Cllr Jennings, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
5.5. To consider/approve the draft budget for the fiscal year 2025-2026 as recommended by the Finance Committee. (The precept calculator had not yet been received from NKDC).
Cllr Ditch gave Council an overview of what was discussed at the Finance Committee Meeting.
Action: The budget would be reviewed again in January once the precept calculator had been received.
6. To receive the Clerk’s report (for information only).
This had been circulated prior to the meeting.
District and County Cllr R Wright entered the meeting at 7.31pm.
Action: It was RESOLVED to revisit item 4 and invite District and County Cllr R Wright to give their report. Proposed by Cllr Jennings, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.
4. To receive reports from the District and County Councillors.
County news
Cllr Wright advised that:
- County Council were awaiting the financial settlement following the release of the recent financial statement.
- They were continuing to move towards the combined authority status.
District News
Cllr Wright advised that:
- The executive board sat recently mainly to finalise policy updates.
- The air quality statement was released and showed no air quality issues within NK. However, they had been asked to consider and include the effects that farming had on air quality.
- The midyear treasury position was good.
- Proposed changes to planning were being opposed as it would result in local councils have influence on developments and applications.
- There would be a meeting held next week to discuss the inclusion of four local council seats on the combined authority board. These seats would not hold any votes but allowed involvement in discussions.
- There had been a non-determination appeal made to planning regarding a property on Rectory Road. NKDC have until January to respond.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Wright, who left the meeting at 7.56pm.
7. To receive an update on co-option to Ruskington Parish Council.
No expressions of interest or applications had been received. A resident had expressed an interest in being an active member of the Emergency Plan Group and possibly becoming a Cllr in the future.
8. To consider /approve the following Terms of Reference and policies following review: -
The policies had been reviewed, amended as required, and circulated prior to the meeting.
8.1. Communication policy as recommended by the HR Committee.
8.2. Salting and Gritting Policy.
8.3 Cllr Bain asked if the previous resolution to include an abridge version of each Policy would be included for ease of reference.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept the polices above with no amendments but to review further the possibility of including an abridge version using an AI software tool. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
9. To receive an update on the funding application for the renovation of the lychgate.
The application for funding had been submitted and there was an 8 week wait for outcome.
10. To consider the recommendations below following a budget setting meeting of the Finance Committee held on 2nd December:
10.1. Not to renew the subscription to LALC Training Scheme for 2025-2026 as all training attended in 2024 had been external to the scheme.
Action: The Council RESOLVED not to renew the subscription to the LALC Training Scheme. Proposed by Cllr Jennings, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
10.2. To discontinue the Signpost magazine after the Spring 2025 issue. (Hard copies of the monthly e-news to be printed on request / made available.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to discontinue the Signpost magazine. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
10.3. Not renew the licence for playing a radio in a public place.
Action: The Council RESOLVED not to renew the licence for playing the radio. Proposed by Cllr Jennings, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
11. To consider the expenditure of £890.00 for a new self-closing gate at Parkfield playing field as recommended by the Finance Committee. (The current gate does not close properly and was recorded as being an amber risk on the 2024 RoSPA inspection report).
Action: The Council RESOLVED to replace the gate at Parkfield at a cost of £890.00. Proposed by Cllr Bain, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.
12. To consider the quote from the Environment Caretaker to replace the conifer hedge in the Garden of Remembrance which has succumbed to die back and has reached the end of its natural life. This would inform budget setting. (Information previously circulated).
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the above works to be carried out in 2025-26 if the budget allowed. To be confirmed in January. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.
13. To consider expenditure of £668.50 excluding VAT (£3.50 per tree) for the 3 yearly inspections of trees owned and managed by the Council. (Inspection due July 2025).
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the above works to be carried out in 2025-26 if the budget allowed. To be confirmed in January. Proposed by Cllr Jennings, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.
14. To consider expenditure of £442.72 including VAT, to inform the budget for 2025-2026 for a new noticeboard for the exterior wall of the parish office. (Information previously circulated).
Action: The Council required more information and costs regarding the current noticeboard located in the Winchelsea Centre and the request from the Church to upgrade the noticeboard before a decision was made.
15. To consider a quote for upgrading the mini goal at Elmtree play area with a cricket wicket and target panels for informing the budget setting. (Information previously circulated).
Action: The Council RESOLVED to refer to the Recreation Committee to look at as part of a wider scheme to improve play areas within the village. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
16. To receive an update on the planning application for the pavilion café.
16.1. To consider the recommendation of the Estate Management and Planning Committee to lease the pavilion café to an individual, organisation or business.
Action: It was RESOLVED to defer this to a later date following the outcome of the submitted planning application and a Recreation Committee meeting. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
17. To consider funding opportunities for the refurbishment of the public toilets once the lease is renewed.
The Changing Rooms funding previously mentioned was currently closed for applications, but the RFO would continue to look for possible funding opportunities and notify council if anything suitable became available.
18. To consider/approve the quote for £199.00 for a contractor to undertake a post-renovation clean of the rear of the building, including the kitchen and toilet, as recommended by the Estate Management and Planning Committee. (10 hours at £19.90 per hour).
18.1. To consider/approve the quote for the weekly contract cleaning of the rear office units and communal areas at a cost of 2.5hours x £19.90 = £49.75 per week or 2hours x £19.90 = £39.80 per week. The cost would be divided between the tenants at, circa, £10.00 per month.
Action: It was RESOLVED to approve the quote for the one off clean but defer the weekly cleaning until the rear offices were occupied. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
19. To receive and comment on a draft Active Travel Strategy 2025-2026 from NKDC aiming to increase participation in walking, wheeling and cycling in North Kesteven. (Information previously circulated).
Council discussed the Active Travel Strategy from NKDC and supported the initiative.
Action: It was RESOLVED to submit Cllr Ditch’s comments of support as sent via email prior to the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
20. To receive planning applications or to ratify the comments of the Estate Management and Planning Committee regarding planning applications, received from NKDC since the last meeting.
a. Application Reference: 24/1158/HOUS
Proposal: Erection of single storey front extension, two storey side extension including a new porch, conversion and extension of existing stable block to form annex ancillary to the existing house.
Location: 1 Manor Street, Ruskington, NG34 9EL
Action: The Council had no objections to this application.
b. Application Reference: 24/1128/FUL
Proposal: Proposed single storey extension to existing medical practice.
Location: Ruskington medical Practice, Brookside Close, Ruskington
Action: The Council had no further comments to ones already submitted to this application.
c. Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995, Schedule 2, parts 6 and 7 – Application for prior notification of agricultural or forestry development
Proposal: Erection of a cattle shed
Location: Bank House Farm, Ruskington Fen, Billinghay
Action: The Council had no objections to these plans.
d. Notification of Receipt of Amended Plans/ Additional Information
Application Reference: 24/0180/LBC
Proposal: Demolish and rebuild flat roof extension, convert utility buildings to
domestic use, replace porch with garden room, internal works to main dwelling,
erection of outdoor kitchen with store and shower room and installation of solar
panels and battery storage.
Location: 15 Holme Lane Ruskington Sleaford
Action: The Council had no objections to these amended plans.
20.1. To receive notification of planning applications approved by NKDC since the last meeting.
a. Application Reference: 24/1152/HOUS
Proposal: Erection of 1.8m high fence
Location: 1 Nene Close, Ruskington
b. Application Reference: 24/0957/FUL
Proposal: Erection of dwelling, garage and associated landscaping on proposed new plot (custom self-build).
Location: Woodlands, 6 Fen Road, Ruskington
20.2. To receive a notice of decision from NKDC
a. Application Reference: 24/1266/PNAGR
Proposal: Erection of a cattle shed
Location: Bank House Farm, Ruskington Fen, Billinghay
Prior approval is not required for the application.
20.3. To receive a notice of a planning appeal from NKDC Planning
Planning Appeal by Mr Hugo De Savary
Proposed site at Land to the Rear of Rectory Road, Ruskington.
Planning Reference: 24/0322/FUL
Appeal Reference: APP/R2520/W/24/33555040
21. To consider the correspondence and suggestion regarding the Christmas tree on Sleaford Road.
Action: It was RESOLVED to approve the request to allow family to place memorial items on or around the Christmas tree if they wished to do so. Proposed by Cllr Bain, seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved unanimously.
21.1. To consider erecting a memorial Christmas tree from December 2025 and agree its location.
Action: It was RESOLVED to approve the idea in principle and for further details to be discussed at a future meeting. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
22. Correspondence - for information only. (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).
a. LALC (via email) - Fortnightly e-newsletter
b. One Life (via email on 11/12/24) – Arranging a date to drop health information leaflets into the parish office and met with the Clerk.
c. Resident (via email on 14/11/2024) – Thank you to the Council for agreeing to remove the trees in Elmtree play park casting shade on their property.
d. Residents (by hand on 17/11/2024) – Individual letters to all councillors and D/Cllr Wright – re railway (Clerk responded by letter on 20/11/2024 and signposted to Network Rail)
e. Gallagher Insurance (by email on 20/11/2024) – Winter newsletter
f. Resident 9 By email on 21/11/2024) – Christmas tree on Sleaford Road (agenda item above).
g. Royal Mail (by post on 25/11/2024) – Confirmation of Parish Council address (No requirement to respond as no change to the parish office address).
h. The Pensions Regulator (by post on 25/11/2024) – Re-enrolment and re-declaration of staff pensions – legal duties as an employer (Declaration deadline 31/7/2025). Information shared with the RFO for response.
i. Resident (via email on 25/11/2024) – Parking permit for Walnut Close (forwarded to County Councillor).
j. LALC (by email on 28/11/2024) – How to respond to a Freedom of Information request regarding RM6281 Workforce Alliance Framework for Social Services (Lot 4), if received. (The Council has not received this email.)
k. Ruskington Methodist Church (by email on 29/11/2024) – Thank you for the Christmas tree.
l. Resident (via email on 2/12/2024) – Condition of the alleyways off Winchelsea Road. (Signposted to Fix My Street to report concerns).
m. NKDC (via post on 2/12/2024) – Council nominated for the NK Community Champions Award 2024 – Contribution to a Better Environment.
n. (Resident via email on 2/12/2024) – Suggestion for a pedestrian crossing near the junction of Manor Street and Lincoln Road (signposted to Highways and Cllr Wright).
o. NKDC (via email on 3/12/2024) – Notification of changes to street numbering: The Woodlands, 4 Fen Road, Ruskington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9EA
p. Resident (via email on 3/12/2024) – Expression of interest in the emergency plan, attendance at the emergency planning event in January 2025, and finding out and how the parish council works (Invited to observe a council meeting and to meet with Cllr Ditch)
q. NKDC (by email on 5/12/2024) – Electoral Roll (This is password protected and kept by the Clerk/Deputy Clerk &RFO).
23. To receive Members’ Reports – for information only. (Any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.)
- Cllr Conway requested any ideas for the final signpost edition.
24. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following contractual and staffing matters below.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to exclude the public and press to discuss the agenda items below. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25pm. The meeting reconvened at 9.28pm.
Action: It was resolved to move items 25 and 26 to the end of the agenda. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
27. To receive an update on the renovation of the Parish Office – Cllr Trolley - and agree next steps if required.
There had been no further contact from the contractor. No handover, final report or invoice had been received. There was still a couple of outstanding works. Clerk to chase these with the contractor. Our Buildings Caretaker had carried out some minor works as agreed. Final bits of information to be sent to Mundy’s this week to commence the advertisement of the offices.
28. To consider the amenity grass cutting arrangements from 1 April 2025.
28.1. To review / approve the grass cutting tender documents (grass verges, cemetery, play areas and playing fields).
28.2. To consider requesting tender applications from the recommended local contractors, and agree who these should be, if required.[CD1]
28.3. To agree the dates for the return of the tender applications.
Action: After a review of the grass cutting contract and quote from the current contractor, it was RESOLVED to instruct Glendale to continue to provide our grass cutting and hedge maintenance and opt for the 3-year fixed price for all areas excluding the Parkfield play area, where a 1-year contract would be requested due to the ongoing investigation into pitch maintenance solutions. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
The RFO left the meeting at 9.24pm.
25. To consider recommendations from the HR Committee regarding staff pay for FY2025-2026 – Cllr Bain
25.1. To receive/approve the recommendation of the Finance Committee to advance the RFO’s pay to NJC pay scale points into LC3 (below substantive range).
Action: It was RESOLVED to advance the RFO’s pay to NJC pay scale points into LC3 (below substantive range). Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
26. To consider recommendations from HR Committee regarding staff pensions for FY2025-2026 – Cllr Bain.
Action: It was RESOLVED to continue to pay the Employer Pension Contributions at 15% for FY2025-2026, with a view to increase this to at least 17% for FY2026-27.
The RFO returned to the meeting at 9.47pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.47pm.
Clerk’s Report for the November 2024 meeting. |
Meeting date: 10 December 2024
Author: Kathryn Locke – Clerk to Council
Purpose of report: To provide an update report from the Clerk on business conducted since the meeting held on 12 November 2024.
Min ref 8: LALC has not yet released a model document for sexual harassment.
Min ref 10.2: The funding bid to the National Lottery Heritage Fund was submitted on Thursday 5/12/2024. Reference no: HA-24-01077. The outcome should be received in eight weeks.
Min ref: The architect has been asked to submit the plans for the pavilion to NKDC Planning. The wall in the Council storeroom would not require planning permission and could be removed if assessed not to be load bearing. The gas heating can be removed at a later date and would not require planning permission. To change the heating system within the planning application requires a detailed energy statement along with engineer’s details of the sustainable method before the application can be approved. The architect has taken advice from the Planning Officer dealing with the application, and the architect hopes to have the application considered at the next NKDC planning meeting. Update 6/12/2024. The application for change of use, internal alterations, extended car parking and external seating shelter of Ruskington Sports Pavilion was submitted to NKDC by the architect on 5/12/2024.
Min ref 12: Alternative quotes for heating the hot water in the changing rooms with the solar panels are being obtained. Finding a contractor who can undertake both the plumbing, and the electrical /solar work is a challenge, but contactors are providing suggestions of other firms to try.
Min ref 13: The Environment Caretaker will fell the two silver birch trees in the hedge at Elmtree playing field in January 2025. The resident is aware and says thank you to the Council.
Min ref 18.1: Quotes for grass cutting machinery bundles and turf maintenance are being obtained. One contractor has offered to make a site visit, assess the condition of the pitches and provide a report / specification, so all contractors can receive the same information and actual amounts of, for instance, fertiliser to use. This contractor also provided details of other local pitch maintenance contractors to approach.
Min ref 21: Line marking at the MUGAs – the contractors have been advised that the work will be undertaken in Spring 2025 following surface cleaning and moss removal.
Min ref 25: Village entry signs – Cllr Tomlinson has to arrange the publicity for this and a date to be agreed with the Chairman of Council. (The Admin Assistant has everything available).
Min ref 29: NKDC was advised on 13/11/2024 that RPC has agreed to extend the lease on the public toilets. The next step is for NKDC to draw up the new lease agreement for Council to review.
Min ref 30: The RFO has updated the figures for staff pay including the 204-2025 pay award and increases to NI insurance contributions have been updated and reviewed by the Finance Committee on 2/12/2024. (Agenda item.)
Min ref 31: The Clerk and RFO have sought advice from an HR adviser, LALC and the Nest pension provider re staff pensions. The information has been circulated (agenda item). The RFO has provided financial information on staff pensions. This was reviewed by the Finance Committee on 2/12/2024 (Agenda item.)
Other Council Business:
Allotments – Complaints regarding the misuse of the compost bins have been received. Some allotment holders are putting non compostable items in the bins, including plastic plant pots, and have now started to pile rubbish beside the bins. (Future agenda item for the Recreation and Environment Committee.)
Amenity grass cutting – The current contract expires on 31 March 2025. The current contractor has provided an itemised quote for all areas of grass cutting undertaken. (Agenda item.)
Christmas Trees – These were delivered on 15 November. Bracket inspections commenced on 18/11/2024 and new brackets installed where required. The tree lights were switched on, on Wednesday 5 December from 3pm, and any “tweaks” were made.
Co-option – No expressions of interest or application forms have been received. “Becoming a Councillor” information is being shared on Council’s communication channels.
Changing rooms – The hot water tanks are being switched on and off to ensure the men’s teams have hot water for showers on the weekends they are using the changing rooms.
- Two further quotes are being obtained for a new hot water tank and heating the water using the solar panels. (Future agenda item for the Estate management Committee or Council).
Donations – Sleaford Kesteven Rotary Club have said they will donate towards a barrel beside the Beck. They have donated plants and planted a tub.
Electric bills - The RFO is investigating the large electric bills for the Parish Office received for October and November 2024. There are also ongoing issues with the energy provider which the RFO is trying to resolve.
Fire Safety Assessments – These were conducted by CQMS on 4 November 2024. The reports have been received, circulated, reviewed by the Estate Management and Planning Committee and recommended actions are being carried out.
Garden of Remembrance – Work to remove dead branches from trees in the garden has been completed by the Environment Caretaker.
- The conifer hedge is dying and will require removal at some stage and replanting with beach or hornbeam hedging at some stage. There may be a requirement to replace the fencing behind the hedge too. (Agenda item.)
Highways – The Parish Agreement for the grass verge cutting has been received from LCC - £4,382.71.
Horseshoe Hollow – Professional Paddock Care cut the hedge between the Hollow and the allotments on 18/11/2024. The Environment Caretaker acted as the banksman. Due to the proximity of some sheds, to avoid damage, the caretaker has cut any areas of the hedge that could not be cut from the Horseshoe Hollow side of the hedge.
Microsoft Licences – These are due for renewal on 17/12/2024. The number of Councillor licences will be reduced from 13 to 8. (Additional licences can be arranged at any time). SCIS Ltd have been asked for information regarding reduced rate licence fees for local government organisations.
MUGA – The Sleaford Barge Netball Team have requested to use the MUGA on two occasions (one session was cancelled due to the icy weather).
Parkfield playing fields – 3-5 quotes for grass cutting and machinery bundles are being obtained. (Future item for the Recreation and Environment Committee).
Parish Office Renovation and Conversion – Trunking in the committee room, and work to the smoke shaft was completed by Newman Moore on 15/11/2024. (Agenda item.)
- Newman Moore advise the work is complete. The Estate Management and Planning Committee inspected the works on 25/11/2025. Snagging to be undertaken by the Buildings’ Caretaker (underway).
- Four out of five emergency fire exit lights are showing red lights. This was reported to Newman Moore on 3/12/2024 with a request for them to investigate and put right. The work was completed on 4/12/2024 and all the emergency lighting now shows green lights.
- The final invoice has not been received.
- The Building’s Caretaker has filled in the gap in the upstairs parish office floor, where the wall was removed, with laminate and has used silicone to fill in the gaps in the electrical trunking throughout the property.
Parish Office - Leasing the office units. A representative from Mundy's visited the office on 18/11/2024. Room measurements and publicity photographs were taken so the office units can be advertised. A list of questions for Council to consider will be issued. (agenda item).
- The Heads of Terms approved by Council on 12/11/2024 were emailed to Mundy’s on 19/11/2024 for their review and other information has been sent as request.
Parish Office water meter - Anglian Water advised on 4/12/2024 that the office water meter is not working. An engineer will be investigating this on 12/12/2024.
Pavilion– A dripping tap in the pavilion has been fixed by the Buildings’ Caretaker. This had not been reported and a cone had been placed on top of a puddle of water.
- At the request of the architect, the depth of the insulation in the pavilion roof was measured (10-15cm deep in areas where it was present). The architect suggests laying a further 250mm on top of this, to bring the ceiling up to current new build regulations.
Public Toilets – The contract cleaner commenced the cleaning of the toilets on 4 November 2024. No problems have been reported.
One You Lincolnshire – The Clerk and Admin Assistant met with a representative from One You on 21/11/2024. This service offers a free self and GP referral to health and wellbeing programmes, such as smoking cessation, weight loss, and increasing physical activity. Ways to promote the service were discussed, including an article for the LALC e-news, and for Council to share information on its social media channels. Leaflets on the service are available from the parish office.
Staff Matters – The Clerk and RFO attended the Clerk’s networking day organised by LALC on 26 November 2024 at Welbourn Village Hall. This included a SLCC meeting.
- The Clerk is on leave Monday from 23/12/2024 – Thursday 2/1/2025 (inclusive).
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessments have been untaken, and actions are being implemented.
Christmas office opening: The Parish Office is closed between Christmas and New Year.
- The Buildings’ Caretaker will be working on 31/12/24 to ensure everything is as it should be, to litter pick, and to undertake routine inspections of play areas and defibs.
- The public toilets will be closed on Christmas day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.
Virgin Media – Following attendance at the council meeting on 10/11/2024, Virgin Media has agreed to donate £500.00 for the 2024 Christmas trees and have apologised for the lack of communication and the poor condition the roads and pavements have been left in following cabling works. As neither the tree supplier nor the parish council can take card payments over the phone, Virgin Media advised they needed to raise a Purchase Order (PO) (a process that could take up to seven weeks). The RFO sent a PO on 5/12/2024.
Dates for upcoming meetings –
- Tuesday 7 January 2025 at 6.30pm at the Parish Office – Finance Cttee meeting (to finalise the budget and precept`)
- Tuesday 14 January 2024 at 7pm at the Winchelsea Centre – Ordinary January meeting.