12 November 2024
Ruskington Parish Council
Minutes of an ordinary meeting of Ruskington Parish Council held on Tuesday 12 November 2024 at the Winchelsea Centre, 11 High Street North, Ruskington, NG34 9DY at 7pm.
Present: |
Chairman |
Cllr O Ditch |
Councillors: |
C Bain, S Cotter, D Conway, M Trolley, L Tomlinson |
Also, in attendance: |
Mrs Kathryn Locke – Clerk to Council |
Apologies: |
Cllr G Cox, Cllr A Jennings |
Cty and D/Cllr R Wright, D/Cllr M Waldeck, representatives from LCC Highways and Virgin Media (as pre-arranged) and six members of the public were in attendance.
Public session: The Chairman opened the public session at 6.58pm and welcomed the members of the public, guests, and delegates. He advised that Cllr Bain would be arriving a few minutes late. The resident who had raised a petition concerning the condition of the pavements in Ruskington following cabling works in the village was invited to explain the issues. Cllr Wright had met with the resident. The resident appreciated this and the help received from the Clerk and Parish Council.
Cllr Bain arrived at 7.04pm.
The other members of the public and councillors were invited to join the discussion. The poor condition of the paths, which included uneven surfaces, the incorrect and inconvenient placing of the cabinets, the lack of information circulated prior to the works commencing, the attitudes of some of the operatives, and misuse of inappropriate machinery were discussed at length. The representative from Highways apologised for the inconvenience and distress caused and advised that remedial work was being undertaken. He offered to meet with the residents and Cllr Wright to visit the roads and paths affected. Virgin Media representatives apologised for the lack of information which they believed had been circulated to all residents via an external contractor, and the distress caused, and also agreed to meet with residents. Questions were raised and answered. One councillor commented that the work in another area of the village had been well executed and the Virgin Media operatives had been friendly and helpful. Virgin Media offered to donate a gift to the community and the Clerk was to send a wish list. A contribution towards the Christmas trees and decorations was considered acceptable and the Clerk was to email the Community Liaison Officer at Virgin Media.
The Chairman thanked the guests and members of the public for their time and attendance.
The representatives from Highways, Virgin Media and 4 members of the public left the meeting.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.36pm.
1. Apologies for absence.
Cllr Cox and Cllr Jennings were unable to attend the meeting and had sent valid apologies.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept Cllr Cox and Cllr Jennings’s apologies. Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
2. Declarations of interest and to consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPIs.
Cllr Cotter declared an interest in agenda item 27 and 28 (staff pay and pensions) as she was related to a staff member.
3. To approve the notes of the meeting held on Tuesday 8 October as accurate Minutes.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes as accurate Minutes. Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson and approved with five votes for and one abstention (had not been present at the previous meeting).
4. To receive reports from the District and County Councillors.
County news
Cllr Wright advised that:
- LCC Highways would be undertaking remedial and resurfacing works on Westcliffe Road during the 2025-2026 season. Due to Cllr Wright’s efforts this was an earlier time-frame than originally planned.
- Beckingham Training Camp was going to be used as transit accommodation for Afghanistan nationals who had supported the British Military, for example as translators, and their families. These individuals were entitled to settle in the UK and could not return to Afghanistan due to the risk to their lives. 200 people would arrive at a time and up to £3,000 people were expected to be re-settled.
District News
Cllr Wright advised that:
- At an NKDC meeting on 11/11/24 an agreed joint directive on the devolution deal for the area had been considered and policies were being discussed. This was expected to bring economic growth to the area.
- NKDC had approved an economic management policy for engaging with different companies.
- The tourism strategy had been agreed. Tourism brought £201million per annum, into North Kesteven district.
- The S106 contribution due from a housing development on Lincoln Road had not yet been received and this was being “chased” by NKDC. A total of £185,500 was expected for the district.
Cllr Waldeck advised that:
- The parking on the grass verge at Speedway Corner was being investigated by the NKDC Enforcement Team. Concerns about the parking of cars for sale on the garage forecourt was also being investigated as part of a fire risk assessment.
The Chairman thanked the Councillors, and they left the meeting.
5. Financial Matters.
Information had been circulated prior to the meeting and the Clerk answered questions. A couple of budget headings required amending.
5.1. To approve the payments made and consider the invoices for payment received since the meeting held on 8 October 2024.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made and received since the last meeting. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
5.2. To consider /approve the bank reconciliations for October 2024.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliations. Proposed by Cllr Bain, second by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
5.3. To receive a financial report from the RFO.
This had been circulated prior to the meeting and Cllr Bain had “spot checked” the petty cash.
5.4. To received notification of the NJC staff pay awards for FY 2024-2025 as agreed by the government and unions.
The agreed inflationary pay award for staff was £1,290.00 per annum for full time staff (pro-rota for part time staff), to be back dated to 1 April 2024. This would be paid in the November pay.
6. To receive the Clerk’s report (for information only).
This had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Clerk answered questions.
7. To receive an update on co-option to Ruskington Parish Council.
No expressions of interest or applications had been received.
8. To receive a briefing on Council’s new duty to prevent sexual harassment (Equality Act 2010 s26 Harassment).
Information had previously been circulated and the slides from a briefing attended by the Clerk were displayed and discussed at the meeting. Council had updated its Dignity at Work Policy to include sexual harassment, the reporting process, and how this would be dealt with.
Action: Once the government had published clear guidelines, the model document from LALC would be used to create a policy for Council to adopt.
9. To consider /approve the following Terms of Reference and policies following review: -
The policies had been reviewed, amended as required, and circulated prior to the meeting.
9.1. Working Party Terms of Reference
9.2. Volunteer policy as recommended by the HR Committee
9.3. Health & Safety at Work policy as recommended by the HR Committee
9.4. Communication Policy as recommended by the HR Committee
9.5. Flushing & Purging policy
9.6. Complaints policy
9.7. Allotment agreement (as recommended by the Recreation & Environment Committee)
9.8. Allotment policy (as recommended by the Recreation & Environment Committee)
9.9. Data Protection policy
Action: The Council RESOLVED to adopt the polices above, with the exception of the Communication Policy which would be considered at the December meeting. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
10. To consider the outcome of the public consultation for the renovation of the lychgate.
The information had been circulated prior to the meeting.
108 residents had responded to the consultation. 96% of these residents supported the Council applying for funding to renovate the lychgate.
10.1. To receive the quotes for the renovation of the lychgate, if available, and agree the heritage contractor to undertake the work.
Four firms specialising in heritage and conservation joinery work had been invited to quote. All had received the same specification and a closing date of 29 October for the return of the quotes. The Clerk had meet three contractors on site. One quote had been received.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept the quote from Carre Heritage at a cost of £11,396.00 excl VAT. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.
10.2. To agree to apply for funding for the renovation of the lychgate.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to apply to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for the full renovation cost. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
10.3. To consider using GoFundMe as a platform for receiving donations from residents for the renovation of the lychgate after consideration by the Estate Management and Planning Committee.
The Council accepted the Committee’s recommendation that GoFundMe was not an appropriate platform for requesting/receiving donations.
11. To consider the architect’s proposed drawing for the pavilion café and additional Parkfield carparking.
These had been circulated prior to the meeting and were available and reviewed at the meeting.
During this review, the remaining two members of public left the meeting.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the drawings and for the architect to submit these to planning. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved with five votes for and one abstention.
12. To consider the quotes for the water tanks to provide hot water for the showers in the changing rooms to ensure they are compatible with current legislation, including connecting the system to the solar panels.
Action: Further quotes for using the solar panels to heat the hot water in the changing rooms to be obtained. To apply for a grant for the work if possible.
13. To consider the felling of two silver birch trees, by the Environment Caretaker, on the boundary of Elmtree playing field that cast shade on a property and planting two suitable trees in a better location in Elmtree playing field.
Action: The Council RESOLVED that the two silver birch trees be felled by the Environment Caretaker and for two fruit trees to be planted at an appropriate location in Elmtree playing field. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Conway and approved unanimously.
14. To consider the expenditure of £1533.15 for the caretakers to improve the three entrances to Horseshoe Hollow for inclusion in the budget for FY 2025-2026, as agreed in principle at the meeting on 8 October 2024.
Information and itemised quote previously circulated.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the expenditure to improve the three entrances to Horseshoe Hollow for inclusion in the 2025-2026 budget. Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
15. To consider the quotes / cost for hiring equipment to clear the ditch along the boundary of Parkfield playing fields and Tomlinson Way for informing the budget setting for 2025-2026.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to include the expenditure of £350.00 for the Environment Caretaker to hire the equipment and clear the ditch in the 2025-2026 budget.
16. To receive the soil assessment and feasibility report for a scrape in Parkfield playing fields.
The Environment Caretaker had undertaken a detailed assessment of the soil at the location identified for the proposed scrape. His detailed assessment had been circulated prior to the meeting. The site was not considered suitable for a scrape, especially as a modern plastic drain pipe had been exposed and re-covered
Action: Other solutions for the boggy area at the playing fields to be considered, and another project for the donation to alleviate flooding to be agreed.
17. To consider/adopt the Terms and Conditions and Hire Agreements for the use of Parkfield facilities as recommended by the Recreation and Environment Committee: -
17.1. Lions JFC
17.2. Sleaford Athletic FC
17.3. Other sports teams
17.4. Non sporting users
Action: The Council RESOLVED to adopt the Terms and Conditions and Hire Agreements above. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
18. To consider the options for improving the ground at the playing fields, if available.
Information had been circulated prior to the meeting and the Clerk had contacted Heckington Parish Council as their playing fields had been noted to be in excellent condition.
18.1. To consider the quotes for the required grass cutting and grooming machinery, if available.
Quotes were being obtained and would be considered at the December meeting.
18.2. To consider the quotes for turf management by a contractor (scarifying, aerating etc.), if available.
One quote had been received and others were awaited. Deferred to the December meeting.
19. To consider the request by the Administrative Assistant to subscribe to Canva Pro at a cost of £100.00 per annum to help improve digital design and communication.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to upgrade the subscription to Canva Pro at a cost of £100.00. proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
20. To receive an update on the status of the Emergency Plan – Cllr Ditch
Cllr Ditch had reviewed and rewritten the emergency plan using a new format to make the plan more user friendly. This had been assessed by the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum (LRF) and suggestions had been made. Cllr Ditch had also met with the owner of Baxter’s Garage, and they were keen to be involved in an emergency and to use their equipment if required. They would also use their business contacts to raise awareness and encourage volunteers. The Environment Caretaker had attended the latest emergency plan training organised by LRF.
21. To consider the quotes for repainting the lines at Parkfield MUGA and Elmtree MUGA.
Two quotes had been obtained and one was awaited.
Action: The Council RESOLVED expenditure of up to £1,000 for the repainting of the lines at both MUGAs. The work to be completed in spring and after the MUGAs had been cleaned. Proposed by Cllr Trolley, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson and approved unanimously.
22. To receive planning applications, or ratify the comments of the Estate Management and Planning Committee regarding planning applications, received from NKDC since the last meeting.
a. Application Reference: 24/1152/HOUS
Proposal: Remove 10ft Conifer Hedge and replace with 6 ft Fence
Location: 1 Nene Close Ruskington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9HJ
Action: The Council had no objections to this application.
b. Application Reference: 24/1225/TPO T1
Description of works: T1. Hawthorn - Fell and remove due to cavity in the base of the trunk.
T2&T3 - Hawthorn - Reduce canopy by approx. 2m and shape. T4 - Hawthorn Bush - Reduce by approx. 1m and shape.
Location: 3 Whitehouse Road, Ruskington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9TP
Action: The Council had no objections to this application.
c. Notification of Receipt of Amended Plans/ Additional Information
Application Reference: 24/0179/HOUS
Proposal: Demolish and rebuild flat roof extension, convert utility buildings to
domestic use, replace porch with garden room, internal works to main dwelling,
erection of outdoor kitchen with store and shower room and installation of solar
panels and battery storage.
Location: 15 Holme Lane Ruskington Sleaford
Action: The Council had no objections to these amended plans.
d. Notification of Receipt of Amended Plans/ Additional Information
Application Reference: 24/0180/LBC
Proposal: Demolish and rebuild flat roof extension, convert utility buildings to
domestic use, replace porch with garden room, internal works to main dwelling,
erection of outdoor kitchen with store and shower room and installation of solar
panels and battery storage.
Location: 15 Holme Lane Ruskington Sleaford
Action: The Council had no objections to these amended plans.
23. To receive notification of planning applications approved by NKDC since the last meeting.
No notification of approved applications had been received from NKDC.
24. Correspondence - for information only. (Circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).
a. LALC (via email) - Fortnightly e-newsletter
b. Lincolnshire Alert (via email on 7/10/2024) - Crime and Community survey for 2024
c. NKDC (via email on 7/10/2024) – Publicising refuse collection days for Christmas 2024
d. Quickline (via email on 9/10/2024) - Broadband work in Ruskington area
e. Resident (via email on 16/10/24) – Tree in Elmtree playing field casting shade on a property. (Agenda item, above).
f. Ruskington Veteran’s Group (via email on 21/10/2024) – Thank you to Council for the use of the Garden of Remembrance for the service to dedicate their standard.
g. DVLA (by post on 21/10/2024) – Upcoming changes to electric vehicle tax from 1 April 2025. (DVLA will send a reminder to Council.)
h. LALC (via email on 23/10/2024) - October training bulletin.
i. Resident (via email on 24/10/2024) – Gate between the community garden and community orchard always locked. (Caretakers asked to ensure this is open as publicised.)
j Resident – (via email) – Information regarding the history of the Garden of Remembrance
k. Resident – (via email on 31/10/2024) – Lack of working footpath Northfield Cresent (signposted to Fix my Street)
l. NKDC (via email on 31/10/2024) – Updated information for Operation Bridge (protocol for the death of King Charles III or other senior royal).
m. LCC Events Management (via email on 31/10/2024) – Requirement for event organisers to have £10 million public liability cover and for the evidence to be submitted with road closure requests.
25. To receive Members’ Reports – for information only. (Any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.)
- Cllr Tomlinson offered to take the lead on the publicity for the village entry signs.
- Cllr Bain advised that he had used an AI tool to create a summary for the volunteer policy and had advised the Clerk on how to use this tool to create further policy summaries.
26. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following contractual and staffing matters below.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to exclude the public and press to discuss the agenda items below. Proposed by Cllr Ditch, seconded by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
Following a request by Cllr Cotter, Council RESOLVED to change the order of the agenda so agenda items 27 and 28 (staff pay and staff pensions could be discussed after items 29 - 31.1, allowing Cllr Cotter to leave the meeting and not return). Proposed by Cllr Cotter, seconded by Cllr Ditch and approved unanimously.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.28pm. The meeting reconvened at 9.28pm.
27. To consider the Heads of Terms and other documentation for the lease of the office units as recommended by the Estate Management and Planning Committee.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to adopt the Heads of Terms without amendment. Approved by Cllr Ditch, second by Cllr Bain and approved unanimously.
28. To consider the cleaning of the parish office following renovation work to remove the dust and debris as recommended by the Estate Management and Planning Committee.
Action: The Clerk to obtain quotes for the post renovation clean.
28.1. To consider the weekly cleaning of the office units at the rear of the parish office by contractor as recommended by the Estate Management and Planning Committee.
Action: Quotes to be obtained.
29. To consider any recommendations of the Estate Management and Planning Committee for the lease of the public toilets on Church Street.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to extend the lease of the public toilets, and to consider applying for funding at a later date to renovate the toilets. Proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Trolley and approved unanimously.
29.1. To consider a public consultation for the public toilets to inform the renewal of the lease and/or future funding bids to renovate the toilets.
As Council had resolved to extend the lease for the toilets, a public consultation was not required.
30. To consider recommendations from the HR Cttee regarding staff pay for FY 2025-2026- Cllr Bain.
The Clerk displayed information previously circulated by the RFO and answered questions on the RFO’s pay band.
Action: This item was deferred until further information was available.
The Clerk left the meeting at 9.52pm.
31. To consider recommendations from the HR Cttee regarding staff pensions for FY 2025-2026 – Cllr Bain.
Action: This item was deferred until further information was available.
The Clerk returned to the meeting at 10.15pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.15pm
Clerk’s Report for the November 2024 meeting. |
Meeting date: 12 November 2024
Author: Kathryn Locke – Clerk to Council
Purpose of report: To provide an update report from the Clerk on business conducted since the meeting held on 8 October 2024.
Min ref 5.5a. The Ruskington Short Mat Bowls Club have received their donation of £250.00 and have expressed their delight and thank you to Council.
Min ref 5.7. The allotment lease agreements have been amended to state that a £50.00 deposit per plot will be required from 1 October 2025.
Min ref 6. No communication from Castle print has been received. The Admin Assistant is preparing the 34 posters for printed (inserting text boxes to state what the posters are for and the child’s first name and age.)
Min ref 8. B and B Tree Care Specialists felled the two trees in the closed churchyard on 22/23 October 2024 that were compromising the integrity of the church building. The unsuccessful tree surgeons had been emailed with letters of regret
Min ref 9. The successful contractor started the cleaning of the public toilets on Monday 4 November 2024 for 26 weeks. The unsuccessful contractors have been emailed with letters of regret.
Min ref 11. The adopted policies are now on the Council’s website.
Min ref 14.1 LCC has been advised to inform Virgin Media that a donation towards the Christmas trees would be welcomed.
Min ref 15. Information from Heckington Parish Council has been obtained and circulated. Members of Council are welcome to meet with the person responsible for organising the grass cutting. Following a meeting of the Recreation and Environment Committee on 21 October 2024, quotes for grass cutting and turf maintenance contractors, and machinery are being sought.
Min ref 17: The Environment Caretaker has provided a detailed and costed report for the renovation of the three entrances into Horseshoe Hollow (agenda item).
Min ref 20: Cllrs Ditch and Conway and the Clerk attended a Warm Space event at the Methodist Church on Friday 18 October 2024.
Min ref 22: There has been no further correspondence from the Village Hall Management Committee regarding an incident on 1 October 2024 and the police have not asked to view the CCTV.
Other Council Business:
Allotments - A social media post has been published to raise awareness of the allotments.
Christmas Trees - These have been ordered for delivery on Friday 15 November 2024. (49 x reamed Christmas trees suitable for brackets, 1 x 16 ft tree, 1x 13-14 ft tree, 2 x 11-12ft trees at a cost of £1293 including delivery). One of the Church trees will be located on the grass area outside the Winchelsea Centre as they will be holding a Christmas Fayre on Saturday 7 December.
- Chaos Discount has ordered batteries for the tree lights at reduced cost.
Co-option – No expressions of interest or application forms have been received.
Cemetery – The hedge along the boundary of Lindum Park has been reduced in height by the Environment Caretaker.
- Over the winter months, the Caretaker will remove two laurel bushes growing over the southern cemetery path, will trim the yew trees, and will remove a laurel bush growing out of an ashes plot.
CiL money -£5,792.06 has been received from NKDC from the housing development at Flaxwell Fields. This has been added to the reserves.
Changing rooms – The water tanks were cleaned and chlorinated on 14 October, but the electrician was unable to undertake the electrical work. This will be rescheduled. It was noted that the water tanks do not comply with water storage for a commercial / sport building and a quote has been received (agenda item).
Community Garden – Feedback on the garden remains positive. The next phase is the inclusion of four raised beds four raised beds for the growing of vegetables. These will be made by the Environment Caretaker and will be designed to be accessible for wheelchair users.
Donations – Ruskington WI has donated £85.70 for a barrel beside the Beck. (This is in additional to their sponsorship of the barrels outside the library which they also plant and tend to.) They have supplied plaques which the Buildings’ Caretaker has affixed to their tubs.
Fire Safety Checks – The five yearly fire safety inspections of the parish office, pavilion, toilets and changing rooms was undertaken by CQMS on 4 November 2024. This was last completed in November 2019.
- Fire extinguisher cabinet – The Env Caretaker installed this outside the COSHH storeroom on 18/10/2024 and relocated the fire extinguishers from inside the storeroom to the cabinet.
Funding and Grants – NKDC has awarded Council £1254.12 from its Litter Picking Grant for 2024-2025. This money has been received.
- £4,382.71 from LCC Highways is expected for the Parish Agreement (grass cutting grant) for 2024-2025.
Garden of Remembrance – This was tidied and prepared for the Remembrance Sunday service (10 November 2024).
Highways – LCC has unblocked the drains on Holme Lane and other areas around the village.
- A damaged grit bin at the junction of Parkfield Road and Pinfold Way will be removed by LCC Highways. The grit bin contains white salt which has not been used for five years suggesting the bin/ grit is not used. The caretakers and Council records show that the grit has not been used from this bin. A missing grit bin on Westcliffe Road has been reported.
Horseshoe Hollow –A local farmer baled and removed the grass cuttings on 15/10/2024.
- A contractor will be flail cutting the hedge between the allotments and Horseshoe Hollow at a cost of £280.00 excl VAT. The date to be confirmed. The Environment Caretaker will act as the banksman. Ongoing hedge maintenance to be conducted by the Environment Caretaker.
Lychgate renovation – Four local firms who undertake heritage and conservation joinery/carpentry have been asked to provide quotes and have been provided with the same specification. Three contractors have made site visits, and one quote has been received (agenda item). The closing date for the return of quotes was 29 October 2024.
MUGA – The lines require repainting. Three contractors have been contacted. The Clerk met with two contractors on 31/10/2024. Two quotes have been circulated (agenda item).
Parkfield playing fields – Following the Recreational and Environment Committee on 21 October 2021, feasibility for the scrape is being explored. The Environment Caretaker obtained soil samples on 25 October 2024 and his report has been circulated (agenda item).
Parish Office Renovation and Conversion –
- The EPC assessment was conducted by EPC For Property on Monday 14 October for the parish office and the rear offices units. The Parish Office is rated B and the rear office is rated C. The EPCs are available on the Government website. The plan of the rear of the building has been sent to Mundy’s.
- The Buildings’ Caretaker has tiled around the bathroom and kitchen sinks, and the kitchen windowsill.
- The kitchen sink is now operational.
- Hot water heaters for the bathroom and kitchen sinks have been installed.
- The “Lincat” machine (hot water for beverages) has been installed.
Parish Office - leasing the office units - Mundy’s will be taking the publicity photos on Monday 18 November and will revise the costs for renting the units.
Pavilion and Changing Rooms – These continue to be left untidy with items not being stored in the external storeroom. A white line marker is being stored in the changing rooms. Sports teams have been emailed about the above, and advised about the planning application for the pavilion café.
- The men’s team has been asked to supply a list of their home matches so the caretaker can turn the hot water for showers on and off.
- Pavilion renovation – A draft of the proposed plan has been circulated for comments and amendments. This was reviewed by the Recreational and Environment Committee on 21 October 2024 and the Estate management Committee on 28 October 2028. An amended plan and responses to the architect’s questions have been submitted. A revised plan was circulated on 31 October 2024 (agenda item). A paper copy is available in the office.
Public Toilets – The contract cleaner commenced the cleaning of the toilets on 4 November 2024.
- The toilets will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day (as usual).
- NKDC has issued a Section 25 notice for renewing the lease for the toilets. (The current lease ends in 2026 (agenda item).
- The Building’s Caretaker has replaced a wooden fence “modesty” panel outside the ladies’ toilets at accost of £20.00.
Staff Matters – The Clerk and RFO will be attending the Clerk’s networking day organised by LALC on 26 November 2024 at Welbourn Village Hall. This will include a SLCC meeting.
- The Clerk will be out of the office (TOIL) on 10/11 December 2024. The RFO will be attending and taking the minutes of the ordinary meeting on 10 December.
Village entry signs – These were installed on Monday 7 October 2024 by Allen Signs. Publicity for the event needs to be arranged.
Dates for upcoming meetings –
- Estate Management and Planning Committee – Monday 25 November 2024
- Finance Committee – Monday 2 December 2024.
- Ordinary December meeting – Tuesday 10 December 2024.
- D/Cllrs Wright and Waldeck are arranging a surgery in Ruskington. RPC will be invited to attend. Date TBC. Venue – The Winchelsea Centre.