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11 June 2024

Minutes of an ordinary meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held on Tuesday 1 June 2024 at the Winchelsea Centre, 11 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY at 7pm.




Cllr O Ditch


S Cotter, D Conway, G Cox, C Bain, A Jennings, L Tomlinson

Also, in attendance:

Mrs Kathryn Locke (Clerk to Council)



Cllr M Trolley

The Environment Caretaker and Cty and D/Cllr R Wright were in attendance. Two members of public were present, including an NHS Community Connector who had been invited to the public session to explain about their role and future projects.


Public Session: The Chairman welcomed the delegates and the members the public and invited comments and questions. The NHS Community Connector for Sleaford area was invited to give a short presentation on their role with the NHS funded wellbeing hub, “Meadow,” held at South Lincs Church, and the activities offered. Meadow was interested in using the community garden for outdoor wellbeing activities, such as wood working. The Community Connector answered questions from Council. No funding from the Council was required. Cllr Ditch thanked the Community Connector, and they left the meeting. There were no other comments or questions from the public.


The Chairman opened the Council meeting at 7.14pm.


1. Apologies for absence.

Cllr Trolley had been unable to attend the meeting and had sent a valid apology.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the apology from Cllr Trolley. Proposed by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.


2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011- being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

None were declared at this time.


3. To approve the notes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (AMPC) held on Tuesday 14 May 2024 as accurate Minutes.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes of the AMPC as accurate Minutes. Approved by Cllr Jennings, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved with votes four for and three abstentions. (Members had not been present at the previous meeting.)


4.  To receive reports from the District and County Councillors.

Cllr Wright reported:

  • His attendance at a Highways Scrutiny Panel meeting to consider investment and improvement in rail infrastructure and services in Lincolnshire.
  • Highways had made extra investment to speed up the road repair process.
  • The planning application for 77 Westcliffe Road had been approved as a home to care for children with additional needs but would not be a secure unit or a home for young people who had committed offences. The care home would be writing to neighbouring properties to reassure them of this.
  • An additional document to local planning framework and plans to be considered to prevent the accumulative effect of planning applications.
  • Cllr Wright was aware of a petition for traffic calming measures (speed bumps) on Millview Road and requested that evidence of need was required before this could be considered. Residents raising concerns to be signposted to Cllr Wright as the County Councillor for Ruskington.
  • The Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive of NKDC had both resigned from post.
  • NKDC were not connected to the closure of a carpark and footbridge on Southgate, Sleaford. The owners of the land had always known that the carpark was temporary, and it was a Government planning inspector that had advised the carpark must close.


5. Financial Matters.

Information had been circulated prior to the meeting.

   5.1. To approve the payments made and consider the invoices for payment received since the meeting held on 14 May 2024.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made and the payment of the invoices received since the last meeting. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved unanimously.

   5.2. To consider /approve the bank reconciliations for April and May 2024.

The bank reconciliation for April was available. The May reconciliation would be available for consideration at the meeting on 9 July 2024.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation for April 2024. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved unanimously.

   5.3. To receive an update on the Council’s insurance for 2024-2025 (renewed on 1 June 2024).

The Council’s insurance had been renewed on 1 June 2024 for one year at a cost of £4,110.74.

   5.4. To consider the expenditure of £216.42, excl VAT, for the health and safety items required to enable the Environment Caretaker to undertake tree work following his chainsaw qualification obtained in May 2024.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the expenditure of £216.42 for the safety items and first aid training required. Approved by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved unanimously.


   5.5. To receive the report from the internal auditor following the end of year audit on 5 June 2024.

The report was not available.

   5.6. To complete via vote all statements of the Annual Governance Statement 2023/2024 (Section 1) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return.

Due to the change of accounting software, from Edge to Quickbooks, the end of year financial information had been delayed.

   5.7. To approve via vote the Accounting Statements 2023/2024 (Section 2) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return.

Due to the change of accounting software the accounting statements was not available.

   5.8. To approve the end of year bank reconciliation for 2022-2023.

Due to the changeover with the accounting software the end of year bank reconciliation was not available.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to consider agenda items 5.5 to 5.8 above at an extra-ordinary meeting to be held before Wednesday 26 June 2024.

   5.9.  To receive a donation from St George’s Academy (Ruskington Campus) for the village flood initiative.

Cllr Ditch, representing the Council, had attended a ceremony at St George’s Academy, Ruskington campus, to receive a donation of £428.63 towards the village flood initiative and to aid in future flood prevention efforts. The pupils had undertaken a range of sponsored activities to raise the money as part of the academy’s Kindness Campaign. The Council gratefully received the donation.

Action: The Council to consider the best way to use this funding at its meeting on 9 July 2024.


   5.10. To increase internal financial controls by Council, as previously highlighted by the internal auditor.

Action: The Council RESOLVED that when councillors called into the office, they should make spot checks of the finance and petty cash. Other opportunities included when councillors attended committee and working party meetings in the office. Proposed by Cllr Jennings, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.


6. To receive the Clerk’s report (for information only).

This had been circulated prior to the meeting. No questions were raised.


7. To receive an update on co-option to Ruskington Parish Council.

No applications had been received.


8. To appoint Members who were not present at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council to serve on Committees. (Cllr Conway, Cllr Cotter, Cllr Conway.)

Action: The Council RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Conway to the HR and Estate Management and Planning Committee; Cllr Cotter to the Recreation and Environment Committee and Cllr Tomlinson to the Recreation and Environment Committee and Estate Management and Planning Committee. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.


9. Appointment of representatives to outside bodies: Ruskington Village Hall Management Committee.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Conway as the Council’s representative. Proposed by Cllr Bain, seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved unanimously.


10. To consider /approve the following documents and consider any amendments recommended:

Information had been circulated prior to the meeting.

   10.1. Financial Regulations (Following receipt of updated model document from LALC)

Action: This was deferred until the RFO could make recommendations on expenditure, where this had not been previously approved.

   10.2. Memorial Inspection policy

   10.3. Document Retention Policy

   10.4. Environment Policy

Action: The Council RESOLVED to adopt the memorial Inspection, Document Retention and Environment Policy with no amendments. Proposed by Cllr Bain, seconded by Cllr Jennings and approved unanimously.


11. To consider the improved proofs for the village entrance sign (revised quote for the signs within the approved budget allocation for 2024-2025).

Action: The Clerk to ask the Buildings’ Caretaker, who had experience in design, to improve the images during his usual working hours.


12. Estate Management Matters:

   12.1. To receive an update on the refurbishment of the parish office and agree the next steps.

Cllrs Ditch, Cox, Conway, Bain and the Clerk had met with the contractors on 12/6/24 to discuss the renovation’s lack of progress. A draft final account had been received following the meeting plus an approximate cost for the floor coverings for Council to consider. These were discussed at length and a proposal and counter proposal were made.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the counter proposal - to give the contractor two options to consider. Proposed by Cllr Bain, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved with six votes for and one abstention from Cllr Ditch.

   12.2. To consider the Environment Caretaker’s plans to improve the drainage at the rear of the office, based on surveys of the drainage system following drain blockages, and agree the expenditure.

Information had been circulated prior to the meeting and the Environment Caretaker was invited to discuss these in detail. Agenda items 12.3 to 12.6 below were included in the discussion.

   12.3. To consider raising the height of the inspection chamber currently beneath the patio.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to raise the height of the inspection chamber. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.

   12.4. To consider raising the height of the patio to reduce the depth of the step to the patio doors (main entrance to the rear of the property).

Action: The Council RESOLVED to agree in principle the raising of the patio to the level of the patio doors. Costings were required for consideration. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.

   12.5. To consider the refiguration (after investigation) and replacement of broken guttering and drainpipes at the rear of the parish office and the replacement of the stack pipe (no longer required) with a drainpipe.

The stack pipe could not be replaced with a drainpipe as it was connected to the new toilet.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve expenditure of up to £500.00 for the Council caretakers to reconfigure and replace broken guttering and drainpipes, to replace the stack pipe with a new stack pipe and to replace the utility cover on the inspection chamber buried beneath the patio. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson and approved unanimously.

   12.6. To consider the removal of redundant electrical wiring and gas pipes from the exterior of the office, following investigation.

Action: The Council RESOLVED that following evaluation; the redundant wiring and pipework could be removed. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Cotter and approved unanimously.

   12.7. To consider an extension of the lease for the public toilets on Church Street (as being drawn up by NKDC).

NKDC had advised that they were no longer seeking to have the public toilets valued and their legal team was drawing up a new lease agreement. The lease was not due for renewal until 2026, therefore council noted this as information for consideration, when required.

   12.8. To receive an update on the cemetery lychgate and sources of funding for its refurbishment.

Cllr Ditch advised that Cllr Trolley was researching Lottery grant funding. The contractor had agreed to meet with council again to consider a full refurbishment of the lychgate and its immediate environment.

   12.9 To receive an update on the making safe of the headstones that have, to date, been deemed unsafe and agree any expenditure.

Councillors, caretakers, and the Clerk had met with a stone mason on site on 4 June 2024. The area around the headstones had been fenced off. The stone-mason’s recommendations and quote were awaited.

   12.10. To receive information on the tap beside the cemetery lychgate, which has no water supply, and agree the next steps.

The tap had now been replaced by a plumber and was back in operation.

   12.11. To consider a request to pre-purchase a cremation plot in Sleaford Road cemetery. (Pre-purchase of plots not permitted since 30 November 2004.)

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the request for a pre-purchased cremation plot (New West Border cremation plot 30). Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson and approved unanimously.

   12.12. To consider a request from the South Lincs Church to use the community garden for wellbeing activities.

Council was keen for the garden to be used for wellbeing activities.

Action: The Clerk to seek further information about the proposed projects and any requirements such as for storage and equipment.

   12.13.  To consider /approve the updated drawing for the pavilion and agree the next steps in the renovation.

Cllr Cox and Cllr Tomlinson advised that volunteers and offers of volunteering in kind to help with the renovation had been made to them. The Clerk advised that the volunteers email the Council via the Clerk. Changing facilities would still be required. Modifications to the direction a couple of doors opened in would allow rooms to be used as changing rooms.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the updated plan for the pavilion with the modifications to the door opening to allow changing room facilities. It was agreed for Cllr Tomlinson to have the plans drawn professionally and to scale. The next step after this would be a structural survey of the pavilion. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.

13. Recreation and Environment Committee Matters:

No committee meeting had been held.

   13.1. To consider the arrangements for the Funday being held at Parkfield playing fields if the date and arrangements have been received from the event organisers. (The Funday is not going ahead on 29 June as previously advised.)

The date for the Funday had yet to be agreed but the event would take place in August 2024 with a slightly different format than before.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to allow the Funday to take place at Parkfield playing fields at no cost, and for the public liability insurance cover to be provided by the Council (for up to 1,000 attendees). Council to have an information stand within its gazebo with a focus on recruiting parish councillors.

   13.2. To receive an update on the community garden.

The Environment Caretaker was invited to give an update on the development of the sensory garden. This was nearing completion and would be ready for planting by the end of the week.



   13.3. To agree the date for a Recreation and Environment Committee Meeting.

The Committee agreed to hold a working party meeting on Sunday 16 June 2024 at 9am.  The Clerk advised that a committee meeting was still required.


14. To consider ways to improve communication within the Council.

This was deferred until the next meeting as the HR Committee were already considering ways to improve communication for recommending to Council.


15. To consider the Invitation from Ruskington Methodist Church to have a representative and / or display at an Eco Day on Saturday 13 July 2024.

Action: Cllr Cotter agreed to attend the event.


16. To consider ways to celebrate Christmas 2024. (Budget allocated for 2024 is £1,500.)

Action: Members to suggest ideas for considering at the July meeting.


17. Village Hall Matters:

   17.1. To receive an update on the Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the Village Hall committee.

The Clerk advised that Mr Adam Hicks had been elected at the Chairman of the Village Hall Management Committee and Mr Alwyn Kirk (the outgoing chairman) as the Vice-Chairman.

   17.2. To consider a request from the Village Hall Committee to install solar panels on the roof of the village hall.

There was no requirement for the Council to give permission to the village hall committee for the installation of the solar panels on the village hall roof.


18. To consider planning applications and amendments to planning applications received since the last meeting:

All planning notifications had been forwarded to Council on receipt.

   a. Notification of Receipt of Amended Plans/ Additional Information Application Reference: 24/0393/FUL

Proposal: Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a residential care home for up to four looked after young persons (Use Class C2) and associated works

Also received for this planning application:

   b. Notification of Local Councils – Receipt of amended details and information

Proposal:  Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a residential care

home for up to four looked after young persons (Use Class C2) and associated works

Location:   77 Westcliffe Road Ruskington Sleaford

  • Need for Home
  • Shift Pattern
  • Response to case officer
  • Ministerial Statement

This application had been approved by NKDC.

   c. Application Reference: 24/0588/OUT

Proposal: Outline planning application for the erection of 2 No. detached dwellings (with all matters reserved).

Location: 33 Queensway Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9EX

Action: The Council objected to this application for the following reasons: lack of detailed plans and drawings, no flood risk assessment apparent; over development of the site, concern regarding the loss of the trees adjacent to the site and the increase in the flood risk this would cause.

   d. Application for a Lawful Development Certificate

Application Reference: 24/0619/LDEXI

Proposal: Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for existing use - confirmation of commencement of works.

Location: Land North Of Whitehouse Road Ruskington Sleaford I refer to the above application, the evidence accompanying which is currently receiving the Council’s consideration.

Action: The Council had responded to NKDC to advise that the field had been used for growing crops until purchased by the developer.

   e. Planning Application Reference: 24/0623/HOUS

Proposal:  First floor side extension above garage to create additional bedrooms.

Location:   11 The Sidings Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9GA

Action: The Council had no objections to this application.


18.1. To receive notification of planning applications approved by NKDC since the last meeting.

   a. Application Reference: 24/0240/HOUS

Proposal: Erection of two storey rear extensions and single storey rear and side extension along with new vehicular access.

Location: 3 Brook Way Ruskington Sleaford (Approved by NKDC)

   b. Application Reference: 24/0393/FUL

 Proposal: Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a residential care home for

up to four looked after young persons (Use Class C2) and associated works

 Location: 77 Westcliffe Road Ruskington Sleaford (Approved by NKDC)


19.  Correspondence - for information only. (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).

  1. LALC – (via email) - Fortnightly e- news
  2. Newton Newton Flag Makers (by post) – “Certificate of Grateful Recognition” for contribution to the D-Day 80 commemorations. (Purchase of the Flag of Peace.)
  3. Resident (via email on 20/5/2024) - Hire of the pavilion for a birthday party
  4. Resident (via email on 20/5/2024) – Request for signage and speed bumps on Millview Road following ducks, cats and a dog being hit by motorists.
  5. Resident - (via email on 20/5/2024) - Condition of Hillside play area. (Caretaker inspected and cleaned the play equipment.)
  6. Gods’ Acre (via post on 20/5/2024) - Members’ Magazine, “Beautiful Burial Grounds.”
  7. Resident (via email on 21/5/2024) - Damaged wall and parking and traffic issues on Station Road (Signposted to LCC Highways)
  8. NKDC (via email on 22/5/2024) - Armed Forces Day poster and information. (Poster displayed)
  9. South Lincs Church – via email on 20/5/2024 - Wellbeing activities for the community garden.
  10. Ruskington Methodist Church (via email on 23/5/2024) – Invitation to have a display at an Eco Day on 13 July 2024. (Agenda item above.)
  11. NKDC Planning (via email on 23/5/2024) – Notice of planning committee meeting for 77 Westcliffe Road and advice on how the public can participate.
  12. NKDC (via email on 28/5/2024) - Notice of pre-election period for the general election on 4 July 2024.
  13. LALC (via email on 28/5/2024) - Pre-election briefing for local councils.
  14. Resident (via email on 28/5/24) - Traffic issues on Springfield Road and Millview Road. (Signposted to LCC Highways.)
  15. Resident (via email on 28/5/2024) – Weed growth at Hillside play area. (Environment caretaker asked to inspect.)
  16. Resident (via email on 30/5/2024) – Request to pre-purchase a cremation plot in Sleaford Road Cemetery. (Agenda item above.)
  17. Resident (via email on 30/5/24) – D Day 80 commemoration service being held at All Saints Church.
  18. NKDC (via email on 30/5/24) – Street numbering: Fairfield, Fen Road, NG34 9TG.
  19. Ruskington Veteran’s Group (via email on 3/6/2024) – Request to hold a short service and light a Lamp of Peace for D-Day 80 on 6 June 2024 at 9.15pm.
  20. LALC (via email on 5/6/24) – Phishing information poster for sharing with the public.


20. To receive Members’ Reports – for information only. (Any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.)

  • Cllr Tomlinson advised that there was no hot water in the pavilion, the ladies’ toilets in the pavilion required cleaning, and that the Lions JFC were considering organising a children’s summer camp at Parkfield playing fields. (July agenda item.)
  • Cllr Jennings asked if there was an update on basketball hoops for the MUGA.
  • Cllr Cox reported a resident’s comments on the height of the wildflowers in the churchyard.
  • Cllr Ditch advised that he had joined the LCC Health Scrutiny Officer and County Councillors on their visit to Ruskington on 29 May 2024 to discuss the flood events.
  • Cllr Ditch also advised of Community Greenspace Funding for Council to consider applying for when a project had been identified.


21. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the staffing matters below.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to exclude the public and press to discuss the staffing matters below. Proposed by Cllr Jennings, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson and approved unanimously.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.10pm. The meeting reconvened at 10.10pm.


22. To receive an update on HR Matters – Cllr Bain.

An HR Committee meeting had been held a meeting on Monday 10 June 2024.

Cllr Bain gave an overview of HR Matters, including staff welfare, comments raised during staff appraisals, and a request for an occupational sick pay scheme to be paid. The HR Committee were considering these.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.24pm.


Clerk’s Report for the June 2024 meeting.

Meeting date: 11 June 2024

Author: Kathryn Locke – Clerk to Council

Purpose of report: To provide an update report from the Clerk on business conducted since the meeting held on 18 April 2024.

Actions completed since the meeting held on 18 April 2024. 

Min ref 5.5: The insurance with Gallagher was renewed on 1/6/2024 at a cost of £4,110.74. There was no increase due to completion of the renewal questionnaire.

Min ref 9: The photographic competition for a 2025 calendar has been discontinued.

Min ref 10: The approved fees, T&C’s and hire agreements were issued to the sports teams who use Parkfield sports facilities w/c 3/6/24.

Min ref 10.4: Cllr Tomlinson to arrange to meet with the RFO to discuss the Football Foundation funding for the playing fields, as agreed.

Min ref 10.5: Health and safety items to be purchased before the Environment Caretaker can commence the tree work in the cemetery. (Agenda item on 11 June 2024)

Min ref 10.6: The temporary repairs to the potholes to be filled in by Council Caretakers.

Min ref 10.7: The work to replace the bridge in Horseshoe Hollow is planned to commence in June 2024.

Min ref 11: The first new look Signpost newsletter was delivered to all Ruskington properties within the Local Lincs magazine w/c/ 3/4/24. Residents have also been calling into the office to collect copies. The Funday was advertised with the date provided by one of the organisers. However, Council has since been informed that the date has yet to agreed and the Funday may take place in August.

Min ref 12:  A service of reflection for D-Day 80 was held in the Church on Thursday 6 June 2024 at 10.55am. The Lantern of Peace was lit at the service. The Church has agreed that the lantern can be displayed in the Church and lit annually at the Remembrance Sunday church services. The Tommy Silhouette was unveiled in the Garden of Remembrance after the Church service, and the Flag of Peace was flown from the Garden of Remembrance on the day. Pupils from Chestnut Street School laid wreaths and Veterans said a few words. The Ruskington Veteran’ s Group held their own service in the Garden of Remembrance and lit a lantern of Peace at 9.15pm (with permission.) The Church bells were rung at 6.15pm as part of a national initiative.

Min ref 14: An on-site meeting with the building contractors has twice been requested as work is not progressing. The skip and Portaloo have been removed buy the contractor. 

Min ref 14.1: The downstairs office windows have been installed. The office is much quieter and warmer.

Min ref 14.2: Work to the drains is required before the drive can be re-surfaced. (Please see parish office drains, below.) A temporary cover has been placed over the collapsing inspection chamber to allow the van to be parked on the drive.

Min ref: 14.3: An updated plan for the pavilion to show the internal walls removed (as required) has been circulated. (Agenda item.)

Min ref 14.4: The Buildings Caretaker is decorating the interior of the changing rooms in between other work tasks.

Min ref 14.5: The Community Garden is closed whilst the Environment Caretaker completes the sensory area. The compost for the flower beds in this area arrived on 5/6/24.

Min ref 14.7: The work to the entrance to the gents’ toilets was completed on 29/4/24 by a specialist asbestos firm, and all relevant paperwork received.

Actions completed since the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 14 May 2024:

Min ref 8.2: The new structure of the village hall committee is now known.

Min ref 13: A second meeting has been held with Carre Heritage following a revised quote for the repair of the lychgate. Sources of funding are being researched.

Min ref 14: The improved images for the village entrance signs have been requested for the meeting on 11 June and the signage company is awaiting these.

Min Ref 15a: The Clerk and caretakers met with a stone mason, on site, on 4 June to discuss the dangerous headstones. Recommendations and quotes should be available by 21 June 2024. (July agenda item.)

Min Ref 16.2: All comments regarding the planning application for a biomass plant at Anwick have been submitted to LCC Planning.


                                                   Other Council Business:

Audits: The End of Year Internal Audit 2023-2024 took place on 5 June 2024 and was conducted by the auditor allocated by LALC.

  • The Annual Return (AGAR) to be submitted to the external auditors PKF Littlejohn by 1 July 2024. (Agenda item.) Please also see “Edge Software” below.

Community garden – Requests to use the garden for wellbeing activities have been received. (Agenda item). The Environment Caretaker agreed with the Church that the garden could be used for Messy Church activities on Saturday 1 June 2024.

  • The sensory area is under construction. (Compost delivered on 5/6/24).

Cemetery – The cemetery tap beside the lychgate was replaced on 6/6/24 as no water was coming out of it when turned on.

  • Tree work will be commencing now the caretaker is qualified and once all health and safety requirement are in place. (Agenda item.)
  • Mole activity has been reported at the far end of the cemetery on 28/5/24 and has been dealt with.

Edge Financial Software – The RFO no longer has any access to the financial reports which is complicating the end of year return. Edge has been contacted and asked to allow sight only access so the year end accounting can be conducted.  The RFO is now using QuickBooks to record all financial transactions and to run reports. The internal auditor has advised that all the financial transactions for 2023-2024 be transferred onto QuickBooks.

Firestop Inspection – The annual inspection of the parish office and outbuildings, the pavilion and changing rooms is arranged for 12/6/24.

Flooding – LCC Health Scrutiny and County Councillors visited Ruskington on Thursday 30 May 2024 at 12 noon to visit the sites affected by recent flood events.  District and County Councillor Wright and Cllr Ditch were in attendance.

  • A contractor working for Anglian Water was removing willow tree roots from the drain on High Street North on 6/6/24.

Horseshoe Hollow – The caretakers plan to replace the bridge in June 2024, once the wooden beams have arrived. They are on order. On 7 June 2024 the Environment caretaker and the Clerk registered for a flood risk exemption order from the Environment Agency (required before the work can commence) - Reference EXFRAO13614.

Parkfield Car Park – Following a meeting with NKDC, the Environment Caretaker cut back a tree growing along the boundary fence between the carpark and no 25 Parkfield Road. NKDC will remove their damaged chain link fence, Ruskington PC will arrange for the stump to be removed and then NKDC will erect a new chain link fence.  

Parish Office Renovation and Conversion – The windows have all been replaced, plus the front door. The fire alarms for the parish office were installed on 24/5/2024. No contractors were on site during the school holiday and there is still work to be completed such as flooring, a former doorway to be pebble-dashed, kitchen to be installed (by Council caretakers), baby changing unit, hot drinking water unit, decoration of “lean to” frame and replacement of the roof to the “lean to” frame. A meeting with the contractors took place on 11/6/2024 to move the project to completion.

Parish Office Drains - Following heavy rain on 22/5/24, Dyno-Rod had to be called out twice to investigate an overflowing drain that the caretakers could not unblock. Dyno-Rod jetted the drain for 20m. Due to the age of the property it was considered that this drain led into the soil as a soakaway. It was noted that the drain under High Street North was blocked as willow tree roots were starting to protrude into the drain again. (Anglian Water have been advised of this).

  • Quotes for a drain survey were obtained and using the Clerk’s emergency spending powers and with the authority of the Chairman, a drain survey was conducted on 31/5/2024. An unknown inspection chamber was discovered beneath the patio. This has since been uncovered and re-covered.
  • Anglian Water advises on 5/6/24 that as the drains are not connected to the neighbouring properties, that Council can take all measures required without their authority.
  • Damp patches on lower walls have been noticed in the office and there is water ingress near the patio window in the rear of the office, due to guttering not feeding to any drainpipes. (Agenda item.)

Parish Office Guttering, Drain Pipes, External Wiring and Gas Pipes – Broken guttering and drain pipes will need replacing to prevent further water ingress into the building. A redundant stack pipe to be removed and replaced with a drain pipe. Electric cables with no known use to be removed as required following advice from an electrician.

Parish Office Roof - The flashing on the roof around the chimneys was replaced on 31/5/2024 by a contractor to prevent water ingress and damp.  

Pavilion – The pavilion is being hired on 3 August 2024 for a birthday party with an outdoor bouncy castle. A copy of the relevant insurance has been requested.

Public toilets – NKDC has advised that it is no longer pursuing a valuation for the toilets on Church Street, but the legal team will be drawing up a new lease agreement for Ruskington Parish Council. (Agenda item.)

Play areas – The poor condition of Hillside play area has been reported by a resident – especially the ongoing issue with bird excrement on the play equipment and weeds and grass growing through the bark. No written confirmation from NKDC has been received to confirm the future of the site, which is allocated for housing.

  • A tree which had fallen at Hillside between Fen Road and the play area was reported to NKDC on 4/6/24 and removed by NKDC contractor on 5/6/24.

Public Consultation 2024 – The deadline has been extended to 30 June 2024. Paper copies and links to the online survey will be available at the Funday, and are available in the parish office, and via the Council’s website and social media channels. A further extension may be required once the date of the Funday is known. 118 online responses have been received to date, plus an unknown amount in the sealed voting box.

Staff Appraisals – These have all been undertaken, apart from the Clerk’s.

Signpost Newsletter – The first edition of the new style newsletters has been printed and sent to the Local Lincs magazine for distribution to all properties in Ruskington.

Training: Following training, the Environment Caretaker has the following chain saw and tree felling qualifications: NPTC 201 (previously CS30) - Chainsaw maintenance and cross cutting and NPTC 202 (previously CS31) - Felling of trees up to 380 mm diameter.

  • The Admin Assistant attended training (online) on 30/5/24 on how to communicate with younger members of the community. Following this, a Council Instagram page was set up (as recommended) to enable interaction with younger residents (e.g., those aged under 30.)

Tubs beside the Beck: The Environment Caretaker commenced replacing the tubs on 28/5/2024.

Village entrance signs – Allen Signs are waiting for the improved artwork. The locations for the signs have been approved by LCC Highways.

Date for the July meeting – Tuesday 9 July 2024 at 7pm at the Winchelsea Centre. (Please note there is no ordinary meeting in August).